Thursday, January 6, 2011



Gwyneth Paltrow latest goopy name-drop: Tom Cruise

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 08:58 AM PST


Gwyneth Paltrow's press tour for the soon-to-be-total bomb Country Strong continues. It's actually enough to make me sympathetic towards Gwyneth - she used to be a decent actress, back in the day, under specific circumstances. How the mighty have fallen, etc. Except that it's impossible to have sympathy for Gwyneth when she's too busy gooping about how EVERYTHING in her life is so great, and how all of her "dear friends" are just amazing, and didn't you hear that she recently ran into her best friend Beyonce and they were discussing her best friend Robert Downey Jr., and then Deepak Chopra and Brad Pitt came over and wasn't that weird? Gwyneth hasn't spoken to them since she last saw Ben Affleck, over at Madonna's… or maybe it was Stella McCartney's. Or Valentino's. Didn't you hear, Anna Wintour just told me how they redid that castle, she stayed there with her loving husband Chris Martin, who appreciates her so much.

So, name-dropping is an art Gwyneth has mastered, and she's been doing it through the whole press tour. The latest name-drop: Tom Cruise. Seriously, Goop? You're going to whore out Tom Cruise's name to help you sell your Britney Spears bender movie?

Gwyneth Paltrow has smooched some hot men on the big screen – paging Jude Law and Brad Pitt – but the Oscar winner has no problem picking her favorite: Tom Cruise.

“I did a little cameo once at the beginning of Austin Powers 3, I think it was, and I got to make out with Tom Cruise,” Paltrow, 38, tells the host on Friday’s Rachael Ray Show. “He was an amazing kisser!”

As for her current role in Country Strong, Paltrow confessed to some transgressions from her normally clean-living philosophy to help her get into character as an alcoholic singer.

“You just get really drunk all the time,” she says. “Which is awesome! At least I did anyway, it’s not very professional. There’s a Bloody Mary at 10 a.m. and keep it going all day!”

The thrill, she added, was stepping outside her regimented life.

“It was actually very liberating and amazing to play somebody who just didn’t think about consequences because I’m so responsible with my life, and too worried about everybody and my kids and where’s everybody going,” Paltrow says.

Aside from the daily Bloody Marys, Paltrow jokes that she’d probably only be able to perform at the Oscars “maybe with some Xanax!” But added, “I’ve learned never to say never at this point in my career. If you told me that I would’ve been playing the Country Music Awards, I would have said never.”

[From People]

Is it sad? Or funny? I know Gwyneth-defenders say that she's just a bit snooty and stuck up her own ass, but that she's overall a good person. Maybe. Or maybe she's just awful and completely terrible. Or something in between. I'll buy that she's a great mom, and that she's in a bad marriage, and that she's too uptight and snotty to consider a divorce, which she likely thinks is merely for peasants. I'll also buy that her career is very funky at this point, and she might want to consider sticking to character roles or period pieces, something where she doesn't have to be the centerpiece.

Also, about Goop and her drinking: “You just get really drunk all the time. Which is awesome! At least I did anyway, it’s not very professional. There’s a Bloody Mary at 10 a.m. and keep it going all day!” This explains so much.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

Was Jennifer Aniston drunk when she presented at the People’s Choice awards?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 08:28 AM PST


Okay, I didn't watch the People's Choice Awards. I'm depending on other sites for my information. So I didn't even know that Jennifer Aniston was there, and that she was the first presenter of the evening (she gave an award to Adam Sandler). When I was looking through Gawker, they had a post up asking what was wrong with Aniston during her presenting duties. I watched the video, and for about 10 seconds, I was all "Nit-picking, she's fine." And then she slurred the word "serious". I mean, she says it all drunky, like "surress". It's not an accent - she's not Southern, y'all. Bitch is drunk.

Watching it the second time, you can see how she seems to slur "laughed" as well, in addition to ending her presenting duties in a hurry, like all of us drunks know how to do: “I’mfinedon’tbotherme.” Now, the People's Choice is not the Golden Globes. It's not like getting hammered is absolutely mandatory to sit through the evening. I'm sure there probably is a bar or an alcohol-filled greenroom for presenters, but that doesn't change the fact that Aniston was THE FIRST presenter. Meaning she didn't have time to get drunk at the show, she had to have showed up at the ceremony drunk. Ah, Aniston.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

Taylor Swift’s peach J. Mendel: pretty peach princess, or not that cute?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 07:58 AM PST


These are photos of Taylor Swift at last night's People's Choice Awards. Swifty was by far one of the biggest celebrities who walked the red carpet, although there were some bigger names in attendance. Those bigger celebrities just didn't walk the red carpet, unfortunately. I think that sends a weird message to your fans - like, there are so many people who love the red carpet stuff, and wait outside to get autographs, and the event is all about "the people" voting for the stars they like, and you're not even going to walk the red carpet? Anyway, sorry for that digression. Swifty is wearing J. Mendel, a designer she has worn before. Swifty opted for this ice-creamy shade of peach for her big first public outing since she and Jake Gyllenhaal split. Because she's a princess! And girls should ONLY wear pastels, right?

Us Weekly points out that Swifty was "surrounded by exes" at the show. Those exes: Cory Monteith and Taylor Lautner. I was hoping for John Mayer, alas, we can't always get what we want. However, Swifty did go to the People's Choice awards with a "mystery man" - her brother, Austin Swift (who is really cute). She also spent time backstage hanging out with Selena Gomez, Ellen DeGeneres, Drew Barrymore, and Zac Efron, and signing autographs for whoever wanted them (good for her). Us Weekly points out that their sources claim Swifty is "really upset" about the Gyllenhaal breakup, and one source says: "We told her not to move so fast with this but she didn’t listen."



Photos courtesy of Fame.

LMAO: Lindsay Lohan building privacy fence so Sam Ronson won’t spy on her

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 07:29 AM PST


These are some new photos of Lindsay Lohan, out and about in LA yesterday. She's still calling the paparazzi on herself, and she's still absolutely thrilled to be photographed. I also think her busted weave is looking less busted, and blonder. I swear, she and her mother look the same age - both look like boozy floozies in their 40s, and like they have leather jackets that say "Stain's Bitch" on them.

Anyway, there are a bunch of somewhat minor Lohan stories today. First - Lindsay's assault victim, Dawn Chapman, released a statement saying in essence that we should all just leave poor little Lindsay alone. Yeah, Dawn got paid. Let's see… oh, Lindsay spent some time with Jamie Lee Curtis, her "mom" from Freaky Friday. I don't even want to think about what that conversation sounded like. Jamie: "Hey, sweetheart, how are you doing?" Lindsay: "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I'M FINE LEAVE ME ALONE."

But this is the story that really made my day - so Lindsay is moving in right beside Samantha Ronson's house in Venice Beach. And yesterday TMZ had an absolutely hilarious story about how Lindsay "didn't know" she was moving in right beside the woman she's been stalking for two years. And now Radar reports… wait… LMAO… that Lindsay wants to build a privacy fence around her property so that Sam won't be able to "spy or see" Lindsay. Jesus Christ, crackhead.

Lindsay Lohan wants to build a fence so new neighbor and ex-lover Sam Ronson can’t “spy or see” what’s going on inside her rehabbed actress’ beachside home, has exclusively learned.

Ronson was spotted looking visibly upset upon learning the Mean Girls star, 24, had moved into the Venice, California, townhouse next door from her after leaving rehab on Monday — a story first reported by

“Trust me, it wasn’t planned,” Ronson fumed to paparazzi.

Now, has learned Lindsay is planning to build a fence between the properties, in a kind-of peace offering to the woman she dated on-and-off again from September, 2008.

Lindsay’s dad Michael was spotted at Anawalt Lumber in West Hollywood on Tuesday.

“It will give both of them some space and privacy,” one source close to Lindsay told, “and it will ensure neither of them can see or spy on each other!”

[From Radar]

Lindsay is going to supervise the building of the fence. And she will scream with crack rage at you if you mention that the "fence" looks more like a one-sided ladder built specifically so that Lindsay can spy on Samantha on every level of Sam's home. God bless this crackhead, you know? She thinks she's being so sly, so clever, so nonchalant. Like we won't notice that she's violently obsessed with Samantha to the point of total cracked-out delusion.




Photos courtesy of Fame.

Ben Affleck’s new (actual) beard: cute or tragic?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 07:04 AM PST

Here’s Ben Affleck getting annoyed at the paparazzi while out getting froyo in Santa Monica yesterday with his wife Jennifer Garner and their oldest daughter Violet, five. Ben is sporting a beard that we also saw during his family vacation in Hawaii over the holidays. (Photos are here. While Garner rocked a red bikini we sadly didn’t get to see Ben without his shirt on.)

I finally saw The Town over the holidays and I have to say I was blown away. Kaiser says that Affleck is a better director than he is an actor. He did play a meaty role that he might not have been able to score on his own, but we also have to give him credit for stepping aside and letting his costars, like Jeremy Renner and Jon Hamm, shine. I thought he did an excellent job, and I also found my girlhood (ok, early 20s) crush on Ben renewed. The guy is gorgeous and there’s something troubled about him, or maybe he just played that character with such subtly that I found myself thinking he was playing himself. I like Ben and I’d love to see him get an Oscar nom for best director. That’s really where his talent lies, but he’s a decent actor too.

Does he work that beard though? Hell no, the guy has a gorgeous face. Maybe he’s trying to go incognito given how much the paparazzi hound him and his family. It doesn’t look like it’s working. Shave it, Ben!

Also, how cute are those glasses on Violet?

Credit to Kaiser for that title! Photos are credit:







Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie spent $300 at a Missouri Kmart

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 07:00 AM PST


This is just a nice little story to cleanse your palate from yesterday's Star Magazine cover story about Angelina Jolie needing to go to rehab (which, yes, had very little to do with heroin, despite the cover line lie). This story is about the Jolie-Pitts trip to Missouri last week, and where they went. Apparently, Angelina and Brad are Kmart shoppers. For real. Us Weekly reports that Angelina and Brad went to Kmart (with Pax and Zahara) in Springfield, Missouri, and spent about $300. Now, I'm not some kind of hardcore elitist, but even I don't shop at Kmart. Is the Kmart in my town particularly trashy? Yes, it is. I always feel like I'm about to be stabbed just driving by the place. So what does it say about Angelina and Brad that they shop at Kmart?

Venice, Paris… Missouri? After celebrating Christmas in Namibia (and donating $2 million to an area wildlife sanctuary), globetrotting couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie rang in the new year with some very American activities.

Visiting Brad's parents in Missouri December 27, they, along with Pax and Zahara, went on a Kmart shopping spree.

"They spent about $300 on cosmetics and toys," says an onlooker. The next day, they hit a Barnes & Noble in Springfield with Zahara and Shiloh to buy Nook digital readers.

Upon their return to LA later in the week, their average-joe adventures continued. The brood - minus Knox and Vivienne had dinner on January 2 at tourist fave Benihana, where a chef grilled for the group tableside.

Says a witness, "they looked like they were having fun!"

[From Us Weekly, print edition]

Cosmetics and toys? You're going to go bargain shopping at Kmart and you're not even going to check out the Martha Stewart Everyday Living line? The hell? Martha sells some nice stuff at Kmart. That's the only reason to even visit!

Also - Benihana? Is that better or worse than taking the kids to McDonalds? I think it's about the same, don't you? Brangelina: Just like us. Next thing you know, the paparazzi will get a shot of Brad scratching his balls on the front lawn while Angelina files her nails as she watches The Price Is Right.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Katie Holmes talks about being styled by Suri again in Elle Mag

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 06:39 AM PST


Katie Holmes is the cover girl for the February issue of Elle Magazine. I could have sworn she was just recently the cover girl, just a few months ago. Where is it…ah, November 2009. Not as recently as I thought. But you'll have to forgive me, because most of Katie's interviews are the same thing - she always talks about Suri's style, and how Suri dresses her, and then Katie goes on to talk up her own style, as if Suri gets it from her. Not so much, Kate-Bot. Suri gets her love of high heels and pretty princess fashion from her dad. Just sayin'. Anyway, I think Katie is promoting her role as Jackie Kennedy in the History Channel's miniseries, because she talks a lot about Jackie in the interview:

Katie on Suri's fashion sense: “She’ll really tell me what she thinks. Like today I’m wearing brown suede pants, and she said, ‘I don’t like your pants.’” Holmes explains Suri’s advice isn’t all harsh, though: “But then she’ll say, ‘You’ve got to wear these shoes.’ Or ‘That’s so pretty, Mom. Wear that.’ She’s got a great eye.”

Suri is an instinctual shopper: “The other day we came out of a store, and she said, ‘I want to go there,’ pointing at another store quite a distance away. In that store was the dress that she wanted. I said, ‘Wow, Suri. You’re something. You picked that out from a football field away.’”

On the design process for her clothing line, Holmes & Yang: "I have such an appreciation for the fine details and the amount of work it takes. I really appreciate clothing and designers so much more. It's made shopping even better."

On decorating: "I like to create a nice table. I love roses and orchids and French tulips and berries, and then a lot of things that are just pretty and I have no idea what their names are."

On working hard to perfect her role as former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy: "I worked as hard as I could, because I loved her. On set there was this feeling that we had to create something very special, because these people were very special."

On playing such a complex role: "[The Kennedys] were like movie stars. There was such a professionalism to their public image."

On admiring Jackie Kennedy's strength: "I didn't realize that she had lost a child in August and then [Jack] was assassinated in November. I couldn't believe it. She had so much strength….I loved her love of family, how important it was for her to be a good mother."

On not letting the attention from the paparazzi get to her: "I don't worry so much. It is what it is, and it's fine. I'll go somewhere because I need to get something done."

[From Elle Magazine]

It is startling to realize that Jackie lost baby Patrick just a few months before Jack was assassinated. I remember reading a Jackie biography years ago and figuring out how quickly those two events happened in succession. It's no wonder Jackie was so beloved for so many years - people had tremendous sympathy for her, and she was a world-wide icon. Now, how will the zombie known as Katie Holmes do with the role of Jackie? I have no idea. Jackie didn't talk out of the side of her mouth, I know that much. Strike one, Kate-Bot.

Also - I love the idea of Suri vetoing Katie's pants. It cracks me up.




Photos courtesy of Elle.

Khloe Kardashian goes red: funky shade or pretty cute?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 06:07 AM PST


The Kardashians won last night at the People's Choice Awards. That's pretty much all you need to know about the People's Choice Awards. I'm sure I'll be covering stuff from the show all day, but in case you wanted to see a full list of winners, go here. Anyway, back to the Kardashians - they all coordinated their outfits, of course, and I'm not even going to bother looking up the designers, mainly because even when the girls are wearing Chanel couture, they still manage to make it look cheap, and like budget stripper-wear. Oh, the Jenner girls were there too - Kendall and the other one. The biggest news, however, was that Khloe is going red. And not like "Khloe ANGRY. KHLOE SEE RED." As in, Khloe is lightening her hair to a weird shade of red.

Khloe Kardashian is seeing red!

Flanked by her sisters Kim and Kourtney, the reality star (wearing an Alexander McQueen frock and Louboutin shoes) debuted a flaming new hair color at Wednesday’s People’s Choice Awards in Los Angeles.

“I am on my way to red,” Khloe, 26, explained to reporters of her strawberry blonde hue, adding that the color transformation isn’t quite finished. “I am doing some more red tomorrow. I am in the process.”

Joked the star of her older sisters Kim, 30, and Kourtney, 32: “I’m so tired of these girls copying everything I do with my hair, so I wanted to go red –watch, they'll be red in two days!”

[From Us Weekly]

Well, out of all of them, Khloe is the one most likely to pull off the color, just because her sisters seems hellbent on tanning and whatever else to make themselves look like "Snooki Lite". Seriously, what's going on with Kourtney? Does she think this is a good look? Anyway, regarding Khloe: I hope the red doesn’t stick around. I liked her as a brunette. She doesn’t really have the skin tone to pull off this red shade.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

Camille Grammer isn’t returning to RHOBH next season (Update: she quit)

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 06:00 AM PST

Camille Grammer
Resident meanie Camille Grammer has allegedly vowed not to return to the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills next season. We sort-of saw this coming, what with the news that the rest of the cast wants her off the show, which is to be expected since Camille picks fights with everyone and flirts outrageously with their husbands. The Hollywood Reporter claims that Camille has no interest in coming back to the show for another season.

Camille Grammer will not be returning for a second season of Bravo's Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, THR has learned exclusively.
The soon-to-be ex-wife of actor Kelsey Grammer has been the subject of much scrutiny during the series' freshman season ­– which averages more than 2 million viewers a week – for her parenting habits (she has four nannies for two children), her friendships with married tennis partner Nick Stabile and real-life medium Allison Dubois, and her now infamous feud with co-star Kyle Richards (aunt of socialite and reality star Paris Hilton).

While a second season has yet to be officially announced by the network, a source close to production confirmed that Grammer has decided that she has no interest in participating either way.

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

Camille is entertaining in a trainwreck kind of way, but her extreme narcissism gets old fast. She doesn’t have much to offer besides nastiness, and while that’s fun to gossip about it’s not easy to watch. She predictable, and every week she does mean, self-centered things and then accuses Kyle of the very behavior we’ve seen Camille engage in. No one wants to see the villain triumph or even continue to cling to her weak-minded view of a world that will always center around her. We know all about Camille and her sad privileged world and we know that she’ll never change. She’ll lose her husband soon, though, and there are plenty of people who are hoping we’ll get to see her lizard face fall when she realizes that Kelsey isn’t coming back. There’s a new episode of Real Housewives coming this Thursday.

Update: Radar Online reports that Camille quit the RHOBH a day after taping the reunion show on Tuesday.

Here are some vintage photos of Camille. The header is from 2009 and the other photos are dated below. Credit: PRPhotos.

Kelsey Grammer

Kelsey Grammer

Kelsey Grammer

Kelsey Grammer

Natalie Portman’s pregnancy was a surprise, says Us Weekly

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 05:45 AM PST


Natalie Portman is pregnant, engaged, and one of the leading contenders for this year's Best Actress Oscar. Is it fair to rake her over the coals? Eh. While I'm not her biggest fan, I'm not hugely interested in (metaphorically) beating up on a pregnant woman. Do you sense a big caveat coming? Of course. Considering Natalie's pregnancy-and-engagement announcement took most people by surprise, the tabloids are doing what they love to do - digging up dirt on someone new. Us Weekly has an interesting story on Natalie and her beloved, Benjamin Millepied, in this week's issue. Their sources confirm many of the rumors we've already heard about Benjamin - that he was very much involved with a dancer when he met Natalie, and that there was some overlap in the two relationships. Us Weekly's sources also give the impression that Benjamin is, in fact, a fame-hungry star-f-cker who is looking to build a career on his association with Natalie. One more thing - the pregnancy wasn't planned, and Benjamin only proposed after Natalie got pregnant.

One year ago, Natalie Portman ran in the new year with her new boyfriend, Benjamin Millepied, at a private party in New York City.

"At midnight, they kissed for a long time on the dance floor," an attendee tells Us Weekly.

Fast-forward one year, and she has two more reasons to smile: she's pregnant and engaged.

"The pregnancy was a bit of a shock," says a Portman source, adding that she's three months along. "He proposed after they found out. They are happy, and all is right."

But the fairy tale may not be as idyllic as it appears. Insiders say Millepied, a noted ladies man, was still involved with his live-in love, ballerina Isabella Boylston, when he met Portman.

"When he started dating Natalie, he dropped Isabella," says a source. Indeed, another source says Boylston learned of the on-set affair before Millepied could tell her.

"She was upset," says the ballet insider. "Their breakup was bitter."

A pattern? A source recalls that just a few years ago Millepied persuaded a Danish dancer to move to NYC, only to leave her for another dancer. But the Portman source insists no one stole anyone: "He fell in love with someone else. He pursued Natalie. That was on him."

From the moment Millepied met Portman, he was smitten.

"It was seductive to watch them," says a source on the Black Swan set. "There was no way the attraction could be missed. I don't think he could help himself - she's dazzling!"

As for Portman, she was struck by the dancer as well. "She's into artsy, smart guys, and he's an artsy, smart guy," says the Portman source. However, some worry that Millepied is a little too eager to go Hollywood.

"He could be using Natalie to move up the fame ladder," says a Millepied source. Meanwhile, others say he has turned over a new leaf.

"He wants to settle down," says a source. Adds another, "We are looking at a summer baby and maybe a wedding just before or after! Everyone is excited."

[From Us Weekly, print edition]

My favorite quote is from the Portman source: "He fell in love with someone else. He pursued Natalie. That was on him." Ah, that's wonderful. If only everyone thought that way! If only everyone just blamed the cheating guy for being a womanizing douche, and no one ever blamed the woman he was screwing. Notice that the Portman source doesn't really say if Natalie KNEW Benjamin was already in a relationship when he began pursuing her. Oh, well. "That was on him."

Also, I agree with some of your theories that Benjamin was the one poking holes in the condoms. He hit the jackpot with this one, didn't he?

By the way, Natalie was at the People’s Choice Awards last night, but it doesn’t look like she took her bump to the red carpet. Sigh… I think this is probably going to be happening a lot. So many awards shows, so many opportunities for Natalie to remind us that she’s too good to walk a red carpet. Anyway, you can see some shots of Natalie backstage with her bump here, at HuffPo.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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