Cele|bitchy |
- Glee creator Ryan Murphy bitches out Kings of Leon
- Jennifer Aniston is about to adopt a baby from Mexico, says Star Mag
- Kate Hudson allegedly ’secretly’ engaged to baby daddy Matt Bellamy
- Jessica Simpson was drunk as hell because she had just ended a detox
- Does Kirsten Dunst look kind-of pregnant to anyone else?
- People: Reese Witherspoon is with Jim Toth because “he’s a grown up”
- Will Kelsey Grammer star in his own reality show?
- The inevitable details of Natalie Portman’s ‘conflict free’ ginormous engagement ring
- Us Weekly: Jesse James has even more Nazi-related photos
- Jersey Shore cast is going to Italy - sorry Italians!
Glee creator Ryan Murphy bitches out Kings of Leon Posted: 26 Jan 2011 08:36 AM PST The cast and creator of Glee have taken this week's cover of The Hollywood Reporter, and in the interview Glee creator Ryan Murphy lashed out at some of Glee's critics. Or perceived critics. Apparently, last year Murphy tried to get Kings of Leon to give Glee permission to use the song "Use Somebody". Kings of Leon refused for whatever reason, and in this interview, Murphy lashes out belatedly:
[From Us Weekly] Yeah… Team Kings of Leon. There are millions of people who either don't know about Glee or couldn't care less about it. I am one of them, I'll admit. The few times that I've watched a few minutes of a show, the whole thing left me annoyed. I like old-school Hollywood musicals too - but I find Glee to be creepy, what with all of the balding 30-somethings pretending to be high schoolers and what with Lea Michele's face, which I just want to punch. My point is that Ryan Murphy has created a show that many people love, but the show isn't so overwhelmingly awesome that everyone agrees with his own over-inflated opinion of himself. Not everything is some uber-tragic personal criticism - sometimes, people just have other crap to do and they aren't thinking about his little show about glorified karaoke. And regarding music education and all of that - eh. I think it's nice that Glee is promoting the importance of music education in a time when music programs are being cut all over the country. BUT - shouldn't the focus be on education overall? How about math and science and history and English? |
Jennifer Aniston is about to adopt a baby from Mexico, says Star Mag Posted: 26 Jan 2011 08:12 AM PST Star Magazine decided to go with a Jennifer Aniston-is-adopting cover story this week, and from the taglines you might even think that it's true. Apparently, they got some Mexican adoption official to go on the record about Jennifer's adoption plans…? Sure. Do you like how "the adoption papers" have been "signed and sealed"? Like Aniston just filled out all of the paperwork but she doesn't know whether or not she should actually send it in - that's Star Magazine half-heartedly covering their asses for when no baby appears. That way their report won't be "wrong" - it's just that Aniston never sent in the paperwork. Probably because she was so drunk. But yes, since Star Magazine is oh-so-confident in this report, they haven't released anything online. So I can only go by the cover lines. Aniston is getting a Mexican baby - she would have to be, I guess, because that's the only country she ever travels to. Also, Aniston is "using Courteney's nanny"… because Aniston can't go out and find her own nanny, I suppose. And before every Aniston Super Fan comes in and starts yelling about how she doesn't NEED a child in her life to be complete and how the tabloids are so unbelievably UN-FEMINIST for suggesting that Aniston wants a baby… well, I agree with you. She doesn't need a baby to make her life complete, and it's not very feminist to suggest that she does. But the problem has always been that Aniston's history of selling that image of a woman who is only looking for a guy who would make a great father for the children that she will eventually have. That's the image, the lie that always gets her in trouble. What if she came out and talked about how all she wanted out of life was no babies, The Neverending Mojito and a big, random dick? Would her Super Fans still embrace her? Star Magazine cover courtesy of CoverAwards. Additional pics by Fame. |
Kate Hudson allegedly ’secretly’ engaged to baby daddy Matt Bellamy Posted: 26 Jan 2011 07:42 AM PST British rag The Sun is reporting that Kate Hudson and her British boyfriend, Matt Bellamy, held a secret “engagement party” on Monday at a hotel in London with friends and family. The details are very scarce, so The Sun may be pulling this out of their asses, or just assuming that some kind of party they held (if they even had a party) was for an engagement. Still, it seems inevitable despite US Weekly’s recent report that Kate isn’t in a rush to marry Bellamy. She strikes me as the type to want to get married if she’s pregnant. There’s nothing wrong with that, if it’s the right person for you. As far as I can tell these two have been dating all of six months.
[From US Weekly] Well if it’s true - congratulations. People like to point out that Hudson flits from man to man, but maybe she just hasn’t found the right guy since splitting with her first husband in 2007. Who am I kidding? She’ll be married a few more times in her life. She won’t rival Liz Taylor, since Liz was working on her fifth husband at Kate’s age, but she’ll on numbers three and four in less than a decade. Hope she gets a prenup with this one. |
Jessica Simpson was drunk as hell because she had just ended a detox Posted: 26 Jan 2011 07:30 AM PST Yesterday, there were some photos floating around of Jessica Simpson drunk off her ass, being escorted out of a sushi place by her fiancé. Unfortunately, we don't have access to those particular photos, but you can see them here. Fortunately, finding photos of Jessica looking drunk and/or dumb takes about three minutes of searching through our photo archives. So enjoy these older photos while Page Six tries to explain why Jessica was drunk off of her ass on one particular night. Hint: it's not because she's an alcoholic. It's because she had just come off of a detox!
[From Page Six] I'll buy that Jessica was detoxing. I'll also buy that she ate a lot of food and drank a lot of liquor and started dancing around the table. I'll also buy that she "detoxes" many, many nights, and that the girl either can't hold her liquor, or she has such a high tolerance that she has to drink A LOT to get that blitzed so consistently. Oh well… at least she never drives, you know? |
Does Kirsten Dunst look kind-of pregnant to anyone else? Posted: 26 Jan 2011 06:56 AM PST Yesterday, I put up some photos from outside of the Chanel show in Paris. Kirsten Dunst was there, as was Diane Kruger, Alexa Chung and a beautiful man named Gaspard. Anyway, last night Fame Pictures put up these photos from inside the Chanel show… and I'm not fascinated by how different Kirsten looks. Take the photo above. Kiki looks pregnant, right? CB looked at them too, and she thinks there might be something there. It's not just that Kiki has gained some weight (and it looks good on her!), it's that Kiki seems to have gained weight in the boobs and stomach area. Her face looks a little fuller too. Combined with Kiki's recent lucidity and lack of drunken shenanigans, could it be that Kiki has cleaned up her act because of a pregnancy? Of course we may be wrong. Maybe Kirsten just gained some weight and it just went to her abdomen. Maybe she got a little boob job, or she's wearing chicken cutlets in her bra. Maybe she finally realized that getting wasted all the time is a bad idea. I don’t know. But I just thought I’d raise the possibility. |
People: Reese Witherspoon is with Jim Toth because “he’s a grown up” Posted: 26 Jan 2011 06:30 AM PST Reese Witherspoon and her happy, non-controversial engagement news takes the cover of this week's People Magazine. People didn't even get a real interview with Reese, unfortunately, but I know this cover was sanctified by Reese. There are some suspiciously pointed comments that are directed at one or both of Reese's high-profile exes, although I'm not really sure who Reese is trying to hit, Jake Gyllenhaal or Ryan Phillippe. Your guess is as good as mine:
[From People] "He’s a grown-up who’s really ready to take the next step" - that sounds like it's directed at Ryan, right? Like, Ryan needs to grow up and stop screwing around. But it could also be directed at Jake too - like Jake wasn't "ready to take the next step." Also: “He’s a family-oriented guy, and that’s all she ever wanted." As in, Reese's exes were not so family oriented…? I could honestly do this all day - it's like Ryan Phillippe sending his congratulations to Reese and referring to her as "the mother of his children" - which I over-analyzed to great effect. I could literally talk about these quotes from a "friend" for two pages. People Magazine cover courtesy of CoverAwards. Additional pics courtesy of WENN. |
Will Kelsey Grammer star in his own reality show? Posted: 26 Jan 2011 06:23 AM PST
[From US Weekly] US Weekly titles this “Kelsey Grammer Wants His Own Reality Show,” but in the original article they source on Variety there’s no mention of a Kelsey-centric show. It seems like a likely next move. I could easily see him creating a reality show for himself and that Kayte character he took up with behind his wife’s back. It could be a stupid move but Kelsey is an excellent actor and he could convince people that he’s a decent guy despite all the evidence otherwise. I’m sure he’ll hide his high heels and lingerie. Kelsey is still trying to rush his divorce, probably because that 29 year-old stewardess he’s engaged to is from England and needs a visa. (Although he denies this.) Camille is pushing back through her lawyers and is fighting Kelsey’s move to “bifurcate” the divorce, which means he wants to be legally free to marry someone else right away and will deal with all the property settlement issues later. In court papers detailed by Radar Online, Camille’s lawyer lists their assets at over $120 million, including “a substantial estate which includes multiple real estate properties and their corresponding furnishings, numerous pieces of valuable art, many investment, brokerage, and bank accounts, over twenty-five vehicles.” Who needs 25 cars and houses all over the world? They may have earned over a hundred million together, but I’m surprised they’re in the black because that’s some Nicolas Cage level f*ckery. Kelsey is shown on the NY set of I Don’t Know How She Does It on 1/20/11. Credit: WENN.com He’s shown out with Kayte and their cute dog on 1/21/11. Credit: Fame. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The inevitable details of Natalie Portman’s ‘conflict free’ ginormous engagement ring Posted: 26 Jan 2011 06:07 AM PST
[From E! Online] With those last few sentences in mind, about “discounts for celebrities” and “crediting the jeweler,” here’s In Style’s article about the designer that Natalie’s fiance, Benjamin Millepie, employed to put together the ring. The jeweler was a fellow ballerina, so maybe she gave Ben a discount for that reason, but it seems like she struck the same deal with him that this other jeweler so clearly explained to E!
So this jeweler was friends with Millepied for 15 years, but she’s also done engagement rings for other celebrities and seems to regularly lend and/or gift them jewelry. This is common practice, and celebrities get so many luxurious things for free that the rest of us have to pay for. They love to make us aspire to a lifestyle that is largely comped. I like nice things, and I’m a superficial bitch in many ways, but I think it’s outrageous to pay thousands for jewelery (even if you can afford it). Check out this designer’s jewelery at Barneys. The cheapest pair of earrings is $1,950.00. |
Us Weekly: Jesse James has even more Nazi-related photos Posted: 26 Jan 2011 06:04 AM PST Less than a year ago, as Jesse James became America's number one enemy after screwing around on America's Sweetheart with Bombshell McGee, Us Weekly ran an expose of Jesse's Nazi-porn stash. They released the photo, above, of Jesse giving the salute like a dumbass, and then they had a million follow-ups, including Jesse's denial that he was or is a neo-Nazi, or that he finds anything funny or sexy or good in Nazi fetishism. Well, the dumbass never learns. Us Weekly has even more photos here - one is of Jesse smiling as a friend makes the "siel heil" salute. Another is of a cartoon character dressed as Adolf Hitler, although for that one, it's unclear if Jesse was the one to dress up the doll.
[From Us Weekly] I think it's pretty likely that Us Weekly had these photos for a little while and that they just sat on them, waiting for a good time to release them. The pics aren't as provocative as the first ones, with Jesse making the salute himself. That being said, it's been clear for a while that the whole "Jesse is a history buff" defense is full of crap. I am a history buff - I love World War II books and documentaries and memorabilia. And somehow I’ve managed to go through my life without ever rubbing a swastika on my tits, or making the “sieg hiel” salute for laughs or for erotica. Maybe Jesse doesn't shave his head and call himself a neo-Nazi, but that's probably because he's dumb as a box of hair. This bitch is all about the Aryan race, all about Nazi fetishism, and all about the white-power biker culture. It's disgusting. Photos courtesy of WENN & Us Weekly. Us Weekly cover courtesy of CoverAwards. |
Jersey Shore cast is going to Italy - sorry Italians! Posted: 26 Jan 2011 05:45 AM PST
[From TMZ] In response, an Italian-American advocacy group compared Jersey Shore to a freak show and said that this move will hurt all Americans and “make us look like buffoons and bimbos.” There are reports that castmember Ronnie is likely to be denied a Visa due to a pending investigation after he cold clocked a guy in a scene shown on Jersey Shore. It sounds like the Italian government is going to press the point. An embassy official told Radar that “Persons who are currently in the criminal process can not be issued a Visa.” I doubt that will curtail the show’s plans to film in Italy. Producers have made it sound like the kids are not irreplaceable. Ronnie is not one of the big stars and I would bet they’ll film without him. In related news, Snooki and J-Woww are getting a spinoff where they’ll live together and surely get up to all kinds of drunken hijinks. I have yet to see more than a few minutes of Jersey Shore, but The Soup (love The Soup!) had a highlight last week where J-Woww peed behind a bar because she didn’t want to walk all the way downstairs in heels to the bathroom. It was disgusting, and she didn’t even pee in a cup. You couldn’t see anything because she was crouching down and I assumed she did her business in a cup she would empty in the sink. She really peed all over the floor though, because she sprayed water over it and then declared that her pee didn’t stink. I think that segment pretty much sums up this whole franchise. It’s below. Snooki is shown on 1/13. Cast photos are from 1/6/11 on Good Morning America. Credit: WENN.com |
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