Cele|bitchy |
- Hot Guy Friday: Red, white, blue and hot, The All-American Edition
- Juliette Lewis tries to get it together: cute, bland or tragic?
- Charlie Sheen also dropped the n-word when he was coked out of his mind
- Angelina Jolie “freaked out” when Brad called Courteney Cox
- Clive Owen is drunk & jowly: would you still hit it?
- Elin Woods is selling off all the jewelry Tiger gave her
- Lindsay Lohan is paranoid, freaking out over Sam Ronson & Christina Aguilera
- Shape editor sorry for LeAnn Rimes cover; LeAnn will ‘get to the bottom of this’
- Teen Mom stars earn more than $60,000 a season
- Celine Dion names her twin boys (Sparkle-franco?)
Hot Guy Friday: Red, white, blue and hot, The All-American Edition Posted: 29 Oct 2010 08:20 AM PDT This week's theme is Red, White and Blue: The All-American Hot Guy Friday. I kept wondering if I should do an all-American week, so I sat down and tried to list all of the hot American guys off the top of my head, and I kept writing and writing… so yeah, unlike the other "theme" weeks, I don't think I'm going to run out of hot American dudes. That means no Clive Owen this week. No Vincent Cassel. No David Gandy. No British, no Irish, no Aussie, no South American dong. I promise that next week we'll continue in our multi-cultural, international dong search, but for this week, just let me have my All-American Team. Speaking of, our headliner Hot Guy is one of our favorites, Jon "The" Hamm. I went a little overboard with the photos of him because A) He's hot, B) He's gorgeous, C) He's the new archetype for "The American Man", D) He’s from Some Butch Cassidy and Sundance: Anthony Mackie is SO cute. Damn. Mark Ruffalo might be one of those dudes who is forever adorable. He brings a smile to my face. He always seems so disheveled, like he's in good need of some mothering and a hot shower. But there's a little glint of bad boy too. Sigh… I love Mark Ruffalo. A little Jesse L. Martin. God, I love this man. Benicio del Toro! LOVE. I know some of you like Chris Pine, so here you go. He seems full of himself to me. But he is a good looking guy, so whatever. I’ll indulge your crush. DENZEL. American classic. Speaking of American classics, how about Tom Hanks? Bobby Cannavale. Yes, he seems a little grubby, but he’s an underrated actor, and he’s SO SEXY with that raspy voice and New York accent. Love it. Matt Damon… CB is obsessed, while I just have to note that Matt looks the hottest, EVER, with some added weight and those glasses. RAWR. Sexy dad. Daniel Henney - model turned actor, and almost too pretty for words. Thomas Jane, by request. I think he’s strange. But he does have some sex appeal. Daniel Sunjata, just for me. Timothy Olyphant… reminding me of my cowboy fetish. What? Don’t look at me like that. Jeff Goldblum, because you bitches love the freaks. Morris Chestnut is forever. I know I always say that, but DAMN. A little Brad Pitt and George Clooney… come on, they’re American classics! Sam Rockwell is conventionally “handsome”. But I would still hit it like it tasted like bacon. Jimmy Smits! I prefer him without the facial hair, but in the end, I don’t really care. Ben Affleck is still sexy, in my opinion. Does he give off douche vibes? Sure. But I would still hit it. Is Shia LaBeouf a douche? Probably. But he's an intriguing douche. I wonder if he's going to grow into a really interesting actor, and a really fascinating man. Right now, I just want to tell him to hush. And for all of the haters: I love his nose, and his unconventional profile. I find it sexy. Jake Gyllenhaal, who I think less of because he’s associated with Taylor Swift. It’s just… kind of gross to me. But he’s still Classic Americana (Vanilla Category): A little James Dean, because why not? Remember when James Franco first made a name for himself playing James Dean in a TV movie? Who would have thought that he’d end up one of the hottest young actors then? I certainly didn’t. Did you know that James Marsden was from Oklahoma? I didn't peg him for a Midwestern boy, at all. They sure grow 'em pretty out there. A little rugged playwright/American classic, Sam Shepard: Will Smith is cute. I don’t find him sexy or anything, but some do. For those ladies, here you go. Jeremy Sisto! Love. Joel McHale is beloved by CB. I like him on The Soup too, but I think CB is really, really in love with him. I have to admit, just looking through photos of him made me giggle, so I have to acknowledge that Joel would probably be a pretty awesome "funny boyfriend". Dennis Leary, by repeated request. I get it. He’s Irish and he’s angry and he’s a better actor than he deserves to be. Plus, his hair is really good. And he raises so much money for the firemen. Bless his heart. Everyone is going to yell at me, I know. Ethan Hawke is my shame-crush. It’s not like I spend a lot of time obsessing over him, and aesthetically and morally, I can’t really find a reason for why I find him attractive. He’s not even that awesome an actor. My feelings for him are indescribable - Whenever I see a photo of him, I get turned on. It’s weird. I’d love to know if anyone else shares my weird crush. For years, I complete forgot that Tate Donovan was once a really hot guy with lots of potential. Then I caught up with that FX show, Damages. My. God. Donovan was acting his ass off in that show. And thus, the hotness returned. Dylan McDermott… I think he was requested weeks ago and I forgot to do him. My bad, allow me to do him now. Jon Stewart! Remember how cute he was before he was the most respected newsman in the country? (Seriously.) He was so goofy and weird and adorable! I prefer the current Jon, of course, but I did want to remember the old Jon: I still think Matt Kemp (Rihanna’s boyfriend) is adorable: Gale Harold, by request: God, I just love Christopher Meloni. He’s The Man. Jared Padelecki & Jensen Ackles, those two dorky Texas boys that some of you bitches are obsessed with: A touch of Butterscotch Stallion, anyone? A little Jeremy Renner. I think he’s the hotness, although I know some don’t see it. He’s an intense little guy! A touch of Vintage James Spader, by request AGAIN. Crazy Spader-loving bitches. Benjamin Bratt, who I never really noticed this before, but he has “crazy eyes”. Is it wrong that his crazy eyes make him even more appealing? John Krasinski. I can’t help myself. I had the biggest crush on Bill Murray when I was a kid. Still do. Eion Bailey, by request. I remember him from Band of Brothers - I thought he was gorgeous back then. He still is. Speaking of Band of Brothers, how about a little Matthew Settle? I love him too. Edward Norton - sigh. We’ve been over this before. He’s probably a bastard, but goodness… his boyish handsomeness is intoxicating. Ed Burns is so cute! Adrien Brody, by request: Viggo is forever: And to end it, a little Robert Downey Jr. and Johnny Depp. Because… it’s RDJ, for the love of God. He’s brilliant and tortured and funny and sweet and damaged and lovely. And Depp because even though he’s basically French now, America can still claim this man as our own. And that’s something, right? My God… these men. Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN, Vanity Fair, GQ, Details, Esquire, Parade Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, Google Images. |
Juliette Lewis tries to get it together: cute, bland or tragic? Posted: 29 Oct 2010 08:17 AM PDT These are photos from last night's premiere of Due Date, the Robert Downey Jr. film about a dude whose wife is about to give birth and he's trying to make it across the country in time to see his baby or something. It's actually just a premise to make an old-fashioned buddy comedy, with RDJ's "buddy" played by Zach Galifianakis (who I will be referring to as Zach G. from now on). Anyway, Juliette Lewis is in the movie too…? Yes, she is. And so Juliette decided to wear this for the premiere…now, I don't hate it, just like I don't hate Juliette. But I think Juliette is trying too hard to "dress like a grown up" when she is, at heart, the weird punk-goth-rocker girl. So… when I judge her by normal standards, I kind of think she looks like hell. Judging her on her own special standards, she looks good, even great. Michelle Monahan is in the film too… and she wore this totally bland red dress. She tried to work it, hard. But the whole effect is just "meh" to me. I thought Zach G. was Phillip Seymour Hoffman for a second. They should play brothers. Robert Downey Jr. and his wife Susan both looked great though! Susan was the best dressed, I thought. I also love how RDJ and Susan color-coordinate their outfits. They must have so much fun together! |
Charlie Sheen also dropped the n-word when he was coked out of his mind Posted: 29 Oct 2010 08:15 AM PDT These are new photos of Charlie Sheen, back at work yesterday. I guess we're just supposed to pretend that Charlie's coked-out rampage was just a minor blip? Sure. Ugh… look at him smiling. Like he locks naked hookers in his closet every day (he probably does). Speaking of, Radar is back to claiming that Charlie Sheen's "date" for his Monday evening, drunken, coked-out freakout was, in fact, a hooker. In addition to being a porn star, I guess. She does it for money, AND she does it on camera. Sources tell Radar that Charlie was paying this Capri Anderson chick $12,000 for the night… which seems about right, I guess? Too much? I'll admit, I have no idea what the going rates are, but for $12,000 cash, my guess is that many women who touch the Sheen Dong. Also: Radar reports that Charlie's drunken, Coked-out shenanigans were even worse than previously thought. The story they tell about the restaurant is sad, but apparently Charlie did find some inspiration from Mel Gibson's tirades, and Charlie was dropping the N-word like a fiend too:
[From Radar] Wow, alcohol, cocaine, prostitution and racism? Charlie was just so mad that everyone was concentrating on Mel Gibson! I'll say this for Mel - at least he never hired a hooker? Eh? No, he just screamed abuses until his girlfriend would blow him. Or, as Charlie would say, "A Sunday in 2002." Here's my question, CBS: Why doesn't Charlie Sheen's contract have some kind of morals code that you can invoke? Is it because you know he's Charlie Sheen? |
Angelina Jolie “freaked out” when Brad called Courteney Cox Posted: 29 Oct 2010 07:54 AM PDT The National Enquirer has a story this week that I've been waiting for - it's the story that makes the Courteney Cox-David Arquette split all about the Jolie-Pitts. I'm surprised it didn't come out last week, but this was worth the wait. According to the Enquirer's source, Angelina Jolie totally freaked out when she found out that Brad made a consolation call to Courteney. At this point, Angelina should just take away Brad's phone privileges. He gets into so much trouble with phones.
[From The National Enquirer, print edition] Yes, it IS "all very high school." And yet… there's something there, right? I can actually see Angelina freaking out over Brad calling his ex-wife's best friend. Even though I don't think Courteney has been "bad-mouthing Angelina for years." After all, Courteney has her own drama to deal with, and her life doesn't revolve around her the Bermuda Triangle. Can I just say one thing, though? I’m pleasantly surprised that Jennifer Aniston hasn’t said anything publicly about the Cox-Arquette split. I like that she’s not out there, making public comments about her friend’s marriage. It’s nice. In other news, both In Touch Weekly and Star Magazine have stories about how Brad and Angelina are "struggling" while Angelina works in Budapest. She's losing sleep and losing weight, and people are calling her "The Crow" which is a pretty cool nickname, in my opinion. Maybe Brad's nickname is "The Bluejay" or "The Dodo". Meanwhile, Life & Style got photos of the interiors of the Budapest home the Jolie-Pitts are renting: Additional pics courtesy of Fame. |
Clive Owen is drunk & jowly: would you still hit it? Posted: 29 Oct 2010 07:01 AM PDT From the desk of Clive Owen: Hello, ladies. I heard you were doing an all-American Hot Guy Friday, which means No Clive, because I'm so British and sexy. So I decided: Why limit the Clive Love? So I threw on some clothes and went out to a club, just so there would be new photos of me. All for you, ladies. Because I know you can't do without a weekly dose of Clive. I apologize for looking so grumpy and jowly in these photos. I know it's not really a problem, though. I could have jowls the size of Texas and you ladies would still drop like flies if you came within 100 yards of the Clive Dong. Perhaps I'm a little drunk in these photos. You know what happens when I get drunk? Anything. I get flirty, I get dirty, and I ask strange women to take off their clothes. I'll wait while you pick yourself off the floor. Note the wedding ring, though. Because I am happily married to a nice girl and we have daughters. Just knowing that I'm in a good marriage and that I'm a good dad makes you want me more, right? I know that too. Because if I was the kind of man who went out EVERY night, pimping at some club for the latest hot young things, you wouldn't want me as much. I know this. So look, but don't touch, ladies. Love, Clive. |
Elin Woods is selling off all the jewelry Tiger gave her Posted: 29 Oct 2010 06:23 AM PDT
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, November 8, 2010] I remember when Ellen Barkin sold off all her jewelry from her billionaire ex, Ron Perelman. She made $20 million dollars from the sale! In an interview with Parade, Barkin described the jewelry as “battle scars.” She said “I didn’t want to look down at my hand and be reminded of why I left him. I didn’t need to carry around baggage of a man who had tried to make me Mrs. Somebody. The jewellery wasn’t a trophy for me. It was more like a battle scar.” Elin probably feels the same, and wonders which prostitute Tiger was with the night before he bought her that diamond necklace. Elin received an alleged $110 million dollar settlement in her divorce but is still said to have curtailed her lifestyle to make sure that the money lasts and that she leaves plenty for her kids. |
Lindsay Lohan is paranoid, freaking out over Sam Ronson & Christina Aguilera Posted: 29 Oct 2010 06:09 AM PDT In Touch Weekly has an interesting story about the utter devastation of Lindsay Lohan. Is she devastated because she's facing mandatory rehab for the next two months, and she won't get to spend the holidays doing blow with her mother? No. She's distraught because her ex-lover Samantha Ronson is moving on with her life… with Christina Aguilera. Apparently, Lindsay is just sitting around rehab, freaking out about this coupling… and her mom isn't helping matters out at all. According to sources, Dina Lohan is actually stoking Lindsay's paranoia. So that means that Lindsay is keeping tabs on every time Sam comes out of Christina’s house/hotel.
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition] Jesus, can you imagine Lindsay's poor rehab counselors? "I need to fly to Cabo so I can have some crack-drama with my ex-girlfriend, WAH!" But seriously, I believe this. Samantha brings out the worst in Lindsay for some reason - I actually think Sam should be a better influence on Lohan, but at the end of the day, Samantha doing anything but focusing on Lindsay's self-perpetuating crack drama sends Lindsay over the edge. I hoped that Sam had cut off ties completely, but I think Sam was trying to be a good friend to Lindsay when all of the court, jail and rehab stuff started up several months ago. But now Sam is moving on… and Lindsay is freaking out. |
Shape editor sorry for LeAnn Rimes cover; LeAnn will ‘get to the bottom of this’ Posted: 29 Oct 2010 05:56 AM PDT
Although this statement was not made publicly, and Shape has refused to comment on the leaked e-mail (obtained by TooFab), I’m impressed with how they handled this. Compare this to the way that Self’s editor haughtily responded to the controversy over Photoshopping Kelly Clarkson thinner or the way that Marie-Claire’s editor defended their obnoxious ‘fatties’ article. Shape is better than that, and they’re sorry.
I’m so impressed with the way Shape’s editor responded to this and just wish it was an official statement. LeAnn has of course responded to Shape saying they never wanted to celebrate her home-wrecking status. She posted two “twit longer” posts saying that Shape is throwing her a party next week.
[From LeAnn's TwitLonger] Maybe that’s why Shape just sent out an e-mail to angry readers instead of issuing an official response. They wanted to kiss LeAnn’s ass but let it be known that they never meant to celebrate what a piece of work she is. I can’t blame them for trying to keep celebrities happy, but it’s still disappointing that they’re throwing LeAnn a party. If they want to improve their image further they’ll cancel that party on some thin pretext. There’s nothing to be gained by continuing to align themselves with this nasty petty person. |
Teen Mom stars earn more than $60,000 a season Posted: 29 Oct 2010 05:53 AM PDT They’re shown living with their parents on the show, working part time jobs and struggling to pay for basic necessities, but the stars of MTV’s Teen Mom are not broke. Life & Style reports that they earn over $60,000 a year, which actually sounds pretty cheap of MTV considering how popular the show is. After so many of you suggested it, I’ve watched the first five episodes of the second season and I definitely get why so many of you watch this show. It’s kind of fascinating and you feel for these girls and their babies. Now that I know how much money they make I understand how Farrah affords that nice apartment despite complaining constantly about money. It also explains how these kids are able to go out to dinner all the time. Amber and Gary especially seem broke, but it sounds like they’re doing just fine.
[From Life & Style] Like I said I’ve only seen a few episodes of this show, but this really makes me question how “real” it is. They present it like a kind of documentary and the kids are constantly worried about money and cutting corners to make ends meet. It just seems so false to me if they’re paid so well. Sure $60,000 isn’t a huge amount of money, but it’s good pay and it’s not like they’re living hand to mouth. It’s easy to imagine Amber and Gary wasting their money because they’re just so trashy. Amber is so damn cruel and nasty and she can be hard to watch. Catelynn and Tyler, who gave up their baby for adoption, are good kids and are probably giving the money to their families. Jezebel is soliciting donations for a college fund for them and on the show it seems like they really need it. Their families look very poor. Maci comes from an upper middle class family and is very responsible, so I can see her managing her money well and continuing to work for her son’s sake. Farrah is somewhat of a dimwit and was shown getting victimized by an online scam in which someone wrote her a bad check and then had her wire them money in exchange for selling her car. (Her mom is a manipulative, abusive bitch though and she’s dealing with a lot.) Farrah’s bank told her that her account was overdrawn for nearly the full amount she wired, so what happened to her MTV paycheck? Does MTV make the stars save that money separately? It’s good that MTV is paying these kids but then how do they justify showing them barely getting by? Are they putting the money in trust and making them live on whatever they make? I doubt it. Do only the women make $60,000 or do their partners pull in that money too? Producers have some explaining to do. |
Celine Dion names her twin boys (Sparkle-franco?) Posted: 29 Oct 2010 05:48 AM PDT Celine Dion did not take my suggestions! Damn it. People Magazine confirms that Celine and her newborn twin boys are doing fine and they have left the hospital and everything. The boys also have names - Nelson and Eddy. Because Celine gave birth in a 1950s sitcom with a questionable premise. As it turns out, though, the names have some kind of significance to Celine, so God bless:
[From People] Okay, I guess I can't joke about someone naming their kid after Nelson Mandela (although I'm tempted!). But the combo of Nelson and Eddy is… dated, correct? But cute, I suppose. At least she didn't name according to what is trendy right at this very moment. |
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