Blind Item: Housewife Or Ho??? Posted: 27 Jan 2011 06:08 AM PST |
Fors Sistas Only: Experiment With Real Hair Vs Wigs “F*ck Dis Natural Hair Sh*t!” [Video] Posted: 27 Jan 2011 05:58 AM PST |
DWTS’ Cheryl Burke Says She Was Molested As A Child Posted: 27 Jan 2011 05:44 AM PST  Damn, this is deep: ‘Dancing With the Stars” hoofer Cheryl Burke is breaking her silence on being molested by a family friend when she was 5 years old. It’s a horror she relives daily — and she fears for her safety now that her tormentor is out of prison and roaming the streets. “It was lots of touching,” Burke, 26, tells People magazine about her molester — a retired mailman who would often pick her up from school and do odd jobs around her family’s house in Atherton, Calif. “He would pull my pants down in his van or he would touch me in the living room while [her caregiver] Ima was in the kitchen cooking,” she says. The man was eventually arrested after trying to sexually assault Burke’s stepsister and her friend. Burke, who was then 6 years old, testified against him in court. “That was the scariest moment of my life,” she tells People (the issue hits newsstands today). The man was convicted and sentenced to more than 20 years in prison. “I felt disgusted with myself for the longest time,” Burke says, adding that she still recoils when she sees mailmen or vans that look like the van her molester drove. “I knew what he did was wrong, but I wanted this older man’s affection,” she says. And now that he’s out of prison, Burke is extremely wary. “It creeps me out,” she says. “My worst nightmare is to run into him. Not until he dies will I be able not to worry.” Burke opens up about the abuse in her new book, “Dancing Lessons,” in which she also discusses abusive boyfriends — including one who beat her with a belt, leaving her with “huge welts.” SMH. Hopefully she’s moving forward and choosing better men…so sad. Source  
You Can’t Be Serious: This Wankster Wants Facebook To Pay Him $500k For Suspending His Account Posted: 27 Jan 2011 05:36 AM PST  Doesn’t a lawsuit have to meet certain criteria before it’s filed? We cannot believe that an attorney or court of law actually found merit in this loser’s lawsuit. Mustafa Fteja said his account was disabled in September, cutting off his access to friends and family around the world, as well as to personal memories and photos. “That was how I stayed in touch with people,” said Fteja, 39, who estimated he had about 340 friends when he was inexplicably cut off. He said he has pressed the company for months to find out what happened, but to no avail. “You call, they don’t answer the phone. You write, they don’t reply,” he said — leaving him no choice but to go to court to get what he considers his property back. “I lived in a communist country where people had no rights. This looks the same to me,” the Montenegro native said. “I’m not doing this for money. I’m doing this for justice,” he said. Fteja, who filed his suit against the $50 billion company in Manhattan Supreme Court yesterday, said he has been using Facebook for about three years, mainly to keep in touch with family and friends in Montenegro, Albania, Germany and Austria. He found out he had been cut off on Sept. 24, when he tried to sign on to his account, but couldn’t. After a few more attempts, the site told him his account had been “disabled.” He tried to find out why, but only got a form e-mail back two weeks later telling him he had somehow violated the terms of the Facebook agreement. The Web site typically cuts off users if they’ve posted objectionable content, or are suspected of spamming. “I know one thing — I didn’t do anything. I didn’t violate anything,” Fteja said, adding he wouldn’t be suing if he had. “Did somebody hack my account? I don’t know. If it’s that somebody hacked my account, Facebook should help me. If you have a problem with your AOL login, AOL helps you. Not Facebook,” he said. Since the site didn’t inform his list of friends that his account had been disabled, many assumed he had de-friended them. “I don’t know if you’re mad at me or what’s going on,” one female friend told him in a voicemail. His suit notes that Fteja is Muslim, and charges Facebook with religious discrimination. “You don’t treat people like that,” he said. “They make a lot of money from the people. Why treat your customers like that?” Religious discrimination? You’re not in it for the money?? And he still wants his account restored??? GTFOHWTS. Source  
Which One Would You Hit?: Jenna Jameson Calls Chelsea Handler A “Dried Up Old Whore”!!! Posted: 27 Jan 2011 05:31 AM PST  Oh yeah, now THIS is a b*tch fight that we can definitely dig! This could get vicious. Late on Wednesday night, former porn star and actress Jenna Jameson sent out a pair of angry tweets directed toward comedienne Chelsea Handler, calling her out for what she considered unethical comedy — and body issues. “Chelsea handler makes fun of peoples kids… Probably because she’s a dried up old whore,” Jameson tweeted. She then added, “Just cuz I say it like it is…… Don’t hate…… She talks massive shit.. Ok, whatever….” While Jameson’s tweets were vague, she may have been referring to an interview that Handler did in December with Katie Couric for Glamour, in which she referenced both Jameson and jokes about children. “I don’t like the word raunchy. I’m irreverent and I say things that a lot of people wouldn’t say, and some of it probably isn’t in the best taste,” Handler said. “But when I hear the word raunchy, to me that describes Jenna Jameson. Look, I’m never going to please everybody.” As for children, she said: “I think talking about children and their looks is not nice. Like, unattractive children. I don’t do that. And I don’t talk about people who are dying. I think that’s inappropriate.” Sorry Jenna, we hear what you’re saying because Chelsea does talk big sh*t, but she IS actually funny. But the reality is that you’re a jizz-bucket, and thus get no wins in her casa. Best bet is to fall back before you end up like Angelina Source  
Nelson Mandela Hospitalized…”In No Danger And Is In Good Spirits” Posted: 27 Jan 2011 05:29 AM PST  Get well Madiba: The South African ruling party appealed for calm Thursday after Nelson Mandela was hospitalized a day earlier in Johannesburg. A spokesman for the African National Congress said Mandela was undergoing routine tests. “It is a well-known fact that Madiba is 92-years-old and no longer a young man,” said Jackson Mthembu, the spokesman. “As South Africans, let us all allow doctors at the hospital to do their best in conducting tests on our elder statesman. We also wish to confirm that Madiba is well taken care of at the hospital.” Madiba is the former president’s clan name, which is popular in the country. The spokesman also urged the media to “refrain from making unfounded and unwarranted speculation” on Mandela’s health. “We also request the media, in particular, to give Madiba’s family and the hospital the necessary privacy,” the spokesman said. Mandela was flown to a Johannesburg hospital on Wednesday from Cape Town, where he was on vacation, according to a source close to his family who is not authorized to speak to the media. “He is in no danger and is in good spirits,” his foundation said in a statement. Mandela rarely makes public appearances. His last appearance was at the closing ceremonies of the World Cup in South Africa over the summer. Wow…92-Years-Old, bless his heart. Via CNN  
Brandy’s Dirty Tattoo Got A Facelift Posted: 27 Jan 2011 05:07 AM PST |
End Of Days: Another Foot Of “That White” Cripples The Northeast Posted: 27 Jan 2011 05:00 AM PST  We don’t care what political affiliation you have, you can’t tell us that there’s not something going on with the weather. Call it global warming, or whatever you like but something is causing these blizzards and extreme low temperatures. The Big Apple was brought to a virtual halt early this morning by another monster storm — this one not only shutting area airports, but also closing city public schools and non-emergency government offices, as well as forcing the suspension of all buses citywide. According to the National Weather Service, 19 inches of snow had accumulated in Central Park thanks to the one-two punch that hit the city yesterday and overnight. The Department of Sanitation said this morning that all primary roads had been plowed and are now passable, and that they will aim to have every road plowed by tonight. The second round of snow began at around 8 p.m., falling at about an inch an hour. It quickly caused horrific driving conditions that included near-zero visibility and ice-slicked roads. Winds gusted up to 30 mph. The snow was expected to taper off early today — but it could still wreak havoc for morning commuters. Subways that normally run express are expected to go local, with some sections that run above ground suspended. Metro-North is runinning its Harlem and Hudson lines on a Saturday schedule and has suspended service for its New Haven line. The LIRR will be running on a reduced weekday schedule. The Sanitation Department deployed more than 2,000 pieces of equipment attempting to clear major roads by the morning rush. The original forecast was for about half the amount of snowfall, and the surge caught officials by surprise. It wasn’t until mid-morning yesterday that alternate-side and meter parking rules were suspended and a weather emergency declared. The parking reprieve continues today, and trash pickup has been suspended. More than 1,000 flights had been canceled at the area’s three major airports before they were shuttered Good luck to those of you reading this from your living room or bed because your job or school is shut down. Source  
Terry McMillan Tweets On Will And Jada Smith’s Parenting Skills: I Find It Sad… The Smith Children Are Being Exploited And Pimped!!! Posted: 27 Jan 2011 04:42 AM PST  Author Terry McMillan took to Twitter to discuss how disgusted she is with the way Jada and Will have been raising little Jaden and Willow Smith. Even though she’s a fan of the Karate Kid, the egos of the children have taken her concern to another level… Do You Agree??? The Smith children already act like child stars. There's an arrogance in their demeanor and behavior. I find it incredibly sad. It feels like the Smith children are being pimped and exploited. Or, they're already hungry for fame. What about 4th grade? A lot of A-list movie stars shielded their children from the Hollywood-world until they were old enough to decide. Look at those who didn't. Look at Lindsay. Phoenix. To name but a few. They miss out on childhood. It's more important than fame. These kids don't already know what they "love". Total bullshit. They're not prodigies. They think Hollywood is real. Why don't they do a remake of The Little Rascals and call it a day? Or, come up with an original film with some ethnic pride. Come on. Okay. I've said enough about the Smith children. I'm not debating about them. It's just my opinion. People can justify anything, though. In 4th grade my son came home complaining that the kids in his school said I was famous and rich. I told him that was not true. That some of my books were popular but not everybody liked them. That we could afford a vacation. "Oh" he said, and went back & repeated it. I wanted him to think of me as his mother. He didn't read any of my novels until he was 15. He only read 26 pages. Was bored. Have a wonderful Wednesday everybody. I raised my son. I'm not wasting another minute worrying about how Will & Jada are raising their kids. P.S. I loved the Karate Kid. So… When Terry’s son came to her asking about her fame, she lies but Will and Jada are wrong for allowing their kids to get into the business, if it’s something they want to do??? Do you think all Will and Jada see are dollar signs or if things got bad they would step in and say… “This is Enough…”???  
RHOA Cynthia Bailey’s Dude Peter Wants You To Know: “She Only Gave Me $10K And I Can’t Stand Them Other Broads…” Posted: 27 Jan 2011 04:14 AM PST  Sometimes the husbands from Bravo’s hit series Real Housewives of Anything need to learn how to just shut the hell up and let their wives collect a paycheck. In the recent issue of Uptown Magazine, Cynthia’s husband, “Broke As A Joke” Peter feels the need to make clear that his wife was not the main investor in his club… It was only $10,000 AND that he would have rather her NOT disclose that information but since Bravo is currently paying the bills he rolled with the flow… Peter also spoke his true feelings on all the housewives and Andy Cohen: The Other Cast Members: If they say, "What do you think about the other Housewives?" I'm gonna say, "I can't stand Phaedra's ass. I think Kim is crazy as f–k. Nene has a big-ass mouth, okay? And Sheree's not cute! She thinks she's cute, but she's not cute." And this is ON the record. The only one I like is Kandi, and she's too soft. That's why she got played with Kim. And that's how I truly feel. Not A Freeloader… It was just $10,000: As much as I appreciate what she's done, it probably came across to everybody that she put up all this money to help me build my restaurant. No. Initially, she put up $10,000. Uptown [Restaurant and Lounge] cost several hundred thousand dollars—$10,000 couldn't buy the silverware and the plates at Uptown. So it's not like she's supported my vision and gave me money to build a restaurant 'cuz that's not what happened. And I want to clear that up. I didn't agree with her putting that out there to the public. But she's on a reality show and she's a new jack to it, so she might feel as if that's what she needed to do. I didn't agree to that. But I didn't oppose either, especially if she's telling the truth. She has the right to say it. But I don't want the viewers to leave with the impression, "Oh, sh-t. He got with this model girl and she's putting up all this money to support his sh-t." That's not the way it is. If that's the last thing I do before I die, I'll make sure that she gets her money back. If I Need Money Again… She Better Give It Up: If I need her to do something for me again, she better step up. That's part of her duty as a wife. Because she's never gonna call on me and I say no—never. It's my duty as a husband to provide whatever support to [help] her go forward. The show that I'm on is called Atlanta Housewives, not Atlanta Husbands. I'm not getting paid to be on the show. But I have to do it to support my wife. So I just gotta bite my lip, swallow my spit, and call it a day. What If They Can’t Make It: Cynthia's been independent for 11 years. She never lived with [actor and model] Leon; they just had a baby together. And she [believes] that whatever [she] makes, [she] has to hold on to it, because she's responsible for not just herself, but also her daughter [Noelle]. Even though I'm there now, she still has the mentality that, "If it doesn't work out with this Negro, for one reason or another, I would still like to have my money because it's just me and my daughter." I do respect that what's hers belongs to her. I have nothing to do with it. And what's mine is mine. We have a prenup. But if I build something and she was by my side while I was building it, that's definitely for us. ANDY COHEN’s Show: I say anything I f—ing feel, because I don't feel I need to answer to anybody but God. People are going on Andy Cohen's show and being all careful—I don't give a f-ck. If they ever put me on that sh–, I'm gonna say exactly how I feel, and that's what people wanna hear. If he asks, "What do you think about the guys in Atlanta wearing heels?" I'm gonna say, "That sh-t is not cute." Dayyuummm Peter!!! Tell Us How You Really Feel!!! Well… It’s obvious these two make it down the aisle and that checks are rolling in on Cynthia’s end. She recently put out a story with Life & Style giving full details before the wedding episode actually airs…. Click Here for the Full Article on Source  
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