Tuesday, November 23, 2010



Kate Middleton Is In Therapy. And Other Reasons Royalty Is Overrated.

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 11:30 AM PST

Marrying into the British royal family may seem like a dream come true for little girls around the world, but the realities make it seem less than ideal. Princess Diana’s troubles with the British royals were notorious, and eventually contributed to her divorce from Prince Charles. The Brits are trying to prevent a similar situation with Prince William’s marriage to Kate Middleton. To prepare Kate for the role of English princess, they are teaching her etiquette and royal protocol…and putting her in therapy.

Wait a second. This is starting to sound like a Saturday Night Live skit.

According to The Daily Mail:

“As part of carefully laid plans initiated by Prince William, she will have ‘training sessions’ to avoid the depression and isolation felt by Princess Diana, who felt abandoned and unloved by Charles within months of their wedding.”

At first, it almost sounds like they’re trying to help Kate assimilate into her new role. But the more you learn, the creepier it sounds:

“Kate, as a new and vulnerable bride, is deemed to need a lot of help with that. The royals are desperate not to have another downward spiral of a marriage and they feel Kate has very vulnerable and soft spots. Apparently she was destroyed when William broke up with her (in 2007).”

How unroyal of her to care when a prince breaks up with her!

Apparently the problems have more to do with weak women than how the royal family treats its in-laws.

Getting married at Westminster Abbey (like Kate will be in April) is the stuff of fairytales. But being in the royal family is not all honey and roses. Just ask all the tabloid reporters who make a  living reporting on their travails and mishaps.

It’s basically impossible to keep tabs on the behavior of all the royals. But that’s not going to stop the House of Windsor from trying. And this news is making this Saturday Night Live skit from this weekend’s show look increasingly more realistic:

(Photo by NYDN)

Post from: Crushable

Kate Middleton Is In Therapy. And Other Reasons Royalty Is Overrated.

Gallery: Celebs Who Forgot Their Pants

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 11:16 AM PST

You know when you’ve left for the day and  you can’t quite shake the feeling that you’ve forgotten something? So you double-check you’ve got your keys and pull out your wallet… but everything’s in order. You’re pretty sure the oven’s off and positive you fed the dog. And then suddenly, after the fifteenth shocked look from a stranger, it occurs to you that it was your pants the whole time. You forgot your pants! You crazy kid. But don’t fear, this happens to celebs all the time, and we’ve rounded up some of the biggest pant-forgetting offenders.

  • Britney Spears got a little Emperor's New Clothes.
  • Lady Gaga rarely remembers her pants. Might we suggest Post-It notes?
  • Hey, Daisy Lowe, that's a shirt and not a dress.
  • Who knows what's going on with Ke$ha here.
  • Hilary Duff, leggings are not pants!
  • Mischa Barton: serial pants forgetter.
  • Blake Lively, have a chat with Hilary.
  • Ashlee Simpson-Wentz aaalmost forgot her pants.
  • Lindsay Lohan: See Blake and Hilary.

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: Celebs Who Forgot Their Pants

Textual Healing: Who Doesn't Love A Sweet Holiday Message?

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 10:44 AM PST

texting thanksgivingText messaging is often the fastest way to communicate with friends and acquaintances, but it's not always the best one. Especially when it comes to texting with guys. Here at Crushable we aim to help you sift through all the subtext and emerge relatively unscathed – with a little help from our friend Amanda Ernst.

There’s no denying that text messaging can be an important dating tool, whether you’re flirting early on in a relationship or coordinating a date or hook-up. But when the holidays roll around and you and the person you’re dating go your separate ways, don’t forget that those sweet holiday messages can go a long way.

I’ll always fondly remember text messages from a guy I was dating college, sent Christmas morning. They let me know he was thinking of me and, even better, taking time out from being with family and friends to write me. That little extra effort made me feel really special, which is how I like to feel on Christmas, if not all year round. Years later, when I left my adult life in New York to return to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving, my boyfriend’s frequent texts replaced the daily email exchanges we would regularly have while we sat at our desks at work all day. In a way, our routine wasn’t interrupted too much by being hundreds of miles away with our own families, and it was comforting.

Whether you’re just flirting with someone, have just started dating or have been serious for awhile, don’t underestimate the power of a holiday text message when you can’t be with your significant other. Send a little note first thing Thanksgiving morning so your sweetie wakes up to something nice, and remember to send well wishes to their family (or whoever they’re celebrating with) as well. You may be surprised with the reaction you receive.

Oh, and if your messages start to verge into sexy territory (hey, it’s bound to happen) I have some advice for that, too.

Have you ever received a memorable holiday message? Do you look forward to them every year? Leave your holiday text messaging stories in the comments below and you might see them featured in an upcoming installment of Textual Healing.

Post from: Crushable

Textual Healing: Who Doesn't Love A Sweet Holiday Message?

Crushable's Guide To Black Friday: Turn On Your Computer

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 10:37 AM PST

Thanksgiving is coming this Thursday. And you know what that makes the day after that: Black Friday. Black Friday is the annual party that takes place when countless retailers open their doors to crazed shoppers who will run around picking up whatever low priced products they can stick in their carts, put under their shirts or nab from passersby. Except it’s less like a party and more like a nightmare.

All around the web I’ve been picking up tips on how to “deal with” Black Friday.

But the most important, best piece of advice is usually left out. And it’s quite simple: Stay the fuck home.

You, like almost everyone else in America, will be on vacation this Friday. And though you may love crowds, tight spaces and angry ladies, there are better things to be done with your time off.

Do you have a computer? Great. Guess what? Most of those places you’re considering going to also have fancy websites. You know what else? They also have sales there.

To reiterate. This is what Black Friday looks like:

Chances are, you’re not going to make your best purchasing decisions while strong arming a 40-year old away from the sale rack at The Gap.

And yet, there is plenty of Black Friday available to help you do just that via Google: Use a buddy! Arrive early! Mapquest even has a “route planner” that helps you plot the most efficient route between up to 26 destinations.

According to MSNBC, there are actually people who go shopping on – and enjoy – Black Friday. From MSNBC:

“Strickland, 28, and her sisters and cousins will head out as early as midnight after Thanksgiving in search of deals she has been researching online and in print ads for more than a month.

‘It's just something we look forward to each year,’ she said.”

Something I look forward to on Thanksgiving weekend each year is sitting around in comfortable pants and not yelling at strangers. I don’t know what your Thanksgiving is like, but I plan to consume much pie and tryptophan. You know what I don’t want to do the next day? Get up before 5A to shop.

Other things that adults should not have to do this weekend: bring a buddy, elbow people for toys, or stalk parking spots at malls.

And as just a subtle reminder: You are expected to pay for the pleasure of this event.

You know what is less terrible than that? Turning on your computer.

How about this one? Things sold on the internet are usually cheaper than things bought in stores. (Shhh. Don’t tell the olds!)

So if you really are bored and tired of sitting around your parents’ house this weekend (and hate yourself), venture out into stores.

If not, just go online. (And check back here on Friday, when we’ll have some great cheap shopping guides and ways to purchase things from the comfort of your laptop.)

(Photos by Getty, MSNBC)

Post from: Crushable

Crushable's Guide To Black Friday: Turn On Your Computer

Make Your Own: TSA-Proof Outfit

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 10:35 AM PST

Recently, my well-groomed boyfriend and I went to Detroit for a wedding. Now, why anyone would board a plane planning to blow up Detroit is beyond me: that city is already unsalvageable until we come up with Robocop. Regardless, at every checkpoint, my suit-wearing BF was stopped by TSA employees for those “random spot-checks” we’ve been hearing so much about. Meanwhile, I went through every scanner wearing my Panda SpiritHood, which not one person asked me to take off. When my boyfriend was asked to open his luggage, I grabbed mine out of the pile he was carrying and told the officer, “That one is mine.” He smiled and let me take it. “I like your panda hat!” he called after me as I left my boyfriend to his pat-down.

“It’s a hood!” I yelled back.

With all the buzz about recent TSA horror stories (including an SNL skit, countless videos of kids being manhandled, as well as a new website devoted solely to TSA horror stories), it seems unthinkable that spirit hoods alone could account for my relative ease getting through security. After all, I’m no Justin Bieber, and even Justin Bieber has to get wanded every once in awhile. I think it’s a combination of factors, and hopefully this “Make Your Own” guide will help you get past security this holiday season as easily as a panda.

1. Dress Slutty: Okay no, this isn’t some post-Halloween tip, it’s actually your best bet during this current over-zealous airline safety period. Dressing slutty = less clothing = less places for the TSA people to search you. You may be embarrassed (and freezing) in your leotard and leggings, but no one is going to doubt that there’s no place to smuggle contraband when your clothing is stuck to your body like glue.

2. Look like a kid: This is the one time rompers are acceptable. No heels or complicated shoes (they take too long to take on and off, and those stilettos can be deadly), no jewelry (d’uh), nothing in your hair. Basically, look like a toddler who has lost their mommy, and the TSA will be waaaay less willing to put their hands on you.

3. Be weird, but not too weird: The SpiritHood worked because it was novel enough that people were more delighted than suspicious of a grown-woman dressed like a panda. However, if I had been wearing a full panda suit, it probably would have drawn unnecessary attention. So don’t do that.

4. Be easy: Even if you are asked to step aside for a wand search, don’t start screaming about your civil rights and asking people to take videos with their cell phones. Look, those guys working at the airline over Thanksgiving break have better places to be than patting you down. They didn’t make the rules, and the quicker you just hold your arms out and…gasp…maybe even smile at them, the quicker they’ll be to assume you’re not a threat -either to the airline or the rest of their day – and you’ll be out of their before they even get to your private parts. Also: Do not take part in the 24th’s body scanner boycott unless you want to remain on a n0-fly list for the rest of your life.

5. Don’t write lists about how to get past the TSA and then put it on the Internet: Whoops.

Post from: Crushable

Make Your Own: TSA-Proof Outfit

The Daily WTF: Fashion Revelation

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 10:02 AM PST

People of the fashion world: put your needles, scissors and nonfat machiatos down. The apex of style and innovation has been reached by this guy, who wore his jorts over his jeans. We wonder if this look would still work if the two articles of clothing weren’t the same shade of denim, but we’re leaning towards a resounding yes. Eat your heart out, Dior Homme!

(via The Hairpin)

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Fashion Revelation

Video: The Ultimate Nicolas Cage Mashup

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 09:30 AM PST

I’m obsessed with Nicolas Cage, and I don’t care who knows it. I’ve written articles before explaining how I think the Coppola-familiar is actually in on the joke of Nicolas Cage, and how, while his role-choices may be dubious, his acting ability is beyond question. People point to The Wicker Man, National Treasure, Knowing, and countless other “awful” Cage films to support their cause, but I counter with Adaptation, Matchstick Men, Moonstruck, and Leaving Las Vegas.

However, my love for Nicolas doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy watching him ham it up (like in the Wicker Man Remix), or in this latest compilation of Nic Cage losing his mind. Enjoy.

Addendum: This still does not excuse Nicolas Cage’s IRL behavior, including his recent war on international crime.

Post from: Crushable

Video: The Ultimate Nicolas Cage Mashup

Interview: How Kelli Space Accrued $200,000 Of College Debt

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 09:29 AM PST

Yesterday, we learned about a recent Northeastern college graduate who is almost $200,000 in debt thanks to exorbitant student loans. We had a few questions. So we tracked down Kelli Space to explain exactly how things got so bad for her.

Kelli is currently soliciting funds on a website called twohundredthou.com, since her loans have ballooned to a point she does not think she will ever be able to pay.

As far as we can tell, she is actually a 2009 Northeastern graduate. So far, she’s raised about $2k. But mostly, we were curious to see how her debts had spiraled so badly in such a short time. Lots of people take out loans to go to college. And they don’t end up with this much debt (especially just for undergrad.)

It all started when she got accepted to Northeastern. She knew she couldn’t afford the school, but went anyway:

“College had been held on a pedestal for so long that I was literally chomping at the bit to go to the best school that offered me admission – just like all my friends were doing. I’d never taken out a loan before. My first debt was student loan debt – no frivolous spending in any other aspect here. I was also pretty misguided as to what my salary would be upon graduation.”

Kelli says she’s the first person in her family to go to college. And admits that she did not do enough research before taking out large loans:

“I can blame teachers, my parents, anyone else, but honestly I should have done my research. I should have applied to more scholarships. I should have, I should have, I should have. I made poor decisions based on what I knew, or thought I knew. Five years later I absolutely regret what I’ve done and realize all the options I had at the time. If only I’d known then what I know now.”

One question is why admissions (and financial aid) advisors don’t advise kids more about what they can and cannot afford. According to Kelli:

“The only financial aid advisor I met with was at Northeastern during my visit, and she never once told me it was a poor choice. With her not giving me any sort of guidance one way or the other, and my Mom and I being elated about my going to college, I saw no reason to reassess my choice. Again, I regret it all.”

Right now, Kelli works as an office manager for a firm near Wall Street, and says she has a pretty entry level salary:

“I was definitely under the impression I’d have a better paying job after graduation. I don’t know why – but I was.”

The main issue is that she has already deferred her loans for two years. Starting next November, she will be expected to pay $1600 a month.  She says she’s “pretty much just in panic mode” until that point. Kelli says she will never be in debt again (if she gets out of debt this time). At the rate she’s making/getting donations, it might be awhile before that happens.

(Photo from ralph and jenny)

Post from: Crushable

Interview: How Kelli Space Accrued $200,000 Of College Debt

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 09:09 AM PST

Chicken Soup For The Thanksgiving Soul- Or “How to feel really terrible about hating your parents after you read about how close-knit other families are.” (Double X)

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Books: 'Delicious Dating' By Babe Scott

Posted: 23 Nov 2010 08:32 AM PST

I’ve already said my piece on how I feel about dating books in general (tldr; they suck). But sometimes a book comes along with such an intriguing concept that I feel compelled to read it. For instance a book that divides men into ‘10 Male food groups’ from which women can “divine a man’s essence via his eating habits.”

Basically, it’s a relationship guide book for Foodies. Now separately, both of these things make me cringe. But put them together and you have 207 pages of unstoppable fun!

Babe Scott, who is from Australia (which makes it okay for her to say things like “retard” and “Frigidaire”), started a website called TakeMeOutForLunch.com, the well from whence this book deal sprung. Sounds like a good con: Go on 1,000 dates, and then blithely fit men into cute little boxes like “Culinary Con Men” and “Gourmet Gigolos.” While Babe does admit that these are archetypes and that no two eaters are exactly alike, she does brush with very broad strokes. For instance (in the chapter labeled “Transfat Types”), Babe paints a not-so-flattering portrait of a guy who is eats like Homer Simpson:

The Transfat’s concept of romantic togetherness is sharing a supersize Dominos pizza in front of the television with some friend onion rings thrown is as an appetizer.

He’s also apparently a bad love. If you think that paints an overly-simplistic portrait of most guys you know, then turn to the other end of the spectrum with the Low-Carb Cowboy (so named because Babe once went on a date with the Naked Cowboy of Times Square):

This archetype is as expedient in the erotic arts as he is in the epicurean ones. He is goal oriented rather than journey oriented. Consequently, Low-Carb has as little time for multiple orgasm as he does for chocolate mousse.”

Ouch! So who does Babe like? “Pretzel Players” are date-rapists; “Culinary Con Men” will bilk you out of a good time by lying about their food knowledge (and everything else); “Gourmet Gigolos” are trying to move in with you and take your money; “food purists” are boring vegans; “five star men” want to treat you like a hooker; “steak and two veg” guys are a little better than Transfat types but only because they are more macho and want to have kid with you; “adventure eaters” will leave you after you start to get boring.

The only group Babe does like is “Food Sensualists” which she describes as “ruled by internal aesthetic” and “reveres food that are reminiscent of the mother and represent Earth and the interior of things, one that are soft and squishy like pasta and eggplant and soft, stinky cheeses formed at the teat.”

If that’s the best hope in the foodie archetypes, I want to cash in my chips now and ask for the check.

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Books: 'Delicious Dating' By Babe Scott

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