Thursday, October 14, 2010



Posted: 14 Oct 2010 10:50 AM PDT

Still searching for a Halloween costume? If you think you can pull of a Jersey girl, look no further. We’re giving our Facebook fans the chance to win one of two of these Jerseylicious prize packs, which contain everything you need to look like Olivia or Tracy (or, let’s be honest, Snooki) including Bumpits, hair spray and fake eyelashes. Click here and hit the “Like” button before 5 p.m. EST on Sunday October 24 to be entered to win. Then watch Jerseylicious every Sunday on the Style Network for more costume inspirations.

Post from: Crushable

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 10:41 AM PDT

Adam Sandler dresses up in drag – Here’s some nightmare fuel, everyone. Photos were snapped on the set of Jack and Jill, where Adam plays both the of the brother and sister roles. In pigtails, even. (PopEater)

Post from: Crushable

Dancing With The Stars Boots The Situation - And Us

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 10:33 AM PDT

Last night on Dancing With The Stars, Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino got the boot. But if the producers were smart, they would have kept him around a few weeks longer.

The Situation wasn’t about to win any dancing prizes. As we mentioned yesterday, his Argentinan tango was pretty terrible. In the end, he only got 28 out of 60 points last night. But since when do scores have anything to do with who stays on the show at this point?

The judges on Dancing With The Stars never warmed up to The Situation – his reputation from his MTV reality show seems to have preceded him. In the first episode, judge Len Goodman said Mike had "the guns but no ammo." They sort of had it out for him.

And now, the might Situation is officially out. Of course, DWTS has consistently been a ratings draw. This Monday, they had an average audience of 19.8 million viewers — more than six million more than any other Monday night show.

But part of the draw is the antics of celebs that appear. Last season on the show, Kate Gosselin’s histrionics were a huge draw, despite (or maybe because of) her terrible dancing. Maybe the show has become impervious to ratings drops, but we think they’re getting cocky. If we were involved, The Sitch would be around for quite awhile longer.

Post from: Crushable

Dancing With The Stars Boots The Situation - And Us

The Ultimate Rejection: My Donor Eggs Wouldn't Sell

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 10:56 AM PDT

I had been trolling Craigslist for weeks. My job as an office manager wasn’t paying the rent, and my long-deferred student loans were piling up in my mailbox. Despite looking for administrative positions that paid twice what I was making, I kept going back to “Egg Donors Needed.”

The idea of making eight grand, while also helping a fellow human being, seemed an ideal solution. I’ve always had a soft spot for charity, and an even softer spot for money. Granted, it wouldn’t solve all my financial problems, but I thought it was a way to get ahead while I found that perfect job. That was two years ago; I’m still looking for that perfect job.

After much internal debate, and a call to the Ask-a-Nurse in my hometown to see what, if any, side effects I could expect, I clicked on the link to a fertility center in New York City. The Ask-a-Nurse in New Hampshire didn’t have any information for me. In fact, they were puzzled why I called them. Looking back, I am too.… (Read the rest of this story on

Post from: Crushable

The Ultimate Rejection: My Donor Eggs Wouldn't Sell

Video: Justin Bieber Raps, Wears Weird Glasses

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 09:35 AM PDT

Fair warning: Once you watch Justin Bieber rapping you can’t unwatch Justin Bieber rapping. So, are you still with us? Good. Performing as “Shawty Mane” (sounds like a delicious place to get crab cakes if you ask us), Biebs freestyles over a Cam’Ron track. The weird thing is? “Speaking in Tongues” is actually pretty good!

Now if someone would just do something about those Velma from Scooby Doo glasses.

Post from: Crushable

Video: Justin Bieber Raps, Wears Weird Glasses

Freeze Your Jeans: The Best Way to Clean Denim?

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 09:26 AM PDT

Don’t like the feeling of tight jeans out of the dryer? Hate your denim fading in the wash? Consider putting your Calvins in the freezer: We couldn’t believe it when we heard this tip from a fashion publicist, but doing a quick Internet search revealed that this pro-tip isn’t such a secret. Freezing your jeans won’t remove stains, but it will kill bacteria (and smells!) without shrinking the fabric.

Here’s what you’ll need:
One pair of jeans (dirty)
A big plastic baggie.
A freezer
A day-one week to spare (depending who you ask)

What to do:
Fold jeans, insert into baggy. Make sure there is no leaky things in your freezer. Than just be chill like this guy.

Oh also, this works for shoes too. Who knew? There’s been some debate about whether freezing jeans actually does anything except remove bacteria.

Post from: Crushable

Freeze Your Jeans: The Best Way to Clean Denim?

Fan Fiction: Russell Brand and Katy Perry Have a Normal Wedding

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 08:58 AM PDT

The guests were all sitting in their seats, making small talk amongst themselves as they waited for the ceremony to begin. The wedding, between singer/songwriter Katy Perry and actor Russell Brand was to be a serious affair, as the invitations stated, with solemn vows being traded between two people who were deeply committed to making a life together. It was also going to have an Indian theme at the Rajasthan desert resort of Aman-i-Khas, which in no one was to bring to mind the African Child music video at the beginning of Get Him to the Greek. Russell Brand had told his friends at his joint bachelor/bachelorette party with his fiancee the week before (Russell and Katy did not condone the American tradition of drunken, lecherous debauchery before nuptials) that despite rumors and their reputations, he wanted a very normal wedding.

A red-haired guest in the front row shifted to face the the woman behind him and grinned widely, “Elmo excited to see Miss Katy get married!” The ceremony begun.

With little fanfare Russell Brand appeared at the base of the alter. He was wearing a Victorian top hat, a long mustache that curled up at the corners, and a giant walking cane in addition to his understated Victorian English tuxedo. He was flanked by his best man, a giant bag of heroin, who Russell had made clear was to be on his best behavior during the ceremony. Russell had almost gone with one of his other celebrity friends over his oldest school-chum, because he knew how the bag of heroin got when he partied too hard. But in the end, Russell decided that this, the most important moment of his life, should be shared with his oldest friend, even though he rarely saw the bag of heroin anymore.

The music began. It was a mash-up of a Bollywood version of Here Comes the Bride and “California Gurl.” Samantha Ronson was spinning the track in the back, aided by a full orchestra which she was remixing live. Katy appeared at the flap of the tent, in a traditional wedding saree in magenta and neon blue, flanked by tiny confection birds which held up the trails of her dress. She narrowed her eyes when she saw Russell’s outfits, and Betty White who was sitting in the back row (to make an easy exit…just in case) could have sworn she heard Katy mumble something about “always having to do things his way.” But as quickly as it had come on, Katy’s scowl passed and was replaced by a beatific smile.

Instead of her father, Katy had begged the chick from Bones to walk her down the isle. “I really don’t think that’s appropriate…” that Bones woman had said when she had gotten the phone call from Katy’s personal assistant, a giant talking squirrel.

“Miss Perry says you two are practically family, or at least everyone thinks you are,” said the beleaguered squirrel, “plus, she’s willing to pay you $40k to give her away in this very low-key affair at an Indian casino resort.” After looking at how much she made on her current contract, Bones agreed and now found herself walking arm and arm with a woman who looked sort of like her sister, wearing a sparkly bikini with tassels coming down off the top. She was pretty sure Russell Brand winked at her.

“Shall we begin?” asked the Unitarian, non-denominational Na’vi officiant, once Katy had reached her future husband at the alter.

Later on, the guests would tell themselves that all things considered, it was a pretty normal wedding.

Post from: Crushable

Fan Fiction: Russell Brand and Katy Perry Have a Normal Wedding

Mickey Rourke's Guide To Halloween Every Day

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 09:53 AM PDT

When it comes to Halloween, some celebrities are more dedicated to the holiday than others. The beauty of Mickey Rourke is that almost every outfit he wears looks like a costume. The Wrestler star is an expert at terrifying and surprising friends and acquaintances with impressively unconventional outfits on a daily basis.

This Halloween, take a few style tips from Mickey, and you can easily achieve a whole variety of costume looks, potentially gleaned from your current wardrobe!

(Photos by Wenn/Getty)

Paris Hilton’s Guide To Generic Halloween Costumes
Heidi Klum’s Guide to Scary Halloween Costumes
Mariah Carey’s Guide to Pantsless Halloween Costumes

Post from: Crushable

Mickey Rourke's Guide To Halloween Every Day

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 08:23 AM PDT

Seven supporting actors who are hotter than the leading menJohn Slattery, Orlando Bloom and, uh, Rupert Grint. We agree with only some of this list. And where’s Michael Emerson? (Nerve)

Post from: Crushable


Post from: Crushable

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