Monday, October 18, 2010




Jennifer Garner goes on a happy outing with the kids and no Ben

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 08:47 AM PDT


This is kind of a non-story, but people seem to enjoy Jennifer Garner and the dimple parade, so here you go. Jennifer and her daughters were pap'd non-stop this weekend (nothing new there), but instead of looking like "the saddest soccer mom in LA" Jennifer looked really happy to be out with the kiddies, and Violet especially looks like she loved her time at the park. Meanwhile, Ben only comes out for the paparazzi extravaganza when he has something to promote. I guess The Town's promotional tour is over then. By the way, I really, really, really hope that everyone who claims those Brangelina kissing photos were posed say the same thing about these. Just sayin'. Brad and Angelina aren't the only ones sending messages to their public through candid paparazzi pics. And to underline the point, Jennifer gave a mom-centric interview to People Magazine about her kids and Halloween:

Trick or treat? Jennifer Garner has some more pressing questions to answer first – like getting her younger daughter Seraphina, 21 months, to pick a Halloween costume.

“It seems like every time we ask her, it’s a different farm animal,” Garner told PEOPLE recently. “My oldest daughter [Violet, 4] has a very clear idea, but it’s contingent upon my younger daughter.”

She adds: “Costumes are not ready in my house. Now, I’m realizing I need to at least get the orders in.”

Garner, who earlier this month launched a campaign with Frigidaire to support Save the Children’s work for kids in need, is also already prepared to counter any potential sugar rush.

“I’ll make up some rules,” she says.

Juggling family life, work and philanthropy, Garner says she’s doing her best to strike a balance. “No matter what, it is very tricky and difficult – just to be a good parent at all,” says Garner, who had been filming Arthur with Russell Brand and Helen Mirren. “I have a lot of help. And for that I’m very grateful."

As for looking put-together, she recognizes one great perk. “I wish every mom could have a hair and makeup team once a week to show up and fix them up,” she says.

[From People]

When I was really little, I was the same size for a few years, and I wore my Tweety Bird costume for three Halloweens in a row. Then when I went through puberty overnight, I changed into an Elvira costume (I had massive boobs at 13, what are you going to do?). I appreciate it when moms really work to make an unusual Halloween costume, but most of the time, I think the majority of kids would just be happy with something from a store, like Batman or a fairy princess. But I would love to see Seraphina as a bumblebee. She just looks like a bumblebee type to me.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

Anne Hathaway has “lingering trust issues” from dating Raffaello Follieri

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 08:21 AM PDT


Anne Hathaway is the cover girl for the November issue of Vogue Magazine, to promote her film with Jake Gyllenhaal, Love and Other Drugs. The cover is lovely (the shoot is by Mario Testino), but it's also rather Christmas-y. Oh, well. I don't hate Anne, so I enjoy seeing her on the cover of Vogue, rather than someone like Blake Lively or Kate Hudson or someone like that. Through the shoot, it seems like they're going a little heavy on the Audrey Hepburn/Breakfast at Tiffany's thing, which I would have hoped Anne would avoid. It seems like blondes can't avoid the Marilyn trap, and brunettes can't avoid the Audrey trap. The full interview is here, at Vogue. Here are some of the highlights:

On the photo shoot with Testino: "It's Holly Golightly meets Marge Simpson….It was true glamour. Not just the clothes and the jewels but that feeling that glamour can produce in you, which is like a dream."

On being in Paris: "I've never seen a Kelly bag or a Birkin bag in person… and at my age, it's about time."

On shopping: "I've been slowly trying to build a wardrobe as opposed to rushing out and buying everything in sight," she tells me later. "You can't force the process."

On Rachel Getting Married: A movie that, Hathaway says, "transformed" her: "I felt far closer to the person that I wanted to be and the actress that I wanted to be than I ever had before."

On Love and Other Drugs: "I tried not to like the script as much as I did, because it scared me," Hathaway says. "What if it becomes a melodrama? What if the audience doesn't find these challenging characters charming? There were so many things that could possibly go wrong with it. I heard her voice so strongly in my head, and when that happens I just can't tune it out," she says. "She feels like a girl you might actually know."

Jake Gyllenhaal on Anne: They develop "the intimacies and complexities between Annie and me, because we have what's starting to be a long history together, professionally and as friends."

Anne on the sex scenes: "This movie certainly has a lot of nerve," she says, arching an eyebrow. "Oy. I hope that audiences are OK with all the nerve." But in the end she felt the nudity was integral to who the characters are. "These are people who have no trouble taking their clothes off—in a way, their bodies are their currency," she explains. "But they're terrified of exposing their vulnerability, of becoming emotionally naked." It was that emotional baring it all that Hathaway found difficult, to say the least. "I was a wreck from start to finish," she admits. "I think I cried every single day. I had to lean so much more heavily on everyone around me than I'm used to. I'm used to pulling my own weight. But I totally fell apart."

On her felon ex, Raffaello Follieri. "Gosh, I hate talking about the breakup, because I don't want it to define me, but as is to be expected, there were a lot of lingering trust issues." (As we meet, the jewelry he gave her during their relationship—which she turned over to the FBI last spring—is about to be publicly auctioned off.) "And I think that making a film about trust that required a great deal of trust—well, it was a challenge to get there."

Anne on dealbreakers: I ask her to name some of her "deal breakers" when it comes to men. She touches her index finger to her chin and gazes up, as if in thought. "Uh . . . fraud?" she says, looking back at me and exploding with laughter. Then she gets more pensive. "I've always believed in people's capacity for goodness. I still believe that people are good. What I'm not so trusting about anymore is their relationship to their own goodness." What would she say she's learned? "To be more wary. It takes a minute for me to let my guard down, but once I do and I get to know someone, I'm very open, very trusting. Some might say too trusting, because considering the amount of money that can be made from selling gossip, I could be very easily taken advantage of."

On relationships: "When I begin a relationship, there's that pressure to be the most, to be more comfortable and open than anyone else. When you finally realize that you can just be your own scared, f-cked-up self and that you can still be sexy without trying to be, it's such a great relief. When uncondensed you is enough." She stops and laughs. "Hey, that's pretty good. If acting doesn't work out, I could have a future in advertising."

On her new boyfriend: Hathaway is currently seeing an actor named Adam Shulman, whom she met through mutual friends. "We hit it off immediately, but it took us a pretty long time to get together," Hathaway recalls. "He thought that I had a boyfriend, and I thought that he had a girlfriend, so I thought that I'd better keep my distance because I didn't want to be that girl." Once they figured out that neither of them was attached, Hathaway says, "things sped up a bit—and I think I'll leave it at that."

On aging in Hollywood: "I'm entering a new phase of my career where the stories are becoming a lot more specific about where the character is in her life," Hathaway says. "People don't always want to tell stories about women in their 30s and 40s and 50s. Obviously, some of those ages are pretty far off for me, but I know it's coming. What I've observed and what I've imagined—and definitely what I'm hoping—happens as you get older is that there's a mellowing, an acceptance that comes with time," she says. "I guess that I'll find out.”

[From Vogue]

I think it's clear Anne is still uncomfortable talking about the Follieri situation, and that's why she's making such awkward jokes. I still think she knew more than she's spoken about publicly, but if the FBI is content with her involvement, then so be it. All in all, I am kind of rooting for her to have more successes - she's one of the few younger actresses who I actually think can act her ass off. We'll see!



Photos courtesy of Vogue.

Portia de Rossi covers her lifelong battle with anorexia and bulimia in new memoir

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 08:01 AM PDT

Portia de Rossi, who has changed her legal name to take on her wife Ellen’s name, Degeneres, has a new memoir coming out in early November called Unbearable Lightness. We first heard in a February interview with the Advocate that Portia was writing a book and I’m surprised to learn that it’s out already. As the title might suggest, it deals with Portia’s lifelong battle with eating disorders including anorexia and bulimia. I remember hearing that Portia had some issues with anorexia but I had no idea how bad it was. Entertainment Weekly has a review, and what Portia went through sounds brutal.

Portia de Rossi — now known in private life by her married name, Portia Lee James DeGeneres — knew she wanted to be famous back when she was an Australian teen named Amanda Lee Rogers. Lucky L.A. hopeful, her dream came true. On TV, de Rossi is especially famous for her roles on Ally McBeal and Arrested Development, and just regular-famous for her parts on Nip/Tuck and Better Off Ted. And on the red 
 carpet, she is most recently famous for her marriage to Ellen DeGeneres. We’ve seen “Porshe” — as her family calls her — look blond and blonder, and have admired her sparkle; we’ve also seen her look thin and thinner, and we’ve wondered about her health in a business that fetishizes feminine coltishness.

Unbearable Lightness, de Rossi’s memoir of a lifetime of starving and bingeing and purging (as well as part of a lifetime hiding her sexuality), is at times so wrenching that it’s difficult to imagine how the author, now 37, has kept her misery hidden for so long. ”Since I was a twelve-year-old girl taking pictures in my front yard to submit to modeling agencies, I’d never known a day when my weight wasn’t the determining factor for my self-esteem,” she writes with weary honesty. At her most perilously anorexic, the publicly glamorous TV star weighed 82 pounds. Ten months later, in the depths of bulimic bingeing, she had doubled in size. As an autobiographer she reports this with a vivid eye for detail, particularly about foods devoured, foods refused, and the ways a woman can hide her self-destruction, particularly when posing under the searchlights of fame.

The blunt, pity-free matter-of-factness with which de Rossi shares secrets and lies about her eating disorders and her sexuality makes this forthright confessional story at once shocking and instructional, especially for younger women who may be secretly suffering on their own.

[From Entertainment Weekly, print edition, via Check User Account, ONTD]

Portia has stayed under the radar for a while, and has pretty much been known as Ellen’s better half for years. She’s had solid work on television, and in the past few years has starred on Arrested Development, Nip/Tuck and the now-canceled Better off Ted. As far as publicity goes she hasn’t received much apart from her relationship with Ellen, but all that is about to chance when she promotes this book. I’d like to know if there are more revelations in this book, and if she reveals much about her marriage to Ellen. They seem very solid and like they’re very much in love. I don’t know if I believe that Portia has conquered anorexia. She’s still very tiny, but she’s probably the only person who can say how much her weight continues to preoccupy her.

Header image is from April, 2009. Credit: Fame. Other image dates are below and credit






Jennifer Love Hewitt’s boyfriend Alex Beh is John Mayer-esque

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 07:48 AM PDT


I had totally forgotten that Jennifer Love Hewitt had gotten herself a new boyfriend. She began dating Alex Beh since July, shortly after J. Love and Jamie WhatsIt broke up. I hadn't been paying attention, granted, but I appreciate the fact that Love let me forget about her. She stopped calling the paparazzi on herself, and there has been a real dearth of candid shots of her for a few months. So it is with joy that I show these new photos of Love and Alex, at LAX and coming out of the grocery store, all over the weekend. At first I didn't even know this Alex character - I though Love was back to hanging out with John Mayer. Right? Alex is very Mayer-esque. Love has a type.

So who is Alex Beh again? He's an actor and short-film director. That's all I've got. They've been together for what is it? Three months at least? I'm totally f-cking shocked that Love hasn't given an interview about how he's "the one" and how they're going to get married, for sure. Has Love finally gotten smart about relationships? Is she with a dude who doesn't call her a Pear Ass? Is she in a relationship she doesn't feel the need to whore out in interview after interview? We'll see.



Photos courtesy of Bauer-Griffin.

Mad Men’s finale draws strange fourth season to a close (spoilers)

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 07:22 AM PDT

Cast members Elisabeth Moss (L) and Jon Hamm pose during a photocall to promote their television series Mad Men at the annual MIPCOM television programme market in Cannes, southeastern France, October 5, 2010. The international film and programme market for TV, video, cable and satellite (MIPCOM) opens from October 4 to October 8 on the French Riviera.  REUTERS/Eric Gaillard (FRANCE - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS MEDIA)


Last night was the Season Four finale of Mad Men, but it didn't feel like it at all. It just seemed like another episode of a season that has been… less than stellar. I should say this, though: even a less than stellar episode of Mad Men is still loads better than nearly everything else on television. In previous season finales, we had the election of Kennedy reflecting the turmoil of Don Draper's real identity being revealed to one of the partners, combined with Don's desire to run away with his Jewish mistress, and his confession to her that he was a "whore-child". And Peggy giving birth! Another season finale? The Cuban missile crisis combined with Betty's pregnancy and her affair with some dude at a bar, combined with Peggy telling Pete that he got her pregnant and she gave up the baby. Another finale? Sterling-Cooper-Draper-Price is formed in the burning remains of Sterling Cooper, Betty files for divorce and runs off with Henry Francis, and Don's confession to Peggy that he needs her desperately and professionally.

This season's finale had some "shockers" I suppose - Don ran off to California with his secretary, Pretty Megan, a French-Canadian. Megan and Don had boned on his couch in a previous episode, and it was clear that while she wanted more, she was keeping her sh-t tight in the hopes of luring him in, which worked. Instead of going with the pretty blonde doctor, Dr. Faye, who was his equal in intelligence and ambition, Don went for the low-hanging fruit, if you will. He romanced Megan in California, then proposed to her using the engagement ring the original Don had given Anna. Anna left it to Don, and Don gives it to Pretty Megan.

Now, I don't hate Megan. She seems like a nice girl. She's uncomplicated. She's young. She reminds me a lot of the young secretary that Sterling left his wife for, Jane. Right? The two women even look like - young, perky brunettes. But Dr. Faye issued the epitaph for Don's relationship to Pretty Megan when he broke it off with Faye: "You only like the beginnings of things." God, she really had his number, didn't she? I'd go even further: Don only likes the fantasy of things, not the reality of them. He only adores his mistresses and girlfriends when they're just fantasies to him - whenever they get too close and he finds out too much about them, or they actually need him emotionally, Don loses interest. Will Don be happy with Pretty Megan? Briefly. And I actually think Megan will end up a great step-mom to the kids, which should be interesting. We'll see where it goes.

What else did we learn? Joanie didn't get the abortion, but that's what I suspected all along. She's going to pass the baby off as her husband's, not Sterling's, although she hasn't told anyone in the office yet. There was a wonderful, hilarious moment between Joanie and Peggy when they were gossiping in Joan's office - I really hope the two of them become closer. Because Peggy really looks up to Joan, and the two of them should be close friends. They need to lean on each other.

Regarding Peggy - she reeled in a smaller account for pantyhose, because she's great at her job. And ever since she and Don spent an emotional, beautiful, non-sexual night together, he's been treating her wonderfully. When Peggy saw him kissing Megan, there was such a twinge of emotion on her face… I began to wonder if Peggy thinks she's in love with Don. Their relationship has always been complicated - is Peggy the younger Don? Is he her father-figure? An older brother figure? Her mentor? Are they equals at this point? But Peggy looked like she was struggling with it, and then when she Don spoke one-on-one about Megan… it was sad. Like Don was seeking her approval, and that he has such high hopes that Peggy and Megan will be really close, and Peggy looked like she might cry for a moment. UGH.

All in all, a strange finale, right?

COLOGNE, GERMANY - OCTOBER 01: Elisabeth Moss and Jon Hamm attend the Cologne Conference on October 1, 2010 in Cologne, Germany. (Photo by Friedemann Vogel/Getty Images)

Actress Elisabeth Moss (L) and actor Jon Hamm from the drama series Mad Men pose as they arrive for the preview of the first episode of the second season during the Cologne Conference in Cologne, September 30, 2010. The second season of Mad Men started in german TV on September 27. REUTERS/Alex Domanski (GERMANY - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT)

Cast members Elisabeth Moss (L) and Jon Hamm pose during a photocall to promote their television series Mad Men at the annual MIPCOM television programme market in Cannes, southeastern France, October 5, 2010. The international film and programme market for TV, video, cable and satellite (MIPCOM) opens from October 4 to October 8 on the French Riviera.  REUTERS/Eric Gaillard (FRANCE - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS MEDIA)

Cast members Elisabeth Moss (L) and Jon Hamm pose during a photocall to promote their television series Mad Men at the annual MIPCOM television programme market in Cannes, southeastern France, October 5, 2010. The international film and programme market for TV, video, cable and satellite (MIPCOM) opens from October 4 to October 8 on the French Riviera.  REUTERS/Eric Gaillard (FRANCE - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS MEDIA)

Angelina Jolie’s directorial power makes Brad really hot

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 06:53 AM PDT


There are tons of new photos of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt on the set of her new film, which she is still working on in Budapest. Brad continues to visit the set - and I think Angelina has made him the official photographer or something, because there are lots of photos of him fooling around with cameras. It's kind of cute. Also cute? Something about a woman with final cut power turns Brad on, and there are photos of the two of them making out like teenagers. It actually seems really sweet - like this is some kind of honeymoon for them or something.



Not to break anyone concentration from the Brangelina cuteness, but check out Angelina with her leading man:


Um… he's really hot, right? Come on tabloids! Make up something good about him. I want to know his name.

Anyway, shock of shocks, Angelina Jolie's film isn't really about a rape victim falling in love with her rapist, and the whole "Angelina's film got banned" thing was just a technical problem with the script submission, and now everything is over. Bosnia has lifted their ban, and now Angelina can film her movie in-country, if she so desires.

Angelina Jolie is all set to start filming in Bosnia next month. After the eastern European country initially banned the star, 35, from filming her directorial debut there, a government source confirms to that it has granted her filming permit back. The permit had been rejected because no screenplay was attached to the application, as required by law.

“The script has been approved and they are back on schedule to film in Bosnia next month,” the government source tells Us.

“Everyone is relieved,” adds the insider. “Jolie feels like a huge weight has been lifted off the team’s shoulders. It’s great news.”

False rumors had circulated that the permit was rejected due to the supposed plot in the film involving a rape victim who falls in love with her captor.

An insider slammed the rape romance report. Jolie said in a statement: “There are many twists in the plot that address the sensitive nature of the relationship between the main characters, and that will be revealed once the film is released…My hope is that people will hold judgment until they have seen the film.”

[From Us Weekly]

So it's onward and upward. She'll probably shoot the majority of the film in Budapest, and then move production to Bosnia for some of the critical exteriors. Good for her.





Photos from 10/17/2010, credit: Fame.

Kim Kardashian doesn’t think she’ll do nudity now that she’s 30 years old

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 06:22 AM PDT


This is what Kim Kardashian wore to celebrate her 30th birthday. Her birthday isn't until Thursday - she was celebrating nearly a week early. Which… sure, if she wants to. I cannot believe this dress though. I'll give her an A-plus for having it tailored to look like a second skin, but it's way too short, and the whole effect is very "Armenian Barbie." I might have actually liked it if it was three or four inches longer. Check out the shoes though:


Yikes. Meanwhile, Kim told Us Weekly that she… don't laugh… isn't going to do any more nudity now that she's 30 years old. Keep in mind that she JUST posed nude for W Magazine. Also keep in mind that she's only famous because she got boned on camera.

Fans may have seen the last of Kim Kardashian in her birthday suit. The curvy reality star, who turns 30 on Thursday (she feted the occasion with bashes in Vegas and NYC Friday and Saturday), isn’t sure if she’ll ever doff her duds again for the cameras.

Most recently, Kardashian went nude for the November issue of W. “I’m really honored they chose me for the art issue,” she told at Saturday’s 10th Anniversary party (which doubled as her second birthday bash) for TAO New York. “It turned out beautifully, and I love it.”

That spread, she said, may have been her nude swan song. “I don’t know [if I'll pose nude again],” she admitted to Us. “I’m too old for that now…I wanted to get it all out of my system before I turned 30.”

As far as the clothes she wears on that famous bod, Kim added that her “style has evolved to be a little more sophisticated” as she’s gotten older. “It’ll probably just keep on evolving in that direction.”

[From Us Weekly]

She'll stop taking off her clothes when she stops profiting from it. I know I sound like a fussy school marm, so let me clarify: I don't have a general problem with Kim's repeated and constant nudity, whether it's sex tapes or Playboy or W Magazine or all of the advertising Kim does as a cat-faced "model". My problem is with the hypocrisy of a chick who is famous for taking her clothes off and this fake-demure act that Kim always pulls. Whatever.

Here's another outfit from another night's celebration of Kim's birthday. The dress is funky, but Kim's fake eyelashes have started taking on a life of their own:


I love how jacked Kris Kardashian’s face is. I absolutely love it.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

Sister Wife star loses her job

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 05:56 AM PDT

From left to right: Meri, Christine, Janelle and Robyn

Everyone’s favorite polygamist family, the Brown family of Lehi, Utah were on Oprah last week. It was pretty much a recap of their TLC reality show which had its first season finale over the weekend. One new thing I learned was that Kody’s first wife Meri, whose job was never disclosed on the show, lost her position in the mental health field as a result of her family’s new reality show. Meri is also studying psychology online and Janelle and Robyn work out of the home. Christine is a homemaker and cooks and cares for the children. On Oprah, Meri called her job loss “heartbreaking” but said it was understandable.


Kody, who works in advertising sales, says going public about his personal life has not affected his professional relationships.

“I’ve been in this career for about 10 years, and I’ve been fairly private about it,” he says. “I had good friends. They understood me, and I was their token polygamist friend.” Eventually, the entire company found out that I was [a polygamist], and the tolerance and acceptance has been beautiful.”

On the other hand, Meri’s former employer wasn’t as accepting. After Sister Wives premiered, Meri says she was terminated from her position in the mental health industry.

“They felt that they needed to protect the company, I think,” Meri says. “It actually makes me really sad because I loved my job. It breaks my heart, definitely. … But I understand where they’re coming from.”

While some wives have jobs outside the home, Christine is the designated stay-at-home mom. “It’s beyond me to not like it,” she says. “I love it.”


I haven’t yet seen the final two episodes of this show as they just aired last night but I’m looking forward to it. Apparently Kody’s “wedding” with Robyn was featured, and that took place about five months ago. Kody said on Oprah that there’s no sex before “marriage” in polygamy and implied that he didn’t sleep with Robyn before they had the non-legally binding wedding ceremony. Robyn, who has three children of her own, said that she’ll try for more with Kody. Of course she will, on the show Kody can be seen pressuring all but one of his wives, Janelle, to have more children despite infertility issues, health concerns, and the fact that he already has 13 biological children.

While the Browns are attempting to skirt around the law by only making one of Kody’s four marriage’s official, what they’re doing is still technically illegal. They’re of course being investigation for felony bigamy, and Kody said on Oprah that he found it “scary.” Oprah’s website also had more information on how the Browns can be charged with a crime even if only one of their marriages is legal:

Since the first episode aired, police in their home state of Utah have launched an investigation into this polygamist family. If they are charged and convicted of felony bigamy, Kody could face a maximum of 15 to 20 years in prison. His wives could face up to five years.

According to Utah’s bigamy statute, “A person is guilty of bigamy when, knowing he has a husband or wife, the person purports to marry another person or cohabits with another person.” This law applies to people who obtain multiple marriage licenses, as well as people who are legally married to only one person while also engaging in other marriage-like relationships.

“It’s scary,” Kody says. “I didn’t [expect it].”

[From Oprah]

There’s a good reason why this is the first polygamist family to go public. One of the wives just lost her job and now they’re all facing jail time.

Here’s video from the show of the first three wives giving fourth wife Robyn a claddagh ring on her wedding day. Robyn cries like constantly on that show. (AOL Video via Radar Online. Photos from TLC via

These photos are of Kody with his wives and their kids from last to first wife. (Robyn’s kids in the first photo below are from her first marriage but all the other wives have kids with Kody.)






Kanye West’s new cover art for ‘My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy’ banned

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 05:47 AM PDT

Kanye West makes his way to the Phillip Lim Fashion Show in New York City, New York on September 15, 2010. Fame Pictures, Inc

I don't even know where to begin with this one. So… Kanye West has a new album coming out. The album is called…My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Because Kanye is a 13-year-old Goth girl who thinks The Cure is the most important band, EVER, in the whole world and history of music. The name alone is enough to make you laugh at Kanye. But Kanye is too wonderful to only give us an ulbum name to chuckle at. Kanye tweeted the cover art for his album yesterday… and it is spectacular. Go to the end of the post to see this sh-t. It's amazing. Even MORE amazing? It got banned! Kanye sent out a flurry of awesome tweets bitching about how his album was banned too… my favorite line: "They don’t want me chilling on the couch with my phoenix!" Best. Line. Ever.



[From Kanye's Twitter]

My second favorite line is about Nirvana. You know what cover he's talking about? This one. A naked baby on Nevermind. Yes, Kanye is correct, it's still nudity. Gawker also pointed out that Kanye still isn't as awesome as Jane's Addiction - when Ritual de lo Habitual's artsy nudity was banned, Jane's Addiction just changed their cover art into the first amendment. Of course, that was all before Kanye wanted to represent with some phoenixes, yo.


NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 14: Kanye West attends the Rodarte Spring 2011 fashion show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week at Dia:Chelsea on September 14, 2010 in New York City. (Photo by Will Ragozzino/Getty Images)

Album cover courtesy of Gawker.

Justin Bieber questioned by cops for laser tag assault on 12 year-old

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 05:45 AM PDT

44863, OS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Monday September 13, 2010. Justin Bieber films the music video to his song U Smile in Downtown Los Angeles. The song is dedicated to his fans and is the third song to be released from his alnbum in the USA. Will Smith's son, Jaden Smith, also made a visit to the set with his minder. Photograph:  Nate Jones,
16 year-old popstar Justin Bieber was involved in some kind of altercation at a laser tag facility over the weekend in Richmond, British Columbia. Reports vary but apparently Justin either pushed or accidentally hit a 12 -year-old boy whose father made the decision to call the police. The cops questioned everyone and no arrests were made but apparently the investigation is ongoing. Website Zack Taylor have some of the details, and TMZ includes the allegation that the little 12 year old boy cornered and harassed Justin and called him the anti-gay “f” word, something his dad of course denies. Here’s the report from Zach Taylor:

Police are investigating 16-year-old Justin Bieber for allegedly assaulting a 12-year-old boy at Planet Lazer in Richmond, British Columbia the other night!!

Supposedly, Justin and child got into an altercation while playing laser tag, that resulted in Justin “pushing” the boy - A staff member at Planet Lazer, who wishes to remain anonymous, gave this exclusive statement on what exactly happened:

“The 12-year-old kid was surrounding Justin in the corner with his other little friends and shooting him during the game with their laser guns. Justin did what any other person would do during a laser tag game, and was just trying to get away from getting shot at and accidentally hit the kid while running away. The kid’s sister said he started crying because he was hit hard [in the face], but when we saw the boy there was no marks or anything. Justin stuck around after in the lobby explaining what happened, when the kids dad, Mr. Badali, decided to call the police. On a side note: Justin used the nickname, JOE DIRT, while playing laser tag.”

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Richmond confirm that the boy sustained minimal injuries and did not require any medical attention at the time.

Tess Marti, the daughter of Michael Marti who owns Planet Lazer, had this to say to us about how the situation ended:

“Justin told police he accidentally touched the 12-year-old’s face, and after police interviewed witnesses they let Justin and everyone else go. The next day the cops came to my house to ask a few more questions to my dad, but that was it.”

[From Zach]

It’s hard to know which side of the story to believe, but it seems suspicious to me that this kid’s dad is a lawyer. (He kept talking about it on the scene, according to TMZ) Would he have called the cops if his son was involved in a minor altercation with someone who was not famous? It’s not like there were signs of injury, according to reports. We’ll know for sure what his intentions were if we hear about a lawsuit. Some people are speculating on TMZ that the lawyer encouraged his kid to provoke Justin in order to get a response and eventually sue. Let’s hope that’s not the case. Either way, Justin footed the bill for both teams.

44863, OS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Monday September 13, 2010. Justin Bieber films the music video to his song U Smile in Downtown Los Angeles. The song is dedicated to his fans and is the third song to be released from his alnbum in the USA. Will Smith's son, Jaden Smith, also made a visit to the set with his minder. Photograph:  Nate Jones,

Singer Justin Bieber arrives at the MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles on September 12, 2010 in Los Angeles. UPI/Jim Ruymen Photo via Newscom

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