Tuesday, October 19, 2010



Posted: 19 Oct 2010 11:11 AM PDT

College Students’ Credit Scores Are Scary – The average credit number for students has dropped 10 whole points since January, leaving the majority of college kids at a score of 666. Which is pretty spooky — especially if you ever plan on applying for a lease or a new credit card. (Learnvest)

Post from: Crushable

Lessons From CSPAN-2: Publicly Shaming Your Ex Is Likely To Backfire

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 11:09 AM PDT

When National Review editor Helen Rittelmeyer agreed to appear on a panel with her ex-boyfriend, libertarian blogger Todd Seavey, to discuss Jonah Goldberg’s new book "Proud to be Right," chances are she didn’t know how personal the conversation would get.

Asked about the merits of debating with fellow conservatives on college campuses, Seavey quickly launched into a tirade against Rittelmeyer’s politics and dating habits. The video aired on CSPAN-2 this weekend, and has since gone viral.

Todd Seavey is a friend, and nothing if not a man of his convictions. But as this video shows, publicly shaming your ex may be therapeutic. But it’s also probably a bad idea.

For starters, Helen definitely comes off as restrained and reasoned, given the situation. The event took place two weeks ago at Georgetown University, and Todd quickly turned an innocent debate into a public flogging.

After explaining some of their political disagreements, Todd explains where he’s coming from:

“I probably should confess that Helen and I dated for two years, so we've sparred about many things. It might come as a surprise to some of you that we dated for two years, not just because we have ideological differences, but because there are probably some people in this room who also dated Helen during those two years, given how tumultuous it got. It was sort of on again, off again.”

Whether the things Todd accuses her of are true or false, bringing them up in such a public setting clearly loses him etiquette points. And empathy from the audience.

He’s obviously still hurting from the breakup. But taking your private issues into a public (and professional) setting usually has the negative effect of making you look bad.

What was Helen’s response? A lot of head shaking and eye rolling. At the end of his monologue, Seavey asks Rittelmeyer what behavior she thinks is out of bounds. And she quickly responds:

"Off the top of my head – Spilling your heart on CSPAN?"

As the video has spread online, Todd took to his blog to defend his arguments, while Helen has for the most part decided not to give comments.

Even if you can prove that your ex is a terrible, mean-spirited person, airing your dirty laundry in an unexpected setting is the easiest way to turn away the same people you are trying to educate. There’s a term for this: winning the battle and losing the war.

That said, Todd is known for sharing information that others keep private, as you can see from his online personals ad or the time he told New York magazine about his vasectomy. And if you get into a relationship with someone who is known for sharing personal information publicly, you can’t be entirely surprised when that indiscretion goes viral.

Post from: Crushable

Lessons From CSPAN-2: Publicly Shaming Your Ex Is Likely To Backfire

The 'Glee' Cast Gives A Lesson In Sex Ed

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 11:08 AM PDT

Looks like somebody’s too hot for teacher. Lea Michele, Dianna Agron and Cory Monteith shot a racy editorial for GQ, and it was Glee-themed, of course. While it’s certainly interesting to see Rachel Barry dressed in something other than argyle, we have one very important question: How come we don’t get to see Finn in his underwear?

Check out the rest of the spread at Oh No They Didn’t.

Post from: Crushable

The 'Glee' Cast Gives A Lesson In Sex Ed

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 10:50 AM PDT

Still searching for a Halloween costume? If you think you can pull of a Jersey girl, look no further. We’re giving our Facebook fans the chance to win one of two of these Jerseylicious prize packs, which contain everything you need to look like Olivia or Tracy (or, let’s be honest, Snooki) including Bumpits, hair spray and fake eyelashes. Click here and hit the “Like” button before 5 p.m. EST on Sunday October 24 to be entered to win. Then watch Jerseylicious every Sunday on the Style Network for more costume inspirations.

Post from: Crushable

Video Gallery: The Best Teen Characters With Serious Style

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 10:46 AM PDT

We’ve been saturated with Willow Smith images lately — she’s got those snail-covered nails in her “Whip My Hair” video and a different hairstyle every time she steps out. Clearly, Willow’s a gal with a very particular vision of fashion. This got us thinking: What are some other youngsters with a sense of style all their own? We went through some of our favorite TV shows to track down the most outrageously stylish teen characters.

Every little girl with a pair of pink Converse secretly wanted to be Punky Brewster. Might she be the original hipster?

Jenny Humphrey has such a strong  eye for fashion that she became Gossip Girl’s teenage designer. Skills!

Post from: Crushable

Video Gallery: The Best Teen Characters With Serious Style

Who Did It Hotter: Frat Guys Vs. Cosplayers?

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 10:27 AM PDT

Nerds v. Jocks: The eternal battle. The concensus for many years was that nothing was hotter than a guy who played sports and belonged to a prestigious fraternity. But as emo boys became the rage and a bevy of charges lobbed against certain Greek houses made us wary of going to the campus’ hottest Halloween parties, we wondered if geeks might have finally won the war on novelty wear. Below, pics of dude cosplayers (the nerdiest of the nerds) along with photos of some hot frat boys in their underwear (which seems to constitute the majority of their costumes). Which do you think are hotter?

  • Geek
  • Greek
  • Cosplay
  • Buttplay
  • Cyberpunk
  • Punk'd
  • Accessories
  • Arpeggio
  • School Pride
  • Death before Dishonor
  • Animal House

Post from: Crushable

Who Did It Hotter: Frat Guys Vs. Cosplayers?

'Real Housewives of Atlanta' FoodCap: Tardy For The White Party

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 09:53 AM PDT

Last night on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, our merry band of wives were busy equivocating, shifting blame and acting like divas. You know, normal behavior. But also, Kim Zolciak did her best to turn every gay man she encountered at The White Party straight. (It didn’t work.) Probably because she was performing in front of “thousands of people,” Kim ate a lot less this week on the show. But the other housewives picked up the slack. On to our weekly calorie counting recap!

Scene: Kim and her assistant, packing for Kim’s gig at the White Party
Kim’s too nervous to eat! This is a big deal. As she says:
"This is like my first real concert. I'm performing in front of Thousands of gay men. I have to bring it!"
Also, here’s Kim Zolciak’s advice for getting to airports on time:
"If you weren't wearing hooker shoes, you'd be able to go a little faster."

Scene: NeNE and son Brent with their new dog, Playa
Food: None! NeNe’s too worried about her 11-year old son Brent to eat. NeNe doesn’t want him to end up in jail like her older son Bryson. This scene was actually pretty sweet, and so is their new dog:

“Come on Playa, you want some kisses too.”

Scene: Sheree and Dwight sit down with Dwight’s publicist
Food: guilt champagne. Dwight claims he spent $30k on Sheree’s fashion show last season. And both of them speak in slightly delusional circles without resolving things. But they both seem vindicated at the end somehow? I think I’m taking Sheree’s side, mostly because of this logic:

“If you had $30,000, don’t you think you’d get your nose fixed?”

Post from: Crushable

'Real Housewives of Atlanta' FoodCap: Tardy For The White Party

Crushable Books: Excerpts from Nicole Wallace's 'Eighteen Acres' or 'The Devil Wears Prada'?

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 10:19 AM PDT

Former White House Communications director Nicole Wallace, who previously worked for the Bush/Cheney campaign in ‘04, has written a book. Even though Eighteen Acres:A Novel is a work of fiction (it says novel, see?), from the pieces we’ve read* Nicole’s protagonist Melanie is much like Nicole herself: she works at the White House, is a woman in a workplace full of men, and has an “insider view” to the politics of the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. She also really, really likes to talk about her accessories. We’ve picked several passages of the book, and compared them to portions of Lauren Weisberger’s The Devil Wears Prada, a comparable parable about working for an Anna Wintour stand-in at a large magazine. Try to guess which is which!

1. ____  stepped out of the SUV, holding her Dior bag protectively under her suit jacket so the fresh snow wouldn’t touch the leather.

2. A quick stop in the Closet turned up a brand-new pair of knee-high maroon-colored Jimmy Choos that looked great with the leather skirt I grabbed, tossing the suede pants in the “Couture Cleaning” pile.

3. You are in desperate need of Chanel.

4. She pushed the tissue paper aside and gazed adoringly at the Dior bag she had splurged on for her thirty-seventh
birthday. … The elegance of the two-thousand-dollar Dior purse would be lost on most of ____ colleagues, but its perfection brought her a surprising amount of happiness.

5. As she pulled the purse out of its protective cloth and removed the paper stuffed inside, she suddenly felt worried that all of her electronics wouldn’t fit into it properly. She looked at the three BlackBerrys…

6. She stopped in front of the hallway mirror to attach her hard pin to the lapel of her black Armani pantsuit.

Devil Wears Prada: 2,3

Eighteen Acres: 1,4, 5, 6

Conclusion: Whether you’re releasing statements to the press about the war in Afghanistan or trying to juggle the stress of an assistant’s job at a high-stress magazine, you need to look your best, ladies!

*We have requested a copy of the novel and an interview with Nicole and are awaiting a response.

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Books: Excerpts from Nicole Wallace's 'Eighteen Acres' or 'The Devil Wears Prada'?

Textual Healing: How To Recover From A Drunk Text

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 08:54 AM PDT

Textual HealingText messaging can often be the fastest way of communicating with yours friends and acquaintances, but it’s not always the best one. Especially when it comes to texting with guys. Here at Crushable we aim to help you sift through all the subtext and emerge relatively unscathed – with a little help from our friend Amanda Ernst.

On Saturday, somewhere between my first sip of a drink and the subsequent cup full of vodka with a splash of apple juice that resulted in a friend tucking me into bed, I did something even more embarrassing than those first two things: I engaged in drunk texting. This behavior is clearly against my own strict texting rules (which I sometimes find difficult to stick to) but as we all know, once the vodka and apple juice (ew) is flowing, all bets are off.

So, in addition to a raging headache and severe nausea, I awoke Sunday with a sense of dread. What had I texted? How many people was I talking to? How can I recover? I was relieved to learn, after a quick scan of my messages from the night before, that I hadn’t really done anything too embarrassing. But although I wasn’t that embarrassed by my texts this weekend, I have been in the position where I’ve had to make some moves to restore my good texting name. Or bruised ego.

The way I see it, waking up after a night of drunk texting means one of a few things, depending on whether you wake up alone or not. Sometimes, the drunk text exchange ends in a drunken hookup, because isn’t that the point after all? When that happens, there’s a whole other sense of shame or triumph that will come from your actions the night before, and you’ll have the whole walk home to work through those.

But if you, like me, wake up alone and with a sense of dread, you might have said and done some things you regret the next day. Like begging. That’s never fun. Here are some steps you can take to recover from something like that:

• If you texted something embarrassing to a guy you like and were flat out rejected, consider that a sign. You could text an apology or, “Gee, wasn’t that embarrassing?” but it depends on your relationship. He might be trying to send you a message, so think about not texting him, at least for awhile.

• If you sent texts that weren’t even responded to, it’s time to just move on. Wait until you get some sort of response from him.

• Unless you texted someone who was likely asleep — especially if they had a big day the next day (big exam, marathon, that kind of thing). Then, it’s always nice to sincerely apologize.

• If you fell asleep mid-text, clue in whoever you were texting the next day, especially if it was a guy you like who you left hanging.

• If you revealed some feelings you had been keeping inside to a crush, try going with it. “Isn’t it funny what drinking will get me to reveal?” is cute while “Ugh, I’m not sure where that came from!” isn’t convincing.

• Whatever you do, don’t put yourself down. You may have made some poor decisions, but you’re not stupid. Just make smarter decisions next time, and put down that last drink and turn off your phone.

Have you ever drunk texted? Did you feel embarrassed the next day? Did you try to recover in any way? Tell us your story in the comments below or send them to submissions AT crushable dot com and you might see them featured in the next installment of Textual Healing.

Post from: Crushable

Textual Healing: How To Recover From A Drunk Text

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 08:13 AM PDT

I’m a Loser Baby, Literally – We love these literal interpretations of our favorite songs (see also Take On Me, Head Over Heels), but now we’re finally catching up to the 90s with Beck’s “Loser,” with lyrics describing the actual video. So much more sense than the original! (Lemondrop)

Post from: Crushable

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