Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Posted: 13 Oct 2010 11:01 AM PDT

Tom Hardy snags a Batman role – A reunion between Tom and Inception director Chris Nolan is just around the corner! Is Tom going to play the villain to Christian Bale’s hero? No one will tell us, but we bet he could pull it off. (Deadline)

Post from: Crushable

Kate Bosworth and Heidi Klum Style Tips From Lucky

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 10:46 AM PDT

Our friends at have a knack for finding good celebrity fashion ideas. Here are two easy tips to add to your wardrobe from the likes of Kate Bosworth and Heidi Klum:

Out in L.A. with her boyfriend Alexander Skarsgard over the weekend, Kate Bosworth was spotted wearing a very preppy-chic outfit.

The focal point of the actress’ ensemble was a cream bow blouse, which is the sort of top generally worn with a cardigan or blazer, but she instead layered it underneath a black crewneck sweater. The trick to pulling off this style is tying the bow low and loose to create a relaxed drapey effect.

Read more about Kate’s look at Lucky

Last night, supermodel Heidi Klum stepped out to launch her latest project: a capsule collection of activewear for New Balance.

To fete the occasion, Klum wore a long-sleeved black-and-white silk dress with structured shoulders and gave the look a dose of color with an eye-catching pair of blue suede platform heels.

Read more about Heidi’s at Lucky

Post from: Crushable

Kate Bosworth and Heidi Klum Style Tips From Lucky

Your New Crush: Florencio Avalos, First Rescued Chilean Miner

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 10:44 AM PDT

Like the rest of the world, we’ve been following the Chilean miner saga with rapt attention. Finally, after 70 days, the trapped miners were rescued from down below this morning. And the first man out of the mine, Florencio Avalos? Totally hot, you guys. And not just not hot for someone who’s been trapped underground without basic provisions (you know, mousse, grooming tools) for two months, but like legit hot.

Florencio is 31 years old, with a wife and a young son — both of whom were waiting outside the mine with wet eyes and open arms. After greeting his family, he was placed on a stretcher and transferred to the hospital for an examination. To cheers and applause, of course.

We’re not the only ones impressed by Florencio’s chiseled looks. Sunglasses company Oakley saw dollar signs in the well-publicized rescue attempt, and donated a pair of $450 sunnies to each of the 33 miners — with the assumption that they’d wear them while leaving the mine, of course. And indeed it worked: Florencio and the others hopped out from the underground with shades over their adjusting eyes. (Not that we would have minded a clearer shot of that face!)

Post from: Crushable

Your New Crush: Florencio Avalos, First Rescued Chilean Miner

10 Friends That You Actually Need In Your Life

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 09:45 AM PDT

Our friends over Lemondrop did a post today about the top 10 friends every girl should keep around. Reading the list, you would think that “friendship” was just another word for “getting stuff for free.” Why else would you need a doctor/lawyer friend, an accountant friend, and a chef? Those are people you hire, not people you forge a fake bond with so you don’t have to cook/go for an annual checkup/do your taxes. We here at Crushable firmly believe that you should pick your friends for the right reasons: Because they make you look good. That’s why we created our own top 10 list of friends every girl should have in her life.
1. The friend that dresses worse than you: You know whenever you go out, you won’t have to fight over attention because this girl really does not give a shit what she throws on. Either she has a boyfriend, doesn’t care, or is totally clueless, but either way you don’t have to worry about Mean Girling yourselves every Friday night when a cute boy walks by.
2. The friend with a lot of money: Can’t afford to go out for dinner but your friend really wants Thai? That’s fine: they’ll get the check. They also don’t mind giving you their old designer clothes, picking up the drink tab, and (depending on how much they like you) paying your bail if it ever comes to that.
3. The friend who get sloppy drunk: She’s a blast and a half, and you know that compared to her antics at midnight, you’ll look like a class act. Plus, if you want to leave early, she’s a great excuse.
4. The friend who never gets drunk (but isn’t all righteous about it): Maybe they are straight-edge. Maybe they just have a bad reaction to alcohol. But you can depend on this buddy for designated driving (just make sure to take them out fora hangover brunch as a thank you) and taking your cell phone away from you when you decide it’s a good idea to call your ex at 3 a.m.
5. The friend who is studying to be a counselor/hostage negotiator: They make for perfect third roommates when you decide to live with the girl from #3 senior year.
6. The friend who hacks computers for fun: Hey, they might be the next Mark Zuckerberg! Plus, don’t you want to know your boyfriends email password or what your midterm grades are before they come out?
7. The friend that’s your ex-boyfriends best friend: When you guys were dating, you always hit it off with your boyfriend’s BFF. Now that your not, keep in touch: They can give you the skinny about who your former fling is currently locking lips with, and might even tell you what a jerk he was for dumping you. Plus, it will really bug your ex when he sees you’re still tight with his crew.
8. The friend that’s gay most of the time: “Gay best friend” sounded a little obvious, but we always loved our BUG buddies (bisexual until graduation). College is the time to experiment for both them and you, so go nuts with that well-coiffed drama major who loves show tunes but is a little confused, or your best girl friend who you sometimes get a little Santana/Brittany with when you need a hot body to lie on top of to digest your food.

9. The friend that brings the party:
Look, you want to know where the cool kids are doing, and your social butterfly buddy has all the right hookups. Sure she can be a little annoying with all her name-dropping and stories about how nuts last night was over at Sigma Cappa Delta, but luckily she’ll never overstay her welcome because she had somewhere else to be like, an hour ago.

10. The friend you would do anything for:
Off the record, do you know who you should really be hanging out with? The people who you care about, and who care about you. Who cares what they’re good at or how they can help you: if you guys have fun together, then screw those other faux-friends and spend a night with your real buddy.

Post from: Crushable

10 Friends That You Actually Need In Your Life

Illustrious Illustrations: The Best Of 'Glee' DeviantART

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 09:32 AM PDT

We knew Glee attracts a musical theater crowd, but we had no idea how many amazing illustrators were into the show as well. From portraits of Puck to imagined renderings of the kids’ high school yearbook photos, these drawings run the Glee gamut. We might have to decorate the Crushable office with some of this fan-tastic DeviantART work.

Post from: Crushable

Illustrious Illustrations: The Best Of 'Glee' DeviantART

Sheree's New 'Love Doctor' Tiy-E Is A Fraud

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 10:15 AM PDT

This week on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, we were pretty impressed with Sheree’s new date, Tiy-E Muhammad. And so was she, the two are apparently still dating. But as it turns out, there may have been a reason he took her dancing in a random, secluded strip mall restaurant.

According to MediaTakeout, Sheree’s new man was fired from Clark Atlanta University a few years ago for falsely claiming to be a doctor.

But that hasn’t stopped him from using Clark in his credentials. Tiy-E’s website currently states that he “is a former psychology professor of human sexuality at Clark Atlanta University, the relationship expert for the Ricki Lake Show, and host of a weekly radio relationship show on Hot 107.9 FM in Atlanta.”

Tiy-E now calls himself “The Love Doctor” and writes books and takes speaking gigs as such, though he never went to med school, and does not have a PhD. He has, however, appeared on another reality show: "The Real Gilligan's Island."

How’s that for credentials, medical board?

Post from: Crushable

Sheree's New 'Love Doctor' Tiy-E Is A Fraud

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 09:05 AM PDT

All the Sad, Shirtless, Literary Young Men – Monday night’s N+1 panel on its new book, What Was The Hipster: A Sociological Investigation, was thrown into a downright tizzy when Vice co-founder and StreetCarnage owner Gavin McInnes showed up shirtless. Someone get the fainting salts! (Blackbook Magazine)

Post from: Crushable

Shop Crushable: Vintage Lace Necklace

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 09:00 AM PDT


Maybe it’s our newfound love of Boardwalk Empire, but we’ve found ourselves inexplicably drawn to this vintage lace and pearl necklace by jewelry line tree & kimble by Lisa Bruemmer. This one hangs from antique copper chain, adding to the 1920’s feel. It’s definitely prettier than that green stone necklace Jimmy bought his burlesque dancing girlfriend.

didrika necklace
tree & kimball

Buy now

Post from: Crushable

Shop Crushable: Vintage Lace Necklace

Gallery: 5 Pop Culture Moments That Could Have Used More Eric Stoltz

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 09:01 AM PDT

Ever since we found out that Eric Stoltz originally shot scenes as Marty McFly in Back to the Future, the Internet has gone Stoltz-crazy, imagining him in the postersof other films and, ridiculously enough, letting him direct an episode of Glee.

But Eric is best known for his character acting, and we thought that Hollywood has really missed out on some of the great performances the Last Days of Disco star could have brought to the big screen. Such as…

  • Being Eric Stoltz
  • Gossip Stoltz
  • InceptStoltz
  • The Twilight Stoltz: New Moon
  • Sesame Stoltz
  • Back to the Stoltz

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: 5 Pop Culture Moments That Could Have Used More Eric Stoltz


Post from: Crushable

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