Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kris “Mommy Dearest” Jenner Is Giving Lamar The Business Now

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 05:55 AM PDT

Khloe Kardashian Lamar Odom Kris Jenner

In yet another effort to prove he can keep up with the in-laws, Lamar Odom is following in wifey‘s footsteps, letting Momma Kris manage his career.

According to TMZ, Lamar’s initiation into the Kardashian Klan is now complete.

L.A. Lakers star Lamar Odom has officially exchanged vows with his own mother-in-law — TMZ has learned … dude has hired Kardashian matriarch Kris Jenner to be his personal manager.

Odom’s rep Eve Sarkisyan tells TMZ, “Kris Jenner now manages Lamar Odom. He has asked her to manage him off the court a few months ago.”

We’re told the twosome already smell profit — according to his rep, “Their first project together would be his and Khloe’s fragrance which is set to launch next year.”

We’re told Kris’ other responsibilities include organizing Lamar’s paid appearances, setting up endorsement deals, and handling any other personal marketing activities.

In her defense, if you didn’t know, long before Kris was pimping her daughters, she was managing her testicle-free husband Bruce’s career as a washed up former Olympic athlete. So maybe she can do something for Lamar as he starts to plot his post Laker years. And really she’s just making sure her next grandbaby’s daddy is worth more than the last.

But dang, “Eau De Swirl By Khloe and Lamar”? Who really needs that in their lives?

Boozy NYC Housewife Ramona Launches New Wine Label

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 05:47 AM PDT

Ramona Singer Real Housewives of New York

Well, they say when you go into business, you should go into a field you know.

And Ramona Singer definitely knows wine. The most unstable of the Real Housewives of New York City cast members – outside of crazy Kelly – Ramona is probably seen with more than one glass in hand every episode. And now, she’s set to become her own supplier.

Ramona Singer, the perky blond cast member, will be launching her own Pinot Grigio wine brand, Luxist has learned.

Singer’s love for Pinot Grigio is well-known to viewers. Indeed, in nearly every episode of the reality television show (aired on the Bravo television network), the reality star is seen sipping a glass of Pinot Grigio. Luxist got an exclusive sneak peek of the unofficial rendition of her simple, yet elegant wine label.

According to inside sources, the wine is being produced in the Veneto region of Italy and will be part of Opici Wines. With 50 brands in its portfolio from such countries as France, Chile, Italy, Spain, South Africa and the United States, Opici Wines is an experienced and highly reputable player in the wine business. Ramona Singer Pinot Grigio will hit retail shelves in January 2011 will be priced at approximately $14.99. It will be represented nationally through Opici’s distributor network covering close to 50 states.

Oh, this is going to make for such great TV. We’ll buy a bottle just for that. If Ramona leaves any for the rest of us. One thing we can say about Ramona: she knows how to keep making it rain. Those K-Mart looking trinkets she hawks on HSN retail for an average $200-600.


New Rihanna Video For “Only Girl In The World” [Video]

Posted: 14 Oct 2010 04:35 AM PDT

For The Fellas: Meagan Good’s LOV Magazine Photo Shoot Behind The Scenes [Video]

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 10:07 PM PDT

Playing With His Self!!: Gay Old Pervert Caught On Camera Trying To Seduce Young Neighbors [Video]

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 09:53 PM PDT

Tres Chic Or Super Freak: How Do You Feel About Amber Rose’s Fashionista Steez?

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 04:08 PM PDT

Oct. 6 Louis Vuitton Amber Rose

We singled out Solange for her New York Fashion Week steez now let’s turn our attention to the Bald Headed Beast.

Were you feeling Amber Rose’s get ups at New York, London and Paris Fashion Week???

Check out a whole month’s worth of stylings when you continue!

Tip’s Clocking Early Community Service Hours: Talks Man Off The Ledge Of A 22-Story Building

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 03:31 PM PDT

T.I. Atlanta Hero

A young Atlanta man and his family now literally owe his life to none other than the King of the South.

An unidentified man created all kinds of chaos and drama in Midtown Atlanta today, when he decided to jump off a building on busy Peachtree Street right at the start of rush hour. Of course, the 22-story building he selected as the place where he would take his life is home to Atlanta radio station V-103, which, of course, provided its listeners with play-by-play of the action-movie as it took place.

T.I., hearing the madness from wherever he was (Grand Hustle’s office and studios aren’t too far), headed over and saved the day.

“He came to the scene and offered to talk to him, we told the young man that, and he came down,” Officer James Polite with Atlanta police told the AJC.

When the man threatening to jump came down, T.I. was waiting and the two talked for a few minutes, Polite said.

The man, whose name was not released, was then transported to Grady Memorial Hospital for treatment, Polite said.

Shortly before 4 p.m., man went to the roof of 400 Colony Square Building, located at 1201 Peachtree Street.

Peachtree Street was temporarily blocked off between 14th and 15th streets, and MARTA buses were being re-routed, Officer James Polite with the Atlanta police department said. The street was expected to reopen shortly after 5 p.m., Polite said.

T.I. know damn well that was a Grand Hustle intern. Or maybe one of the long list of Grand Hustle artists who are never dropping an album.

This was probably the first episode from his NEW “I-changed-my-life-and-you-can-to-even-though-I-keep-going-back-to-jail” show on MTV.

Or maybe he’s downgraded to BET now.


Twitter Files: ‘Melanie’ and ‘Malik’ Share Candids From The New Season Of “The Game”

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 02:55 PM PDT

Pooch Hall Tia Mowry The Game Season Four BET

Season four of “The Game” is 90 days away! Don’t act like you haven’t been counting down

For those of you who wrote; tweeted; picketed outside of the WB CW until they systematically got rid of all the colored folks; and finally helped the show land a home at BET, the cast and crew are doing their best to help you make it through the next three months.

Updates from the show’s new set in Atlanta have been coming from the show’s official Twitter page (@BETTheGame) along with @TiaMowry and @HoseaChanchez holding it down for Melanie and Malik fans all over the world.

And we’re talking everything from co-star love:

Tia Mowry Stacey Dash Twitter The Game

to praise for the new bosses:

Hosea Chanchez Bet The Game Twitter

To Tia’s shoe envy:

Tia Mowry Twitter The Game BET

Melanie BET The Game shoes

and Hosea’s gripes about his job:

Hosea Chanchez BET The Game Twitter
Hosea Chanchez Megan Good The Game BET Season 4

Continue for more tweets and exclusive shots from the set of The Game.

Dirty Dog Diaries: Morgan Freeman’s Ex-Wife Gets $400 Mil And Is Still Going In For The Kill!!!

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 02:47 PM PDT

Morgan Freeman and ex-wife Myrna Colley-Lee

Somebody should have told Morgan Freeman that CHEATERS never prosper! But it looks like he’s finding out the hard way. The actor, whose divorce from wife Myrna Colley-Lee was finalized last month, reportedly has to fork over some $400 million in cash and real estate in his divorce settlement. OUCH that’s gotta hurt!

But what could be potentially even more damaging is the tell-all book that his ex is planning to pen, detailing his MANY affairs!

Not only was the 73-year-old star ordered to fork over some $400 million in cash and real estate to his angry ex-wife Myrna, sources say he’ll soon be the subject of a scathing tell-all book in which she’ll detail his cheating.

In July 2008, The ENQUIRER exclusively reported that Myrna, 69, had discovered Morgan was having an affair with former schoolteacher Mary Joyce Hays.

Soon afterward, the veteran actor’s attorney confirmed he was splitting from Myrna, whom he married in 1984.

Last year, the scandal further exploded when we revealed that Morgan had also been carrying on a decade-long relationship with his step-granddaughter, E’Dena Hines, then 27.

E’Dena is the granddaughter of Morgan’s first wife, Jeanette Adair Bradshaw. Making the affair with E’Dena even more scandalous is the fact that Morgan and Myrna had raised her as their own child.

Morgan’s divorce from Myrna was finalized in Mississippi on Sept. 15, although the details were sealed from the public by a Tallahatchie County judge.

It was originally speculated that Myrna would receive a $170 million settlement, but the source says she got much more – a whopping $400 million. That would be the fifth-largest divorce payout EVER!

Morgan – who won an Oscar for Million Dollar Baby and Oscar nominations for The Shawshank Redemption, Driving Miss Daisy and Street Smart – is the seventh-highest grossing actor of all time. His movies have brought in an estimated $2.79 billion worldwide.

According to the source, under the terms of the settlement, Morgan will keep his two planes. He and Myrna will continue to share the farm they own in Mississippi.

Myrna is getting a $7 million house in the British Virgin Islands, a home in Los Angeles and an apartment beside New York’s Central Park. Surprisingly, Myrna showed she carries no bitterness toward E’Dena by agreeing to bequeath the New York property to the young woman in her will, the source added.

There is no gag order in the settlement, which means Myrna is free to write her book about Morgan’s many infidelities, said the source.

“Morgan is going to be embarrassed by what Myrna shares in the book,” the source said.

Wonder what else she can tell us that can possibly be any worse than chopping down the step-granddaughter that he raised as his daughter?

This book is gonna be JUICY!


Say It Ain’t So! Gwen Stefani’s Hubby Admits Visiting The Fudge Factory

Posted: 13 Oct 2010 01:49 PM PDT

Gavin Rossdale Gwen Stefani Kingston Rossdale

Gwen Stefani is definitely more tolerant than a lot of women we know. Not only is she perfectly okay with her son rocking nail polish, but apparently she doesn’t mind that her husband’s gone both ways! In a recent interview with Details Magazine Gavin Rossdale talks about bathing with Gwen, helping Kingston deal with the paparazzi and the truth about his sexual past.

Check out the excerpts below:

Details: Is it true you and Gwen bathe together to conserve water?
Gavin Rossdale: The first half is true, maybe not the latter. Or, the ecological benefits are a healthy consequence.

Details: Keep your romance alive, save the planet?
Gavin Rossdale: Exactly! And stay clean! But no, we don’t stage bath-ins.

Details: How do you explain the paparazzi to Kingston now that he’s old enough to understand?
Gavin Rossdale: We haven’t found the words to explain it. I’ll want to take my kid to the beach, and there’s six grown men chasing us. He’s running around in his underwear as every child should, and I have to go up to them and say, “Can you not photograph my son running around in his underwear?” The pictures show up anyway. He went through a really angry stage. He’d scream at them, “Get away! Don’t take a picture of my mom!” They’d say, “Wow, Kingston’s really moody.” You’re a f*cking grown man running after a 4-year-old! What do you want him to do?

Details: In 2004, you learned you have a daughter, the now 21-year-old model Daisy Lowe. How do you shift from being a dad to toddlers to being a dad to an adult?

Gavin Rossdale: With the boys it’s traditional: I’m all they know, and I’m with them all the time. With Daisy, I don’t know her in that context. The way I nurture those boys, I never got a chance with Daisy. I love my connection with her, but I don’t have any say in who she is. With the boys it’s my job to correct them and shape them. With Daisy, I just have to be respectful. I suppose it’s more like a friendship.

Gavin Rossdale and Marilyn

Details: Last year, the cross-dressing pop singer Marilyn revealed that he was romantically involved with you in your teens—an assertion Boy George first made in 1995. Why haven’t you talked about those claims?
Gavin Rossdale: I think at the outset there was a sort of fear—that was right at the beginning of Bush, and I didn’t want it to be part of it. It felt like a cheap shot, so I was like, “I’m not getting involved.” I’ve never wanted to appear closed about it. It’s not something I’ve talked about really because it’s always been in the glare of a tabloid world. It’s just one of those things: Move on. When you’re 17, Jesus Christ. I don’t think there’s anything strange about any form of—you’re learning about life. It’s a part of growing up. That’s it. No more, no less.

Details: So it was just a one-time experimentation?
Gavin Rossdale: Yeah. That was it. You have to know what you like, and I know what I like.

Um. He says it was a one-time experimentation but the tranny in question says it was actually a five year relationship. Last year “Marilyn” told In Touch Magazine:

"I agreed to lie against every grain of my being." In an exclusive interview with In Touch, the British pop icon details the love affair that spanned the early '80s. "We were together five years," Marilyn says. "But it felt like 40."

In any case, Gavin doesn’t seem to think this is a big deal. Would you feel some kind of way if you found out your spouse had been with a member of the same sex? Or is “experimentation” okay?


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