Best Week Ever |
- Let’s All Pretend We’re Madeleine Stowe In 12 Monkeys: Time Traveler In Chaplin Film
- MASH-UP: Mr. McMillan Goes To Washington
- Exclusive Interview: Jersey Shore‘s Annabelle DeSisto Reveals The Situation’s Pick-Up Line, “Can You Just Shut Up and Blow Me?”
- BOARDWALK EMPIRE RECAP: Welcome To The Party, Gretchen Mol’s Boobs
- ADORABLE TOWNE: White Lion Cub!!!
- GUESS THE NY POST HEADLINE: Charlie Sheen’s Drunken, Naked Hotel Rampage
- New TRON: Legacy Trailer Now Daft Punk-ier
- Alex Winter Fails To Cheer Sad Keanu :(
- Five Minutes Of People Doing Awesome Things
Let’s All Pretend We’re Madeleine Stowe In 12 Monkeys: Time Traveler In Chaplin Film Posted: 27 Oct 2010 08:26 AM PDT Someone took a close look at Charlie Chaplin’s 1928 film The Circus and found a woman walking with her hand to her head. So, since this is OUR TIME (Goonies) and it’s all about US, she must be talking on a cell phone, therefore, a time traveler, therefore, Bruce Willis in 12 Monkeys, therefore, we’re all going to die from a massive pandemic, therefore, we are all Madeleine Stowe and must stop Brad Pitt and the Army of the 12 Monkeys (RED HERRING). Anyway, take a look: Don’t you feel stupid. Remember when that woman was your patient in the psych ward and she told you that she was from the future and she was here to save the human race from certain destruction? And you thought she was insane? Now, irrefutable proof of her in 1928, walking down the street, with a cell phone, surrounded by animals, just like in 12 Monkeys. I wonder what sort of service AT&T had back then. Via Buzzfeed and a tip from a helpful Twitter follower |
MASH-UP: Mr. McMillan Goes To Washington Posted: 27 Oct 2010 07:55 AM PDT Here’s the climactic final scene from the classic film Mr. McMillan Goes To Washington, in which Jimmy McMillan of the “Rent Is Too Damn High” Party — played by Jimmy Stewart — delivers a stirring final speech on the floor of Congress. Surely, the film rings just as true today as it did when it was originally mashed-up: (Cut together by the handsome and talented but mostly handsome Pete Schultz.) |
Posted: 27 Oct 2010 06:17 AM PDT Even though the second season of Jersey Shore drew to a close last week, the story of the Macaroni Rascals’ trip down to M.I.A. during the spring of 2010 has yet to be completed. After spotting some chatter in the comments section of our Jersey Shore Top Ten Catchphrase Countdown last week, we were able to track down the whereabouts of one Annabelle DeSisto, a Florida native and former Miss Teen Florida runner-up who cameoed on the second to last episode of the season. Along with her friend Lindsay, Annabelle met up with the Jersey Shore gang at the Miami superclub Space and ended up going back to the Metropole with The Situation, an evening which concluded with her putting Sitch in his place by exclaiming, “I never said anything about checkers, old man!” So how did the 21 year-old DeSisto, an aspiring actress who was on Spring Break in Miami with her friends, end up with a brief yet memorable spot on the hottest show on TV? We phoned her on Friday and she gave us the whole, incredible behind-the-scenes story, starting with the Jersey Shore security spotting her while shopping and handing her VIP passes to party with the cast, then being prodded by producers later that night to “go up to [the cast]” even though, she says, “you’re not supposed to act like you know who they are.” BEST WEEK EVER: So, tell us exactly how you ended up partying with the Jersey Shore cast in the first place. ANNABELLE DESISTO: When we first got to Space, I didn't really know what to say to them, I just wanted to talk to Snooki and J-WOWW and be like, “Thanks for turning me on to this great tanning product, J-WOWW!” That's what I wanted to say to them. Anyway, so Lindsay went and tried to talk to them first. She tried talking to the girls and they totally shut her down, and then she's like, “It’s totally your turn with the guys” and I didn't really know what to do or be like, “Hey want me to buy you a drink?” Like, “How do you, like where are you from?” I didn't know what to say to them. But they decided to come over to us, like Pauly and Vinny walked up to us and they were like, “We came out of the VIP just to meet you girls.” Then a fight broke out and they ran away for a second because it got like really crazy. Then they came back and Pauly was like, “I think we're getting kicked out, do you want to come back to the house with us?” And Lindsay and I already talked about our fantasy situation. Like, “What if this happened?” And she was like, “Would you ever hook up with any of them?”, and I'm like, “No, I would never hook up with any of them. But if we ever get invited back to the house, we're going. I don't care if you don't want to, we are going back to the house.”
What do you mean by that? He was saying like the weirdest stuff. We were like, “Are you being serious right now? Because if you are being serious, then I should probably punch you in the face because you're really awful and disgusting, but I can't tell if you're just saying this stuff to be funny; like you're trying to pull a Michael Scott and say like ridiculous stuff that you think is funny.” So The Situation was being a total cheeseball? He kept saying, “I'm bad, I'm bad. I'm bad, I'm bad, and I'm the baddest.” And I'm like, “Okay Michael Jackson, we get it, you're the baddest.” He asked us if we wanted to go in their Jacuzzi at the club and I was like, “No, I'm not being in a Jacuzzi with you because I have a spray tan so I don't want to look like a half done cookie when I get out.” He also asked me if I was wearing underwear a lot. And then he asked me if I like my hair pulled, and I was like “I don't understand that question.” He's like, “Do you like getting your hair pulled?” And I was like, “In fights? No, I don't like my hair being pulled.” He's like, “I need to know later when I ‘F’ you.” I was like, “Oh god!” That's how it was for the entire night, him saying weird stuff. The way the show was edited, your friend Lindsay was sort of hanging out with Pauly and you were hanging out with Mike. How did it end up that way? Did you think that maybe Pauly or Vinny were cuter? How did you end up in bed with The Situation? I was talking to Vinny in the club and then when the taxi came, Ronni and Sam got in first and we weren't all going to fit. So Vinny was like, “Hey, I'll just take the second one back with the girls.” So I was like, “Oh no! Now I'm stuck with Mike. Now I'm stuck with Mike.” So I was sort of freaking out. When we got back to the house, it was just us in there and we just basically stayed in their bedroom the entire time. Mike left for like an hour, which was amazing! I don't know where he went. He just brought us in there and then just left for like an hour, like he didn't tell us where he was going, he just walked out of the room. He just looked at me and waved his tiny little eyebrows and laughed. Where do you think he went for an hour? That's like a really long time to disappear, right? I seriously have no idea. I didn't even really care. Me and Lindsey didn't even ask Pauly where he went. When he came back, he kept asking me if I wanted to change clothes, like to get into something more comfortable like pajamas. And I was like “No,” and he was like “But you seem really uncomfortable in that dress, lets just get you into pajamas.” I'm like, “Does everything you own have a rhinestone bulldog or dragon or Ed Hardy logo on it?” And he's like “Yeah, of course!” And I was like, “Then I'm not changing clothes.” And that is why I got into bed with him. I was wearing a Rock Of Love dress and I didn't want to be blurred out anywhere. That would be really embarrassing, it's already embarrassing that I am on the show, but it would be really embarrassing if they had to blur a body part of me out. So that's why I was laying down on his bed the entire time, like face down so nothing would fall out from either way. Did you end up kissing him or anything? No!
You know how kids touch you, and you really don't want them to so you just slide their hand off and put their hands back on them? That's kind of what happened and he finally put the blanket over us. I was not giving him signals any part of the night like something was going to happen. Then, under the covers, he was just looking at me trying to do awkward small talk and I'm like “Oh, what do you do in your spare time?” He was like, “Can you just shut up and blow me?” I'm like “Okay, I'm really really sorry, I know you're going to be really upset about this but I really don't hook up with that many people. There is still time, the club is still open and I can go with you to the club and we can tag team, I can find a girl for you. I will find a much more easy and much more pretty girl than me and you know we can get her to come back here and do that stuff and get her hair pulled or whatever.” And he was like, “No baby, no I'm not that kind of guy, you have it all wrong, I'm not that kind of guy.” I was like, “Listen, I'm really not going to hook up with you.” That's when he flipped out. The fight lasted for about a half an hour; he got, like, really mean. Well, you leveled him with that “old man” comment, which was pretty genius. How did you come up with that one? Is he sort of like a butterface, like an old looking kind of a guy? I mean, he is pretty ugly. He is 28 and he looks like Pauly Shore. He looks like a very tan Pauly Shore. He kept talking about checkers and they edited it so much because he said the checkers thing like ten times. Sort of like Rain Man, everything he would say he would say it like ten times in a row.
Yeah Pauly, he was so so sweet and could not have been nicer. All of them were so wonderful except for Mike. She was still in their room and she was like, “You’re being an asshole, you're just being mean because she shut you down.” He was like, “We didn't work out, me and your girl weren't a good pair.” She was like, “No, because she said she wouldn't blow you” and he was like “I didn't even want her to; me and her just aren't a good pair.” Then he was like, “You want me to start being really mean, want me to start being really truthful about your girl?” And she was like, “Alright, f*ck you, I'm leaving.” Did he ever cross the line just poking fun and being ridiculous and cheesy to actually being mean or anything like that? Sort of. I knew he was going to be upset and I totally understand, you know. Like, a girl coming back to your house with a spray painted dress on at 4:30 in the morning? I would be pissed if I were a guy, so I understand. But I was surprised that he just started yelling as much as he did. If you have this guy yelling in your face with his roided out veins and everything, saying “You want me to start getting really mean about your girl?” That's when we left because I knew he was going to call me a grenade and say other stuff. And that's just him so I can't really say that I was shocked it was just kind of a surreal moment because I watched him on TV and it being my favorite show and then being in their house and having one of them yelling at you, I was like, “What's going on?”. Right, so you and Lindsay got out of there. Did you ever hear from any of them again? We actually met him again, which was really random. A couple of months ago, Lindsay and I came out to Los Angeles and went to a Jay Leno taping. And The Situation ended up being the guest, which we didn’t even know. Anyway, we got front row, like the best seats, like 8 seats away from Jay Leno's desk, and during The Situation’s interview he looked right over because we were right next to the camera and he kind of took like a double take at us. During the commercial, Jay Leno was like, “Hey Mike, why don't you come say hello to these two cute girls over here?” We were like, “No no no, that's okay,” but he made him come over and say hi to us. It was the most uncomfortable moment because we knew he recognized us somehow because he had like that weird look. He was like, “Hey, how are you guys?” And I wanted to be like, “I f*cking hate you!”, but I couldn't. So, instead, I said, “Hi, nice to meet you,” and he was like, “Haven't I…?” Looking at us like “I don't know if I slept with these girls or how I know them.” It was so uncomfortable and I felt really bad because I felt like Jay Leno was looking at us like he thought we were going to be much more excited because all the other girls were like, “Oh my god!” So what did you do the night that the show aired a few weeks back? My mom was actually out here, dropping off my car. No way! Was that awkward? Did you watch it with her? She watched it before I did. It was really awkward. My parents called after the show aired in Florida, and they called me and were like, “What does DTF mean? I saw him calling you DTF.” I was like, “Umm, ahhh, dancing too fast! When you're dancing too fast up at the club, that's why we were invited back to the house.” She was like, “Oh, because I didn't know what that meant.” I was like, “Yeah, that's what it means.” You can follow Annabelle DeSisto on Twitter here: Annabelle417 |
BOARDWALK EMPIRE RECAP: Welcome To The Party, Gretchen Mol’s Boobs Posted: 26 Oct 2010 10:41 PM PDT This is a Recap of Boardwalk Empire Episode 6, “Family Limitation”, originally airing October 24th, 2010. It contains spoilers, mostly boob related. Boilers. With both Nucky’s mistress and guest star Gretchen Mol naked in the first fifteen minutes of this episode, Boardwalk Empire has now successfully managed to work boobs into its first SIX episodes, almost assuredly an unprecedented mark for a non-pornographic HBO series. Even True Blood missed one episode in the first six, didn’t it? Episodes of Real Sex don’t even have boobs in them this frequently, unless you count the boobs of 55-year-old men being dipped into ink vials during segments about Colonial Penmanship fetishes. Oh, and we even got a bonus d*ck! Hey there, Lucky’s penis that’s also kind of a plot point! Truly something for everyone in this series. Especially people who LOVE to see the same frickin’ shot of Jimmy’s mistress having her face slashed in two straight “Previously On Boardwalk Empire…” segments AFTER you saw it the first time and cringed and never wanted to see it again. Yessir, this show’s got it all! Old timey vagina slang, two “Dago”s per minute, and dudez shot in the head galore. Enough boob-talk – “Family Limitation” Recap after the jump: We open on the chubby Ward Boss O’Neill being insulted by a young street thug, and when the kid spits on him and runs away, O’Neill chases him right into a trap, getting knocked unconscious with one of those old whacker things before he can yell “dago” fifteen more times. The D’Alessio Brothers make off with his money (eg Nucky’s money), knowing he had already made his last collection, and when he goes to tell Nucky about the theft, obviously Nucky’s like “Eh, no big deal, we’re not all constantly obsessed with who owes who money on this show or anything. Let’s get a funnel cake.” Margaret, meanwhile, goes to visit the head of the Temperance League to ask for advice about Nucky having sex with her and buying her and her family a house, and the mother is like “Not gonna lie, that’s pretty sweet. I mean, you’re technically a whore, but like, who wouldn’t do that?” She gives Margaret a pamphlet about birth control, but when Margaret opens it up, it’s just a drawing of The Pope going “You Pussy!” Margaret then encounters Lucy at the French boutique, and Lucy demands to see Margaret try on a crotchless garment she’s picked out, hoping to demean Nucky’s other love interest while also scoring a rare HBO show “boob hat trick.” Margaret reluctantly undresses in front of Lucy — though the scene was pretty obviously edited to incorporate a body double for Kelly Macdonald — and when Lucy spitefully rips on Margaret’s “childbearing” figure, Margaret grows a pair and snaps back “He doesn’t seem to mind.” The awkward exchange concludes with Margaret telling a story — is every actor in this show contractually obligated to get at least one “story” at some point in the series? — and zinging Lucy with the line “Maybe your CUNY isn’t the draw you think it is.” Not sure why she takes a random shot at the City University of New York, but hey, I’m just passing along the info. Meanwhile, Lucky is having sex with Gillian, but gets a call from Rothstein being like “I know whatcher doing over there! Don’t make me chalk up another pool cue for a half hour.” Rothstein also clarifies to Lucky that Gillian is Jimmy’s mother, not his wife, which I guess was supposed to be a “you dummy!” moment, but everyone else has already made that mistake. Gretchen Mol is 37 and Michael Pitt is 29 — it’s as ridiculous as, say, if Sean Connery played Harrison Ford’s father in a movie and kept calling him “Junior.” The bulk of the plot in this episode, though, focused on the Chicago gang and their ongoing negotiations over the Greektown territory. Johnny Torrio tells Jimmy and Al he wants to strike a truce, but Jimmy sits Torrio down and tells him he thinks a truce looks weak, so they hatch an alternative plan: Torrio, Jimmy, and Al sit down with Sheridan for a meeting, and after removing their guns and almost cutting Jimmy’s throat with his own knife (“I only use it to do that cool Bishop thing from Aliens, I swear”), Sheridan agrees to give them a three-block area of Greektown so everyone’s happy. And boy, everyone is happy. Yessir. You know what gangsters always appreciate? Not getting more of stuff. On the way out, Jimmy and Al pick up stashed guns and shoot Sheridan and all his goons before they can react: Jimmy then gives a final speech to Sheridan and personally shoots him in the head for cutting Pearl’s face. Later on that night, Jimmy gathers some money together and mails it to Angela: I also couldn’t help but laugh at the constant muffled sex noises in the background throughout the scene where Jimmy was writing the letter. It makes sense, because it is a whorehouse, but I just kept imagining the Boardwalk Empire producers bringing actresses into a sound studio to record like twenty minutes of sex noise B-Roll, then an editor sifting through the tapes of audio to find the best background sex noise and layering it in. Somewhere in the Boardwalk Empire studios, there’s a tape floating around with nothing but like 60 minutes of actresses faking orgasms on it. There has to be. The scene’s funny now, right? Anyway…while going through the cabinets, Jimmy stumbles across another tragic secret about Pearl: While celebrating with the gang downstairs, Jimmy and Al end up trading insults (“When this guy sits around the house, he sits AROUND the house your girlfriend shot herself in the head!”). The insults get slightly personal, but Al comes to Jimmy’s room later that night to make amends — likely anticipating their eventual takeover of Torrio’s empire — calling Jimmy a “buddy” and handing him a package of Chicago steaks: The episode concludes, obviously, with Agent Van Alden propping a photo of Margaret on his nightstand and whipping the sh*t out of his own back with a belt. PREDICTABLE. Boardwalk Empire Episode 6 thoughts? Favorite / least favorite parts? Comments on the overboobage? Predictions? Boob predictions? Leave ‘em in the comments. |
ADORABLE TOWNE: White Lion Cub!!! Posted: 26 Oct 2010 01:42 PM PDT This super-rare white lion cub was just born in South Africa, representing one of only about 300 white lions in the world: AHHHHH!!!! I assume they’re that rare because people like me see them and instantly start squeezing them really hard and can’t stop because their bodies are biologically incapable of releasing cuteness that powerful? If that’s the case, HOW CAN YOU BLAME ME??? Two more violently cute pics of Lilly the white lion cub after the jump (no relation to These Guys): (via Splashnews) |
GUESS THE NY POST HEADLINE: Charlie Sheen’s Drunken, Naked Hotel Rampage Posted: 26 Oct 2010 12:19 PM PDT
We’ve got a lot of ingredients to work with here: Charlie Sheen’s name, his movie and tv show titles, him being drunk, naked, and coked up, and his rep blaming an “allergic reaction.” The possibilities are downright Rubix Cubelike. Our suggestions: Wild Thing Hot Shots: Part Nude Two And A Half Lines Brew And A Gaffe Man Nude Had A Blast, Men Platoon Loon Moons Men On Coke (Men At Work? This thing on?) Eight D*cks Out Other headline suggestions, better or worse? Leave ‘em in the comments. Follow-up coming tomorrow. |
New TRON: Legacy Trailer Now Daft Punk-ier Posted: 26 Oct 2010 12:12 PM PDT Daft Punk has a new track, “Derezzed,” which just happens to be the song that plays along with the new TRON: Legacy trailer. Check it out: Cool! It’s like you don’t even need your glow sticks, this trailer provides them for you! So, is TRON: Legacy just providing the visuals for a Daft Punk album? Or is Daft Punk the soundtrack to TRON: Legacy? I must say, even though I’ve never seen the original TRON, I’d give this film a go. I do love me some Jeff Bridges and body suits. That being said, I have seen neither Avatar nor Inception nor The Social Network, so I’d rather not break my streak just yet. |
Alex Winter Fails To Cheer Sad Keanu :( Posted: 26 Oct 2010 10:19 AM PDT BeHOLD. Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter, REUNITED. All is how it should be. I am so into this dude. Alex Winter, that is. Keanu, well, yes. Obviously. You can’t NOT be into Keanu, at least a little. At least in a Point Break sense. But, back in 1989 when Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure came out, my friend and I argued over who would be Bill and who would be Ted for Halloween. We both wanted to be Bill, because he was the cooler one. I don’t know where that logic came from, but children know these things. And they are always right, like that old saying from the 1500′s goes, “Children and fools tell the truth, and should dominate pop culture and politics.” You probably have that embroidered on a pillow somewhere. But back to Alex Winter. He was so good in the Bill and Ted’s and in Lost Boys (best credits song ever) and I ALWAYS wanted to see the film Haunted Summer, after I saw a preview for it, but I never could find it. The imdb description reads thusly:
YES, PLEASE. Anyway. If whatever is depressing Keanu can’t be cured by close proximity to Alex Winter, I don’t know what’s going to work. |
Five Minutes Of People Doing Awesome Things Posted: 26 Oct 2010 09:33 AM PDT It’s the age-old philosophical question: Is man, by nature, awesome? The question philosophers have debated for literally months , if I know my history right, has finally received its most comprehensive, complete answer, in the form of this five-minute video of human beings doing awesome things with no visual tricks involved and set to an 80s montage power-soundtrack: (via Kotaku) |
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