Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Protests We Can Get Behind: Colorado Student Pays Tuition In $1 Bills

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 11:05 AM PST

College tuition rates are no longer even bordering on ridiculous, and one student in Colorado decided to remind the people in his college’s administration office exactly how much they were charging to teach him.

According to The New York Times:

“On Friday, a sophomore at the University of Colorado, Boulder, found a symbolic way to strike back.

The student, Nic Ramos, paid his entire spring semester tuition — all $14,309.51 of it — using dollar bills, a 50-cent piece and a penny.

"It kind of started as a joke," said Mr. Ramos, an economics major.

"But when I thought about it more," he said, "it's just an absurd amount of money. I wanted to give the school a different way to look at tuition."

It’s true that college admissions officers do not pay enough attention to the money they’re charging students for classes. Kids don’t often pay attention to the fact that colleges and universities are businesses making money off of them. But that’s all that administrators often think about, considering that they’re pretty much divorced from the educational side of things and are in charge of making sure the school brings in the right amount of money each semester.

Meanwhile, I also like this description:

It took Mr. Ramos two days to withdraw the money from several banks. He said that when he walked into the bursar's office on Friday morning with a 33-pound duffel bag full of cash, the tellers were stunned.

It seems like everyone took the money bags payment. And this is good too. According to a spokesperson:

“no student in the last decade had tried to pay tuition with bills. But he said he remembered that when he was a student at the university in the 1980s, a fellow student tried to pay entirely with coins.That student was turned away, Mr. Hilliard said.

(Photo by ThisNext)

Post from: Crushable

Protests We Can Get Behind: Colorado Student Pays Tuition In $1 Bills

Crushable's Cat Lady: Teach Kim To Kiss More Like A Cat

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 10:44 AM PST

Dear Cat Lady,
My boyfriend is cute, smart, and funny. He even likes cats, too! Well, he says that he likes cats, although I think that he doesn't feel the same level of devotion to them as I do. I mean, he doesn't even have any calendars with pictures of kittens on them, which is, like, step number one for cat lovers. Anyways, my only problem is that he's a HORRIBLE kisser. Seriously, it's like he's hoping to find some leftovers every time he approaches my mouth. Is there any way that I can stop him from acting like a vacuum cleaner?


Girl with Nearly-Purrfect Boyfriend

Dear Nearly-Purrfect;

Just as there are dog people and cat people (or, I should say, dog "people" and cat people), there are also dog kissers and cat kissers. And far too many men fall into the dog kisser category – sloppy, slobbery, and saliva-saturated.

Cats, by contrast, kiss in a much more agreeable manner: tender, little, frequent kisses which cover the surface of the loved one's face, but also don't hesitate to explore sensitive nooks, such as ears. So tell your boyfriend to watch this video of kissing kittens, and say that you'll even buy him a Kittens of 2011 calender to reward him if he can adjust his kisses to be more catlike, so that you can have the same expression on your face as the tabby kitten in the video.

Love and hairballs –

The Cat Lady

Post from: Crushable

Crushable's Cat Lady: Teach Kim To Kiss More Like A Cat

The Daily WTF: A Couch Made Of Stephen Colbert

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 10:38 AM PST

Have you ever wanted to sit on Stephen Colbert’s face? You don’t have to answer that, you can just imagine what it might feel like to rub your feet against the Colbert Report host’s pursed lips while you browse the Etsy listing for this handmade couch. The thing is going for $4,993.86, which is a bizarrely specific amount of money. Though this is a bizarrely specific piece of furniture.


Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: A Couch Made Of Stephen Colbert

Oh No: Former 'American Idol' Contestant Alex Lambert Is Homeless

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 10:05 AM PST

Not another homeless reality star (see: RHBH’s Cedric)! Former American Idol Season 9 semi-finalist Alex Lambert has been sleeping on the streets of L.A. for the last few months. Alex was the supercute, raspy voiced kid from Texas (who weirdly claimed to be a 19-year-old high school student) whose early-round elimination is considered one of the most shocking cuts in Idol history. Yesterday, Alex tweeted:

“Ever since IICD ended I’ve been kinda homless! Sleepin on the street and behind buildings.I have a choice to stay and persue my career or go.”

“IICD” refers to Simon Fuller’s online reality show If I Can Dream, which tossed struggling actors, models and musicians into a home where they were mentored by professionals. Alex was part of a cast that included underwear model (and Miley Cyrus’s ex) Justin Gaston.

Alex claims he’s been homeless ever since the show ended in October. On his Twitter, he explained that he’s been communicating from coffee shops and other WiFi-equipped stores in the L.A. area. Here’s a video of Alex on Idol:

Post from: Crushable

Oh No: Former 'American Idol' Contestant Alex Lambert Is Homeless

Video: Leonardo DiCaprio Freaks Out Times A Million

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 09:16 AM PST

Emote, little Leo, emote! Attaboy. Now throw a chair or something. Grrrrr! We had no idea there were so many Leonardo DiCaprio freak-out moments trapped forever on celluloid. Seriously though, isn’t he cute when he’s mad?


Post from: Crushable

Video: Leonardo DiCaprio Freaks Out Times A Million

Crushable Quotable: 14-Year-Old Oprah's Cries For Attention Way More Intense Than Ours

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 09:05 AM PST

With the launch of her new television network OWN, Oprah’s been doing a lot of interviews lately. And talking to Piers Morgan on CNN last night, Oprah revealed how she dealt with getting pregnant at the age of 14. And it was pretty intense.

Oprah  blamed her pregnancy at such a young age on bad choices and sexual abuse. She also said she dealt with it in a pretty drastic way.

Apparently she did “stupid things like drinking detergent and all that kind of crazy stuff that you do when you're trying to get attention, when you're really just trying to cry for help.”

Um, drinking detergent is not usually how teens seek attention. However, Oprah’s childhood was also way more intense than most. She had very strict parents, and her father once informed her:

“I would rather see a daughter of mine floating down the Cumberland River than to bring shame on this family and the indecency of an illegitimate child.”

OK then! That’s one way to totally terrify your daughter into harming herself. Oprah eventually had the child, but it died in the hospital.
“When the baby died, I knew that it was my second chance,” she said.
(Photo by Getty)

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Quotable: 14-Year-Old Oprah's Cries For Attention Way More Intense Than Ours

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 09:05 AM PST

You could win an iPhone4! — Crushable’s giving one lucky Facebook fan an iPhone — all you have to enter is become a fan of Crushable here and then tell us what song is your go-to when you need to put yourself in a happy mood. You have until Thursday, January 20 at 5 p.m. EST to tell us your song choice! Don’t wait.

Post from: Crushable

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 08:30 AM PST

Science has found the best hangover cure – And it’s coffee and aspirin. “No duh, science” – Us and the lab rats you inflicted with hangovers. (Gawker)

Post from: Crushable

Life Lessons From 'Skins': Working Out Will Get You Crazy Laid

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 08:06 AM PST

Last night’s premiere ep of MTV’s Skins introduced us to Tony Snyder, the irreverent chick magnet who’s the envy of every single one of his scrawny, Proactiv-tainted classmates. So what’s Tony’s secret? A chiseled body, a sculpted face and the attitude that comes with being the most in-shape teenager this side of military school.

When we first meet Tony, he’s practicing a morning ritual that includes push-ups, jump rope, boxing, and flexing (take that, GOOP!). He’s in such good shape that the older, married woman who lives across the street bares her breasts to the window for a reciprocal look at Tony’s abs. When Tony arrives at school (on time and with his homework completed!), we see that he’s dating Michelle, the hottest gal around. Tony then proceeds to makes all the chicks at his choir audition positively swoon while he croons Cole Porter’s Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall In Love). (Yes, Tony can sing as well — he’s perfect.)

Tony also calls all the shots and everyone goes along with it. He can get away with being a total jerk to his friends (he calls his girlfriend “Nips,” referring to her funny nipples), and even sasses off to teachers with no repercussions. He basically lives the total fantasy of what high school can be.

And it’s apparently all because Tony starts his day by working out instead of sleeping in and masturbating like his poor virginal friend Stanley. So kids: Invest in a treadmill and a good alarm clock if you want high school to be awesome.

Post from: Crushable

Life Lessons From 'Skins': Working Out Will Get You Crazy Laid


Post from: Crushable

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