Monday, September 20, 2010



One Night Stands: The Internet's Perspective

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 10:51 AM PDT

SomethingAwful is my favorite website ever. Although it doesn’t compete with 4Chan or Reddit for extreme NSFW!! grossness, it’s by far the funniest of all those forum sites, and the users are generally smarter than your average goons. Hell, sometimes they are even nice to women (I know, white knight n00bs). So when a laaaaady goon recently asked about the general protocol of the “one night stand” and if they all do really have to end in the walk of shame, the responses were generally thought-provoking instead of trollish. We even sort of agreed with the couple of the responses! Take a look:


I’ve always been curious about this. We all know about the walk of shame, the whole “we’re married now, right?” stories, and the general bullshit that surrounds the common human practice of getting some strange every once in a while.

But even allowing for the general latitude that comes with this particular territory, my experience with this topic has resulted in some nagging questions. Is it really THAT weird to not be uncomfortable the next morning? What the Hell’s wrong with snuggling for a while when you wake up? Does EVERYBODY avoid the person when they happen to run into them later?

Pardon the potential ludicrousness of these questions, but some recent (drunken) conversations have brought them to the forefront of the psyche of yours truly. I told a friend that a one nighter resulted in a long distance friendship that rather clearly has no potential for a repeat performance…we’re basically internet friends. My buddy thought this was freakishly weird. He also thought it was weird that my friends knew.

This seems to be one of those topics that everyone has experience with, but no one really wants to talk about. So let’s exploit the anonymity of the internet, dammit, and pull back the curtain: share your insights, maybe we can clear some of the fog.

I love how you think my options are being a virgin or feeling shame that I have had sex.

I normally just rob their apartment after they’re asleep, so I can definitely see the awkwardness of still being there in the morning.

Post from: Crushable

One Night Stands: The Internet's Perspective

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 09:52 AM PDT

David Letterman in on the Joaquin Phoenix hoax – Was Letterman in on the JP ruse the whole time? A Late Show writer is claiming the TV host knew about Joaquin’s joke before his now infamous interview — and was eager to play along. Lame! (via Popeater)

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Justin Bieber Normal 16-Year-Old After All

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 10:08 AM PDT

…We just wonder how pissed Kim Kardashian’s going to be when she sees that her T&A isn’t enough to satisfy the Biebs boob-lust. Then again, this might be the most damning evidence yet of Justin Bieber’s heterosexuality. (Via)

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Justin Bieber Normal 16-Year-Old After All

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 09:47 AM PDT

Lady Gaga: Heart In the Right Place, But Body Still Being Photographed by Terry RichardsonLilit Marcus over at has some strong feelings about Lady Gaga’s work with Terry “I’m a Creep” Richardson. Definitely a worthwhile read. (via TheGloss)

Post from: Crushable

Is Mindy Kaling Leaving 'The Office?'

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 09:40 AM PDT

With Steve Carrel’s contract for The Office expiring this season, and his vocal guarantee that he won’t be renewing his contract, there’s been much speculation about how the show can continue without its lynch pin boss…or even if it should continue. Even with names like Ricky Gervais (the creator and star of the original British Office) being thrown around as possible replacements, most people seem to agree that the show has been treading water for at least a season. And that means more and more cast-members jumping ship. The most recent edition? Mindy Kaling, who plays the ditsy Kelly on the show.
From yesterday’s New York Magazine interview (which she did with partner in crime and on-screen amour B.J. Novak):

"This isn't some big scoop or anything, but I can see this season being my last. Right now, I'm hankering for new adventures … Ninety percent of the time I'm having romantic-comedy fantasies in which I'm wearing little pencil skirts and hurrying down to the subway."

Oh Mindy, we’ll follow you wherever you go (your tweets are hilarious), but if you’re leaving Scranton, then it might be time to pull the plug on the whole show. After all, who are we supposed to care about now? Jim and Pam’s baby? Toby?

Post from: Crushable

Is Mindy Kaling Leaving 'The Office?'

Daily Cat Video: Gangster Movie Actor

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 08:49 AM PDT

We’re pretty sure this cat’s been watching too much Sopranos. Or perhaps he signed up for a stage combat class? Either way, this little guy is the Al Pacino of kittens. Hey buddy: Leave the gun, take the Fancy Feast.

Post from: Crushable

Daily Cat Video: Gangster Movie Actor

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 09:17 AM PDT

See If You Can Hear ‘True Blood‘’s’ Ryan Kwanten’s Voice In That Owl Movie – We honestly thought this was some sort of Harry Potter spin-off, but apparently Legends of the Guardian is a very real movie, with Jason Stackhouse in his native Aussie accent. Can you hoo-hoo-hear it? (via YouTube)

Post from: Crushable

Video: We Are Confused About 'The Virginity Hit'

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 08:33 AM PDT

“So this Virginity Hit movie, it’s is like American Pie, but a documentary?”
“No, it’s not a documentary.”
“Then why does it look like a documentary? Is it like Jackass or something? Does Jackass qualify as a documentary, if you film it on hand-held?”
“No, that’s just what people do now, because it looks cool and gives you the illusion that you’re watching something only semi-scripted, and therefore more ‘true to life.’ It’s ‘mumblecore.’”
“I thought mumblecore was an independant film movement, unrelated to big studio productions.”
“No. Even though literally anyone can make that kind of movie now, studios are realizing that it cut costs and gives a more “edgy” feel to films if they are shot this way. Plus, very good for viral marketing tie-ins!”
“Whatever. I’m going to go watch Catfish.”

Post from: Crushable

Video: We Are Confused About 'The Virginity Hit'

Celebrity Look Alike Gallery: Stars And Their Cartoon Counterparts

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 08:37 AM PDT

  • Lily Allen is Dora the Explorer!
  • If Count Chocula were real he'd be Eric Balfour. (And would probably have diabetes.)
  • Kristen Stewart's got Jane Lane from Daria's attitude down pat.
  • We were particularly pleased to discover that Paul Dano's alter-ego is Charlie Brown.
  • Kevin James? Definitely Grimace. Somebody get this guy something purple to wear.

After we posted a photo of Lily Allen at a London fashion show yesterday, we couldn’t stop thinking about how much the singer looks like Dora the Explorer. (Although Lily seems too down to earth to walk around with a pet monkey, thank goodness.) That got us wondering: are their other celebs out there whose doppelgangers come in the form of animated characters? If our gallery’s any indication, the answer is a definite yes.

Post from: Crushable

Celebrity Look Alike Gallery: Stars And Their Cartoon Counterparts

Even More Reason to Chew Your Nails

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 08:26 AM PDT

Spicy Dorito AND Cool Ranch nail designs? If these taste as good as they look, we’ve totally solved our problem of just dipping our hands directly into bags of chip crumbs and rummaging around so we can have the taste stick on our hands all day.

(Photo via Reference Library)

Post from: Crushable

Even More Reason to Chew Your Nails

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