Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Gallery: New Batman Villain Tom Hardy Forgets To Delete MySpace Account

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 11:15 AM PST

An obvious choice: Tom Hardy (left) will be playing super villain Bane (right) in 'The Dark Knight Rises'

British Inception actor Tom Hardy is a rising star. As the dream forger Eames in the Christopher Nolan film, he was suaver than James Bond, leading to Christopher Nolan casting the young actor as the villainous as Bane in the next Batman installment, The Dark Knight Rises. Oh, and he also might be dating Lindsay Lohan. But more importantly, Tom has a MySpace page he forgot to delete.

  • Looking great there, Tom!
  • Tom forging himself into Ashton Kutcher
  • Tom forging into a hipster
  • Tom as an American?
  • Tom forges himself into a pedo.
  • Jason Statham?
  • A 'Skins' extra?
  • This is Tom's
  • 'Trainspotting 'survivor?
  • Did you know Eames was able to morph into

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: New Batman Villain Tom Hardy Forgets To Delete MySpace Account

Art Crush: The Best Of 'Parks And Recreation' Fan Illustrations

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 10:25 AM PST

We’re so very glad that Parks and Recreation’s back on the air after its way-too-long hiatus. And it looks like we’re not alone: A scan through the pages of DeviantART reveals some pretty epic fan sketches of Ron, Leslie, April and the gang. And artists: Next time, we expect to see some Rob Lowe up in here.

Post from: Crushable

Art Crush: The Best Of 'Parks And Recreation' Fan Illustrations

Celebrity Lookalikes: Rep. Paul Ryan, Crispin Glover, And Gabe From 'The Office'

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 10:07 AM PST

For anyone who watched the official Republican response after the state of the union last night and thought to themselves, “Who does that dreamboat Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan remind me of?”, we have figured it out.

Dude is basically Crispin Glover, but minus the creepiness (so maybe from his McFly days?), combined with Sabre Coordinating Director Gabe Lewis (Zach Woods) from The Office. But we have to say, Paul has much nicer eyes. When they aren’t bloodshot red, of course.

Post from: Crushable

Celebrity Lookalikes: Rep. Paul Ryan, Crispin Glover, And Gabe From 'The Office'

Meet President Obama's New Crush: Mikayla Nelson

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 09:58 AM PST

For those of you who watched President Obama’s State of the Union speech last night, you may have noticed that a certain blond girl sitting with Michelle Obama. Her name is Mikayla Nelson, and she is a high school senior from Billings Montana.

The President never called her out by name, but the camera panned to her five times during his speech. Aside from being adorable, she’s also really good at science.

Nelson first caught the attention of the White House when her team from Will James Middle School competed last April at the National Science Bowl. According to Mikayla, the trip to DC was "the most amazing and touching experience of my life." What else do we know about her?

(Photo by TheFabLife)

  • Meet the President
  • Tiny cars make good
  • Fame Game

Post from: Crushable

Meet President Obama's New Crush: Mikayla Nelson

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 09:26 AM PST

American Apparel Is Now Doing Porn Art -Ever since AA was forced to remove their topless advertisements earlier this month, they’ve been looking for a way to get around the censors. Solution? Just have sketches of naked girls running as their ads! NSFW, d’uh. (Copyranter)

Post from: Crushable

Video: New Funny Or Die Exclusive Introduces Us To Princess Ke$ha

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 10:43 AM PST

Uh, you guys? We think Ke$ha might be a feminist icon. In her new Funny or Die video, she flips the mold of the unltra-girly Disney princess who lives in a castle with a team of cheery cartoon animals at her command. Ke$ha’s own animated critters include vultures, skunks, and a literal piece of poop — and her fairy godmother is an old drunk. We see potential for a full feature here.

Post from: Crushable

Video: New Funny Or Die Exclusive Introduces Us To Princess Ke$ha

In The Game Of F**k/Marry/Kill, Always Destroy Ryan Gosling First

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 08:51 AM PST

You guys know about the parlor game F**k/Marry/Kill, right? If not, the brilliant ladies over at The Hairpin play it once in awhile, and it’s really easy to pick up. Basically you find three famous people with some sort of common linkage between them and then decide which one you would have sex with, which one you would marry, and which one you would kill. Sometimes it’s hard because they are all very attractive and you don’t want to murder anyone! Sometimes it is hard because they are all terrible and should all be murdered.

But one thing is for certain: If you ever get actor Ryan Gosling on your list, kill him off first.

I know a lot of you like Ryan Gosling, especially during his BOP years. But he is just dragging us down, ladies, with his banal, empty charms and beard-growing. Oh, occasionally he will perk up and do something funny – like sing the theme of My Little Pony – but most of the time he will be too busy being conventionally attractive, pleasant, and keeping up the facade that  everything is okay when actually he is two seconds away from swallowing a bottle of pills and getting into a warm bath with a clean razor to pay attention to you.

I personally don’t find Ryan Gosling attractive. He looks like a lacrosse player who all the other kids in school would think was deep, but is actually just bored. He also reminds me of the first guy I hooked up with in college, who told me that he was turned on by Graham Greene novels. But that’s besides the point in F/M/K. You need to get rid of Ryan Gosling because the other options are just not feasible. You couldn’t marry the guy who starred in Blue Valentine, could you? It would be like trying on dresses with the guy who played Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. No matter how cute you think Ryan is, one look at that far-away, hang-dog expression of his and you’ll be neurotically obsessing about your life together in no time. And you are better than that.

Should you have sex with Ryan Gosling? No you should not. Because where is that going to end? With a one-night stand to tell your friends about? That sounds great in theory, and would definitely rock while Gosling held you in his lap, his sinewy arms grabbed tightly around your thighs. But how is Ryan going to look in that cold morning light when he’s thinking about Michelle Williams and the life they had together? And how he just threw it all away for a meaningless fling with you?No, Ryan Gosling will not be staying for breakfast with you and your cats.

And you will cry, and not tell any of your friends about your magical evening, because you know that it would bring him so much pain if anyone found out. And Ryan Gosling is already in so much pain, just from being attractive and talented and stoic (but never moody).

No, better to just put Ryan out of his misery now. There will always be another guy to f**k, marry, or kill tomorrow.

Post from: Crushable

In The Game Of F**k/Marry/Kill, Always Destroy Ryan Gosling First

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 08:31 AM PST

Betty White involved in a nude photos scandal! - Young Betty, that is — so don’t worry, there are no granny panties involved. Only pin-up pix of our national treasure. (Jezebel)

Post from: Crushable

Daily WTF: Chien Bizarre Sells Fur Coats For Dogs

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 08:26 AM PST

Attention dog owners: Have you always wanted to wrap your pup in the skin of another animal, but felt too much PETA guilt to do it? Well, a company in Copenhagen has taken all the blame out of skinning one animal to put its hide on another. Chien Bizarre makes fur wearing dogs classy! Also, things I just learned: The Danish have a very different idea of being environmentally conscious than we do.

According to their website:

“fur is a natural, renewable resource that is more ecological than the biodegradable synthetics that most people use in today's disposable fashion.

Furthermore, most synthetics, including fake fur, are made from non-renewable resources like petroleum, which, when being produced and disposed, can cause environmental problems. It is commonly known that a fur is a long-lasting product that has often been passed down through generations and, if not, it can always be disposed as garden waste.”

So yeah. If your dog looks at you funny when you put the hide of another animal on his back, don’t worry. That’s just him renewing his disdain for you that was passed down through generations.

Post from: Crushable

Daily WTF: Chien Bizarre Sells Fur Coats For Dogs

The Decorating Guide That Would Explain Your Dorm Room Style To Your Mother

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 08:02 AM PST

Take a look at your room. It is a mess. What's going on here? This place looks like Bed Bath and Beyond threw up all over floor. It is definitely time to add your own personal “fun-shui” style into this place!

Let’s start where you sleep. Your bed should be a peaceful place. Deflate your mattress, move it away from the window that faces the highway and into the closet. Then re-inflate it, if you still have the pump. If not, I'm sorry, I should have told you you will need that air pump again. See if you can borrow your roommate's.

Now look at all that extra room you have! Decide which corner will be your "clothes corner." Then put all your clothes there. The other three corners of your room will be your "papers" corner (for all your paper), your sex/computer corner (usually the corner with the most outlets), and your "free zone." You can do whatever you want in your free zone, except get dressed, sleep, masturbate, or read.

Actually, that's your eating corner.

Now it's time to spruce things up. Throw all your clothes around because mom isn't here to tell you to clean it up. But don't let your clothes fall outside of the designated clothes corner.

Art! You need art. I suggest printing out fun stuff you found on the Internet that week, like LOLcats or LOLdogs or pornography, and just getting some nails and hammering them into your wall. Oh, you will need a hammer for that part.

If you are wondering what I meant by a "Paper Corner," don't worry! Remember all that mail you've been getting from student loan agencies and the electricity people? Those go in the trash. The paper you keep in your paper corner are stuff like Taco Bell receipts, pages of old newspaper that you like to step on with dirty boots, pornography, and other pictures you find on the Internet. Once in awhile, it is okay to have sex in the paper corner. But always with a partner, and only if you have been doing a lot of drugs.

Anything else? Oh yes, the middle of the room is where you sit down, and where you keep your bong and those dirty boots when you are not stepping on paper. This is normally where one would keep condoms, but you aren't using them anymore.

At the end of the night, crawl into your clothes pile, reach over and turn on your vibrator, and fall asleep next to your plastic cup that you keep all your cigarette butts in.

Post from: Crushable

The Decorating Guide That Would Explain Your Dorm Room Style To Your Mother

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