Charlie Sheen is entering rehab, ‘Two & a Half Men’ put on hiatus (update) Posted: 29 Jan 2011 05:30 AM PST  Porn family canceled! President Bartlett got his way and Charlie Sheen is entering rehab, TMZ has just announced. This comes on the heels of Charlie's not-even day-long hospitalization for some kind of "hernia" issue, because apparently in this brave new world, "hernia" is code for "coked-out, week-long porn-orgy". Charlie Sheen voluntarily checked himself in to an undisclosed rehab facility earlier today … and his show “Two and a Half Men” has been placed on indefinite “hiatus” while he undergoes treatment. “Two and a Half Men” producers released a statement saying, “Due to Charlie Sheen's decision to enter a rehabilitation center, CBS, Warner Bros. Television and executive producer Chuck Lorre are placing "Two and a Half Men" on production hiatus.” The statement continues, “We are profoundly concerned for his health and well-being, and support his decision.” Sheen’s publicist tells us, “He is most grateful to all who have expressed their concern.” As TMZ previously reported, Sheen had a briefcase of cocaine delivered to his mansion during a 36-hour bender earlier this week … and was hospitalized early Thursday morning for a hiatal hernia. [From TMZ] I really do think Charlie's dad got to him. I wonder what Martin said to him that got this disaster turned around, however briefly? I wouldn't know what to say to Charlie. I would just start slapping him and calling him names. By the way - will Charlie's team ever come out and tell the truth about what went down? Or do you think they'll stick with "hernia"? UPDATE: Charlie text-messaged the editor of Radar last night. Responding to inquiries about his health, Charlie texted: “I’m fine… People don’t seem to get it…. Guy can’t have a great time and do his job also?” And when asked about his “detractors” (Radar’s word), Charlie texted: "Bunch of turds."   Photos courtesy of Fame.  |
Bristol Palin dis-invited from paid speaking gig after student protest Posted: 29 Jan 2011 05:26 AM PST  I put this story in the links earlier, but there have been even more developments, and now it's become a "thing". Ugh. I can't even describe how much I hate writing about Bristol Palin. To me, she's worse than Kim Kardashian. At least you know what you're getting with Kim Kardashian - a cat-faced famewhore who got famous for a sex tape. With Bristol it's all lies and hustling and the grift. So, the basics of the story: Bristol Palin was invited by a student group at Washington University to be part of a panel discussion on abstinence and teen sex and such. Bristol wasn't making an appearance on the panel out of the goodness of her heart, though - it is rumored that Bristol's speaking and appearance fee would be more than $10,000. When the Washington University student body was informed of Bristol's potential appearance (and it was "potential" as it does seem like no appearance contracts were drawn up), the students revolted, mostly over the idea of their money being spent on Bristol. So… Bristol was dis-invited. And of course she's a snot about it. One thing Bristol Palin is NOT abstaining from is engaging in a war of words with the university that dumped her from a paid speaking engagement about abstinence. The 20-year-old single mom was dumped by Washington University after a student uproar over her invitation and speaking fee, which was not revealed but estimated to be as high as $20,000. Now Bristol's lawyer has release this statement to, slamming the university and even suggesting the Palin name is the real reason she was dumped. “Bristol was invited to speak with college students as part of a panel. Evidently she has now been disinvited because of apparent concerns by some vocal members of the undergraduate community," the statement reads. "Bristol is deeply disappointed that an institution that publicly claims to “listen to diverse and sometimes conflicting perspectives, to contribute rigorous academic standards and unbiased scholarship to discussions, and to encourage a civil discourse in which a pluralistic society can respectfully address complex and difficult issues” would withdraw an invitation to a speaker because of “uproar” over their assumed content of her message or even worse, because of her last name.” [From Radar] Every day brings a new martyrdom for this family of grifters. Here's an idea, Bristol: Instead of nailing yourself to the cross at every opportunity, why don't you OFFER TO SPEAK FOR FREE? Wouldn't that quiet your critics? That way, if they still didn't want you to come even when they weren't paying you, THEN you might have a reason to don your crown of thorns. Nevermind. Thankfully, Radar was able to get a statement from an outraged and well-spoken student: As previously reported Palin's scheduled appearance was cancelled following protests. One student claiming there were 563 signatures on a petition against Bristol and just 7 students standing in favor of her. One student, Ryan McCombe, 20, who is studying economics and strategy at the University, explains why he took an anti-Palin stance. "The issue meant a lot to me because I am a registered Republican and my vote went to Sarah Palin, but most of this didn't have anything to do with politics – this isn't about it being Sarah Palin’s daughter," He told "This is about paying an exorbitant amount of money to someone whose life has improved because of teenage pregnancy. Bristol got pregnant at 17 and is cashing in on that, she's not someone we should be hearing from. I want to hear from someone who had dreams and goals that were put on hold by teenage pregnancy - instead, her life has been improved financially and publicity-wise. It's very interesting how a 20-year-old who has only a GED can afford a 5-bedroom house. We don't want our student union money going to her mortgage, we're promoting responsibility." "She's promoting 'do as I say, not as I do,' and I don't agree with that. The story she has to tell doesn't line up with the reality of the situation. She may say 'I had all these dreams and they weren't realized', but she has been way more successful simply because she got pregnant at such a young age. She wouldn't have been invited on Dancing With The Stars if she hadn't gotten pregnant as a teenager. I have no intention of funding Sixteen And Pregnant or Teen Mom either!" When it comes to Palin's agreed fee, student government sources say they were ordered not to disclose the exact amount, just that $20,000 was allocated to cover the costs of the ENTIRE panel. However, it's unlikely that the other panel members, Planned Parenthood, the Catholic Student Center and the Student Health Services were being paid for their appearance on the panel – leaving a sizeable chunk of change for Palin, even after all other costs, such as venue rental, were met. But not every student was against Bristol - Scott Elman was one of the student representatives that were campaigning on behalf of Bristol speaking, and he explains to "The Student Health Advisory Committee promotes safe sex goals and trying to reduce unwanted pregnancy, we thought no issue could be discussed fully without talking about abstinence. "We thought that having Bristol, would attract a lot of students to come to the panel and promote discussion about safe sex and abstinence. We didn't want to do as it was a publicity stunt, but thought someone who has gone through teen pregnancy and an ambassador for Candie's Foundation, which promotes abstinence would be more than qualified to talk. Our goal was to engage the student body as much as possible. We were surprised by the reaction, we expected some controversy but never expected it to get so out of hand. We think people hear the name Bristol Palin and just think of her mother." "Some people don't think she's qualified just because she had a baby as a teen but I don't think they realized why she actually is qualified or why we chose her. We expect students to be open to another point of view and we're a little disappointed in the way they reacted and the overall message was getting lost. Bristol, her agent, I and the committee decided that it wasn't the best time to have her speak. I think Bristol is upset but she understands the message that she's trying to promote is more important than her personal feelings. I am very disappointed that she's not coming. No contract was signed we were just in talks. I totally believe that Bristol has a strong message to share and that she has turned her story into a positive message that people deserve to hear in a balanced environment. I personally don't believe in abstinence and we're not telling people to think that but there are people who do and they're unrepresented on campus." [From Radar] Let the ass-covering begin. Honestly, it warms my heart that students were able to wage a successful campaign to dis-invite Bristol. I also love that a 20-year-old student was capable of making a well-reasoned, thoughtful and rational argument for dis-inviting Bristol. MSNBC should hire that kid.   Photos courtesy of WENN.  |
Lea Michele’s plunging neckline for Cosmo: trashy or cute? Posted: 29 Jan 2011 05:24 AM PST  Lea Michele is the March cover girl of Cosmopolitan Magazine. God, can you believe we're already seeing March covers? So many of the British fashion magazines have already released their March covers too. Weird. Anyway, thoughts on the cover shot: Lea looks nice, although I’ve noticed that she tends to be ever-so-slightly wonk-eyed in photos. But her face looks good - they might have even Photoshopped her face to look slightly fully, because the girl’s weight loss has been dramatic. As far as the plunging neckline… well, the girl wants to be a sex symbol. She wants us to think that she’s hot stuff. Do you think she is? The Cosmo people also sent us this amazing quote from Lea's cover profile, where Lea is describing what it was like auditioning before she was on Glee: "I knew I wasn’t going to end up on a Disney half-hour show. I mean, look at me! I don’t look like those girls. I just wanted to do a guest spot, like on Grey’s Anatomy.” Oh, Lea. Disney hires Jewish girls. Sometimes. Okay, she's right, they almost always hire shiksas. But because it's Lea, I think the comment is pointed, like she saying "I'm so not Miley Cyrus. I can actually SING AND ACT." Don't you think that's what she's saying? In other IT'S ALL ABOUT LEA news, did you hear that she's been invited to sing at the Super Bowl? Can you believe it? Whose bright idea was that? Who encourages her? Oh, the Super Bowl is on Fox? And Glee has a post-Super Bowl show airing right afterwards? Right. Anyway, Lea is going to be singing "America the Beautiful" during the pre-show, and then she will have to give the stage (sob) over to Christina Aguilera. I swear to God, the preshow is going to be a train wreck. You know it.   Cover courtesy of Cosmopolitan. Additional photos courtesy of WENN.  |
Courtney Love in London: total disaster or just another day? Posted: 29 Jan 2011 05:24 AM PST  These are photos of Courtney Love on Thursday night, in London. Basically, she decided to do this little photo op as soon as she heard that Charlie Sheen was being hospitalized after a decadent 48-hour orgy of cocaine and porn stars with a busted hernia. This is Courtney's message to Charlie: I've been screwed up a lot longer than you. Courtney may have been screwed up longer than Charlie. He was maintaining some lvele of public sobriety for years, while Courtney has always been this disaster we see before us. Sure, she'll have a brief week where she looks almost healthy (for her). And then it will be destroyed with an orgy of drugs and narcissism yoga and chanting. Oh, and Fame Pictures notes that Courtney was so screwed up in these photos, she got into the wrong car, and the car's owner had to "eject" her. Classic Courtney. It might even be one of her better days.      Photos courtesy of Fame.  |
“Jeremy Piven & Miley Cyrus are BFFs, according to him” links Posted: 28 Jan 2011 11:07 AM PST  Jeremy Piven adores Miley Cyrus. Of course. He loves the jailbait. [Dlisted] Oh, CRAP. Lea Michele is going to sing at the Super Bowl too! [Celebuzz] Oh, Charlie Sheen promised a Bentley to a porn star. Sure. [Yeeeah] I'll admit, I found both Anne Hathaway & James Franco irresistibly cute in this Oscar promo. [LaineyGossip] Tracy Morgan: "Sarah Palin is good masturbation material." [The Blemish] Matthew, Camilla, Vida and Levi - so, so cute. [Pop Sugar] Eva Green at Sundance, still gorge. [Agent Bedhead] My mother loves comedian Louis C.K. Weird, right? [Pajiba] Will & Jada Smith take on Terry McMillian. [Bossip] The complete lyrics for Lady Gaga's "Born This Way". [PopBytes] Megan Fox looks like a Kardashian nowadays. [IDLITW] See Bradley Cooper & Robert DeNiro in the trailer for Limitless. [I'm Not Obsessed] I LOVE Ali Larter's outfit. Perfect jeans, great black V-neck. [Celebrity Baby Scoop] Bristol Palin was disinvited to queef about abstinence at Washington University. [Radar] Nicole Richie's winter sundress. [ICYDK] Kim Richards was too wasted to fly. [Crazy Days and Nights] All hell is breaking loose in Egypt. Seriously, there's literally blood in the streets. And tear gas. They are very close to a total coup, and it should concern everyone. [Gawker]   |
Reese Witherspoon’s boyfriend Jim Toth insists on spoiling her Posted: 28 Jan 2011 10:28 AM PST  Reese Witherspoon seems to be a down-to-earth non-diva, like she’d browse the bargain rack at The Gap just as easily as she’d wear couture. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have expensive tastes, as her new fiance Jim Toth is finding out. Fortunately, Jim apparently doesn’t mind and makes enough money as an agent (for Robert Downey Jr. and Tobey Maguire, amongst others) to treat Reese in the manner she likes. Jim Toth’s dream came true when his girlfriend of less than a year, Oscar-winning actress Reese Witherspoon, accepted his Christmas proposal. And he spares no expense in treating her as an A-lister should be treated. “Jim won’t let Reese pay for anything,” a friend of the Hollywood agent tells In Touch. In a town where extravagant rings are the norm, Jim insisted on the best [engagement ring] money could buy for Reese. “He was drawn to the rarity of the stone,” says jeweler William Goldberg, who custom-designed the spectacular 4-carat sparkler. While half a million may seem like small change to Reese, 34, who raked in $32 million in 2010 according to Forbes, the ring is an expression of the highly dedicated Creative Artists Agency employee’s love for Reese. …Now that he’s marrying one of Hollywood’s highest earners, Jim wants to provide her with the things he feels she deserves. “Reese is one of those ladies you need to spoil,” explains the friend, although a rep for Reese denies the story. “She is not materialistic, but she is accustomed to the guy paying for things — she’s Southern and traditional that way.” And chivalrous Jim is more than happy to oblige. “He opens doors for her, and he holds her hand,” notes the friend. “Jim thinks Reese is so amazing and believes she deserves the world. He knows she is a great woman and mom, so he tries to show her that in every way possible.” [In Touch Weekly, print edition, February 7, 2011] Although they say Reese’s rep denies it, this story is very sweet, making me think the rep isn’t entirely unhappy about it. In Touch estimates that Jim spent $450,000 on Reese’s engagement ring. It’s a rare Ashoka cut-diamond — “only 10 percent of gems can be cut in the unique shape.” He also reportedly spends $26,000 for front row Lakers seats; $15,000 on Reese’s favorite restaurants like Giorgio Baldi, Shutters and Red O; plus, he drives a leased $200,000 Mercedes-Benz. These two seem like a good couple. Actresses usually have better luck with men who work in the industry but who aren’t actors, like Julia Roberts and her cinematographer husband. There’s less competition for the spotlight, I think, and there aren’t as many ego clashes. Hopefully, the money won’t run out!    Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.  |
Kate Hudson has “pregnancy brain”: “I forget words, how to put sentences together” Posted: 28 Jan 2011 10:11 AM PST  Wow, Kate Hudson looks further along than I thought! What would you say? About five or six months? Something like that. These are photos of Kate in Paris today with her lover and baby-daddy, and her mom and step-dad. They went shopping, and Kate looks cute as hell. You know I like her, and you're free to hate her and me. I think she's fun! Is anyone else anxiously awaiting Kate's major pregnancy weight gain? You remember when she was pregnant with Ryder? She got HUGE. It was great. It looks like she's trying harder to not put on too much weight this time, though. Anyway, Kate has a new interview with the London Times, and of course she only really talks about her bump: If Kate Hudson ever makes pregnancy look like no big deal, well, she’s just acting. The actress, 31, who’s expecting her second child with rocker boyfriend Matthew Bellamy, says she’s settling into her role as a mom-to-be – and that means enduring morning sickness. “I’m pregnant, and I’m really sick,” she tells The Times, with a laugh. “But I couldn’t say that because you really want to keep it as quiet as you can for the first trimester.” Hudson, who has a son, Ryder, 7, with ex-husband Chris Robinson, says she originally tried to keep her baby bump a secret – even from her closest pals. “My friends all thought I was depressed because I wouldn’t leave the house,” she says. “But I didn’t want anyone to know for a long time. I was just hoping that all of a sudden, I could show up somewhere with a big belly.” She adds: “But, of course, you’re somewhere in LA, and somebody says something, and it ends up somewhere.” And as she awaits the due date of her baby, which she says is in the summer, there’s only one problem. “I babble a lot,” she says, citing “pregnancy brain.” “I forget words, and how to put sentences together. I just give up.” As for life post-pregnancy, Hudson says she’s teaming up with her mother, Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn, for a new project: “We’re developing something that will happen in the next 18 months, but I can’t give you plot outlines yet.” [From People] Aw, I think she's cute. I know a lot of you think that Kate got pregnant as some kind of "trap" to keep Matt Bellamy, but I don't think that's the case here at all. I think she got pregnant because that's what she wanted, and because he was up for it. I think he really likes her, for whatever reason - she's blonde, she's fun, she's optimistic, etc. That's me being a softie. Here's me being cynical/pragmatic: it's not going to last. It really isn't. But it will go on for a few years and they'll have a lot of fun, and she'll get him to walk on some red carpets with her. We're not looking at some grim repeat of Gwyneth and Chris Martin. These two are going to show their love.     Photos courtesy of Fame.  |
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