Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Superficial - Because You're Ugly

The Superficial - Because You're Ugly

Heidi Montag Just Likes to Feel Useful

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 05:56 PM PDT

And now for the most shocking, and unpredictable news of the day: Heidi Montag is in a bikini! I realize some of you might not believe it, but let it be known, I admire your skepticism. Here she is in Costa Rica yesterday pretending the paparazzi are somehow taking pictures of her from inside her house Read More ...

Oh, Good, They Remembered the Burrito

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 04:26 PM PDT

Twenty years in the industry, yet poor Carla never made it past burrito-stuffer. “But she’s got a crammer’s hands,” they’d often say… I know I just posted pics from a Marvel movie set, but I’m a giant nerd and this is my blog, so here are the first stunt shots from Captain America in London today Read More ...

Guess Where Paris Hilton Smuggles Drugs

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 03:26 PM PDT

Too subtle? You’re right. In a new tell-all book written by former Girls Gone Wild cameraman Ryan Simkin, Joe Francis is accused of allegedly being stupid enough to use Paris Hilton’s vagina of all landfills as his personal coke mule, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Then again, I probably shouldn’t underestimate the convenience of large storage Read More ...

January Jones as Emma Frost and Other News

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 03:23 PM PDT

- Lady GaGa almost Tim McGraw’d a bitch. - Tom Cruise might be expecting. Don’t quote me on that. - Katy Perry still has huge breasts and is therefore extremely important. Oh, thank God. - Jessica Simpson is somehow meatier than Lady GaGa’s new bikini. - Natalie Portman > Blake Read More ...

Snooki Called ‘Lindsay Lohan Wannabe’ in Court of Law

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 01:34 PM PDT

Snooki appeared in court today to face charges for her drunken arrest last month and managed to walk away with only a $500 fine, but not before the judge compared her to Lindsay Lohan causing Paris Hilton to shoot a butler and scream, “What the fuck?!” into a pile of Dalmatian pelts. Us Magazine reports: Read More ...

Angelina Jolie Criticizes Quran Burning

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 12:06 PM PDT

Oh, good. Just what this situation needed: Hollywood! While visiting Pakistan yesterday (above), Angelina Jolie voiced her opinion on a small Florida church’s planned burning of the Quran this coming Saturday, September 11. The issue has received international attention including a statement from General Petraeus which can basically be summed up as, “Hey, gee thanks, this Read More ...

Britney Spears Sexually Harassed a Man for Soda

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 10:32 AM PDT

“Did someone say ’sodey pop’? *vagina diddle*” Britney Spears‘ former bodyguard Fernando Flores is officially filing a lawsuit today alleging the Legally Retarded One sexually harassed him numerous times during his employment although, in my opinion, this is clearly a classic case of making sure he remembers what kind of soda she likes. That’s all. TMZ Read More ...

Khloe Kardashian’s Not One of Them!

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 09:04 AM PDT

Seen here proving she does shop in the maternity section, Khloe Kardashian is allegedly the result of an affair between Kris Jenner and another man thus making Khloe not a real Kardashian like everyone with a set of eyes always suspected. (For those of you keeping score at home, that’s two theories confirmed in two Read More ...

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