Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Last Days Of The Roc: Dame Dash Reeming Def Jam For Talking To Jay-Z Without Him “Sock His Fat A*s!” [Video]

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 06:10 AM PST

This is some deep sh*t, more or less explaining why The Roc ended. It looks like Jay-Z didn’t need the middle man, Dame, anymore and wanted all the money…

For The Children: Memphis Launches ‘No, Baby’ Campaign In Response To High School Baby Boom

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 06:10 AM PST

After Frayser High School put Memphis in the national spotlight, with as many as 90 students being pregnant or having recently given birth, the mayors of Memphis and Shelby County are ready to get to work to reverse the statistics.

In a press conference on Tuesday, Mayor A C Wharton, Jr. of Memphis and Mayor Mark H. Luttrell, Jr. of Shelby County, Tennessee, spoke to a room full of reporters about the recent news that there are some 90 girls at local Frayser High School who are currently pregnant or were pregnant and are now parents within the last year.

“I want to make one thing clear — the matter of teenage pregnancy is not something that was invented in Frayser or Boxtown, or Midtown, or any particular part of our city,” Wharton said. “Frayser doesn’t have a patent or trademark on this issue. These are not statistics, these are people and tragically [the] most venerable people.”

According to Luttrell, Tennessee ranks 42nd in the nation in terms of teen pregnancy but says that the teen pregnancy rate in his county is 20 percent higher than the states rate.

Memphis City Schools curriculum offers 9th graders a family life education course that has a heavy emphasis on abstinence from sex outside of marriage. The school district is going to be rolling out a new

“No Baby” program in hopes to help curtail the large number of teen pregnancies.

The new program presented by Girls Inc., a nonprofit organization that teaches women’s empowerment, will incorporate Facebook and text messaging as a part of the “in your face” efforts to teach the girls “how to say no” to sex. ‘No Baby’ will also push abstinence and will not give out any form of contraceptives.

“Right now, these girls don’t know how to say ‘no,’ they’re having sex when they don’t want to, they just don’t know how to say ‘no,’” said Deborah Hester Harrison, Executive Director of Girls Inc.

James Wagoner, President of Advocates for Youth, a Washington-based organization focused on reducing teen pregnancy, HIV, and sexually transmitted diseases among young people, says that there’s strong evidence a comprehensive approach that includes abstinence and contraceptives is the best way to prevent teen pregnancy.

“To only promote abstinence and to preclude contraceptives is unilateral disarmament in the face of the teen pregnancy crisis. We have to deploy all the tools and resources we have, and that means go with a comprehensive approach,” Wagoner said.

“Common sense sort of tells you that with this volume of pregnancy young people are having sex and they’d be much better off providing sexually active young people with the tools to prevent teen pregnancy while you are encouraging young people not to engage in sex. That’s not only good science that’s basic common sense.”

But one school official says the numbers that got everyone talking are not only wrong, they fail to paint an accurate picture of the real problem at Frayser.

Dr. Kriner Cash, the Superintendent of Memphis City Schools, said that because of specialized programs at Frayser geared towards teens that are pregnant or have children, many students have transferred to Frayser to participate in these programs and that is likely where the number of 90 came from.

“This notion that there are 90 pregnant students at Frayser high School right now is not true,” Cash said. “What is true is that there are programs at Frayser High School where young people who have babies and may be pregnant are coming or are already enrolled at Frayser to provide and get the kind of support that Dr. Turner and many other staff members there provide.”

Cash said the problem is not just an issue with teens getting pregnant, but also an issue with “baby daddies,” and says it is happening to young girls for a “whole host of reasons.”

One of the factors would certainly be the level of poverty at Frayser High. Nearly 100 percent of the students attending the school qualify for a free or reduced lunch program, and many are from single parent homes, or homes where teen pregnancy is generational.

Mayor Wharton said in the press conference that this problem is “everybody’s challenge” and people need to look forward.

UK Court Sides With Newspaper In Their Lawsuit Against Crazy Azz Naomi Campbell

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 06:07 AM PST

naomi campbell bald

Looks like people are more than a little tired of Naomi and her bullsh*t, time to pay the piper b*tch!

The European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday ruled in favor of a British newspaper that was ordered to pay “disproportionate” legal fees when it lost a privacy case brought by model Naomi Campbell.

The Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights found that the more than £1 million ($1.6 million) that British courts ordered the Daily Mirror newspaper’s publishers to pay was a violation of its right to freedom of expression.

The paper’s publisher, MGN Limited, was ordered to pay the fees after a British court found that the newspaper had violated Campbell’s right to privacy by publishing photographs of her outside a drug rehabilitation clinic. One of the newspaper’s articles was headlined: “Naomi: I am a drug addict.”

The publishers were ordered to pay £3,500 in damages and also Campbell’s legal fees, including a so-called “success fee” which forces the losing side of a case to pay the other side’s legal costs.

The European court ruled that the newspaper had indeed violated her privacy but that the “success fee” system should not apply to Campbell because she could afford to pay legal costs herself.

“Campbell had been wealthy and therefore not someone who risked not having access to court on financial grounds and for whom the ‘success fees’ scheme had been initially set up,” the court said.

The requirement for the newspaper to pay the fee was therefore “disproportionate to the aim sought to be achieved by the introduction of the ‘success fee’ system,” the court said.

We don’t know about ya’ll but we’re glad that the court decided to stick it to the over-dramatic, fade catching, diva. You’re 40 years old lady, get your sh*t together!


Beyonce & Tina Play Parfumeur And Have Smelling Session For Heat Rush! [Video]

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 05:40 AM PST

Now We’re Concerned: 200 Dead Cows Discovered In Wisconsin

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 05:27 AM PST

dead cows

First birds in two states, then crickets, then crabs? And now cows? These randomly dying animals have folks concerned that this is the end of days for real.

But scientists are saying there is no need to panic because this type of sh*t happens every day… sort of.

In another mysterious case of mass animal deaths, roughly 200 cows dropped dead in Stockton, Wisconsin.

The cattle owner went to check on his animals Friday, only to find them dead in the field.

The mysterious animal deaths continue — thousands of birds have already dropped from the sky in Alabama and Romania, and schools of fish have died suddenly in Maryland and Brazil.

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey say that such mass animal deaths are not actually that rare, and that there have been at least 16 documented instances in the past 30 years.

While theories of government experiments and signs of the apocalypse abound, a more likely explanation may be a respiratory condition called “red nose”, or infectious bovine rhinotracheitis. The illness is a contagious virus that takes over the animal’s windpipe, quickly spreading to cattle that haven’t been vaccinated.

The disease does not affect humans or other animals.

Didn’t they say the same thing about mad cow disease and the bird flu at some point?

And if this disease does not affect other animals, what explains the other mass deaths?


Flipping Birds! Prison Pigeon Found With Coke And Weed Tied To Its Back

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 05:23 AM PST

Pigeons Trained To Smuggle Drugs

Drug smugglers are giving new meaning to the term ‘flipping birds.’ Police say inmates are training pigeons to smuggle drugs after a pigeon was found struggling to fly over a prison wall with a sack of coke strapped to its back.

(Newser) – Police in Colombia busted a pigeon narco-trafficker after it was caught trying to fly into a prison with too heavy a load. The bird, which is now being cared for by authorities, was found struggling to fly with 40 grams of marijuana and 5 grams of cocaine paste strapped to its wings, the BBC reports. Police, who believe the bird was trained by inmates, say they’ve caught other pigeons attempting to carry phone cards into the jail.

Talk about criminal ingenuity.


Study Says Black Twitter Trending Topics Are Overwhelmingly Negative

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 04:54 AM PST

Black Trending Topics Are Overwhelmingly Negative

A company that monitors trending topics on Twitter has reported that Black people spend hours creating mostly negative trending topics like #hoodhoe, #itaintrape and #whyihateb1tches.

Here’s an interesting fact about Twitter: Black people love it. According to a study by Edison Research, we make up 25 percent of the 17 million (and counting) people who use the social networking site. And here’s something else about black people and Twitter: We love to start trends — trending topics, that is.

Twitter defines trending topics as the “new or newsworthy topics that are occupying the most people’s attention on Twitter at any one time.” Adding a hashtag (#) to a tweet creates a themed, grouped message. If enough people tweet the same hashtag, it’s considered a trending topic.

With African Americans disproportionately represented in the Twitter game, trending topics often originate with and are perpetuated by black folks. According to Edison Research, “many of the ‘trending topics’ on Twitter on a typical day are reflective of African-American culture, memes and topics.” Though many trending topics are about specific people, events or silliness like #liesmentell, #itsnotcheating, etc., the mood has recently shifted into far more ignorant territory. Why is this how we choose to wield our power on Twitter?

Trendistic, which ranks Twitter trends, marked the most popular trend one day last week as #hoodhoes (and its similar tag, #hoodhoe). For 16 hours, users tweeted their definitions of a “hood hoe”:

“If you only get paid when yo baby daddy get paid #hoodhoe”
“I like #hoodhoe they get a discount on they rent and they always got food in the fridge foodstamps lol”
“#hoodhoe emergency kit= leggings, track glue, cab phone number, ebt card, rush visa card, boost mobile phone and pre paid legal”

Twitter users can be fickle, and what’s trending at one moment can easily fall off if enough people aren’t embracing it. The fact that #hoodhoes was a hot talking point for 16 hours lets us know that people are co-signing and spreading the message.

All it takes to start up a trending topic is a large following. This was evident last year when comedian Lil Duval (@lilduval) started the trending topic #itaintrape. With almost half a million followers, the comedian was able to spread his misogynistic statements and allow others to get in on the action.

“#itaintrape if you pay for it first …
“#itaintrape if I fly u in”
“#itaintrape if I bout you popcorn and a drink … then u Didnt eat it”

The violent tweets inspired by Lil Duval were condemned by the masses, but there were more than enough people who helped spread his ignorance and create a “black Twitter” zeitgeist for the day.

It’s interesting to note which topics don’t catch on and trend. The topic #uncletomreporter (also seemingly started by @lilduval) was trending on the same day as the one-year anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti. Though some people used hashtags #haiti and #haitiday to acknowledge the natural disaster that killed almost a quarter of a million people, the Haiti topic peaked at number 76 out of the day’s most popular subjects. Stereotypes of black women can dominate a Twitter conversation for hours, but attempts to commemorate a disaster that killed hundreds of thousands of people and left a million homeless went practically unnoticed.

Of course, not all black users embrace these trends, but the way many of us choose to leverage our loud voice on Twitter speaks volumes about us to outsiders looking in. The source of entertainment for some may be fodder for white tweeters.

Writer Choire Sicha, who is white, even admitted on the Awl to being obsessed with what he termed “Black People Twitter” because of our “hilarious” trending topics. I wonder if Sicha, along with millions of other white people on Twitter, finds himself amazed that this is how we choose to use our power on the social networking site.

Although 2011 has started off with some questionable trending topics, it isn’t all bad. On the same day #hoodhoe dominated timelines, once the sun started to set, #thegame took over. The TV series The Game, which BET picked up after the CW canceled it in 2009, was premiering, and “Black People Twitter” went bananas with anticipation. Not only was the show a hot topic, but several of the characters’ names were trending as fans tweeted about the did-you-see-what-just-happened moments.

If you didn’t remember that The Game was on or about to come on, black Twitter surely reminded you. It’s not a stretch to say that the social networking push embraced by fans is part of what helped the newly resurrected sitcom debut with a record 7.7 million viewers.

It has already been proved that we have a strong-enough presence on Twitter to dominate the conversation, but having that power doesn’t matter as much as how we use it. Some trending topics just make you laugh and get you through a rough workday, but they can also educate, bring awareness, and even show advertisers and networks that our shows are bankable, as is the case with The Game.

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, top trending topics included #mlk, #mlkday and #ihaveadream. At least for one day, positivity instead of ignorance reigned on “Black People Twitter.”

As trendsetters, we have GOT to do better. The whole world is watching. #Getpositive.


Bronx Beautician Busted For Peddling Bogus Butt Shots Sealed With Krazy Glue

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 04:22 AM PST

Butt Shot Beautician

An unlicensed Bronx beautician has been arrested for peddling bogus butt injections and sealing her patients’ wounds with Krazy glue.

Butt shots and breast augmentations are all the rage in the black community now that the prices are so affordable and anyone with a kitchen table can administer the silicone and hydrogel injections.

The demand for butt shots is so great (and so profitable at $300-$3,000 a pop) that more and more black-market clinicians are setting up shop in their kitchens to administer the shots.

But according to the Feds, the administration of silicone and hydrogel injections by unlicensed personnel is still illegal outside of a clinical setting.

Unfortunately, women who desire to quickly pump up their assets are dying from nasty infections at an alarming rate as a result of the illegal procedures performed in unsterile environments. That's why law enforcement has started cracking down on the illegal activity.

Expect to see more arrests as police in every state begin to crack down on illegal butt shot parlors and their customers.

From Splash News:

A Bronx beautician with zero medical training turned her Mt. Eden apartment into a silicone back alley, risking clients' lives with black-market boob and butt jobs at $1,000 a pop, the FBI charged yesterday. Whalesca Castillo, 36, made clients lie on a massage table for dangerous injections of liquid silicone that she had shipped in from the Dominican Republic, according to a criminal complaint filed in Manhattan federal court. Then she'd seal up the wounds with Krazy Glue. Released on $100,000 bond yesterday, Castillo, who's eight months pregnant, faces up to three years in prison on charges she distributed the silicone, officials said.

There are a lot of desperate Frankensteins walking around with half baked cakes. How thirsty for attention does one have to be to let someone seal their azz with Krazy glue? WTF.


I’m Da Pappy! Halle’s Baby Daddy Files Court To Establish Paternity Of Nahla

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 03:48 AM PST

Halle & Gabe Establish Paternity

Halle Berry’s ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry has filed legal documents asking a judge to officially declare him the daddy of 2-year-old Nahla.

TMZ has learned Gabriel Aubry filed a paternity petition on December 30, 2010.

Sources say Gabriel was afraid things were going to get rocky in establishing who gets to spend time with the 2-year-old, so he wanted to protect his rights.

Turns out … we’re told whatever differences Halle and Gabriel have … they’ve been pretty much worked out.

Sources say the former couple has not filed for child custody, visitation or support and they don’t plan to file — they have an arrangement they worked out between the two of them and don’t feel the need to go to court.

Fellas take note. The best way to secure your rights as a father is to be proactive. Establish paternity and work out the details instead of waiting for someone to tell you what your rights are. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


Secret Matrimony-dom: Monica Has Been Mrs. Shannon Brown For Two Months?!?!

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 03:29 AM PST

Monica Shannon Brown

If you were hoping for all kinds of grandiose festivities for Monica’s wedding to her younger baller boo Shannon Brown, the joke’s on you.

It would appear that Ms. Thang has been Mrs. Brown since before the end of 2010.

The rumors have been swirling for two months that Mo and Shannon got married prior to her moving in with her fiance in LA in November. The marriage took place in front of the couple's parents.
Over the weekend, a reader emailed me to say that Monica went into the Clayton County office 2 weeks ago to change her last name to Brown.

The rumors are true: Monica and Shannon Brown are indeed married. An official with the NBA also confirmed the marriage, which took place in Los Angeles on November 22, 2010.

A friend of Shannon Brown's says he is relieved that the news is out because he respects his wife and he has been wearing his wedding band recently. The friend said Shannon and Monica plan to wed officially in front of family and friends (again) in Los Angeles in June.

Wow! Congrats to these two! More details coming soon.


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