Saturday, October 16, 2010



Posted: 16 Oct 2010 10:50 AM PDT

Still searching for a Halloween costume? If you think you can pull of a Jersey girl, look no further. We’re giving our Facebook fans the chance to win one of two of these Jerseylicious prize packs, which contain everything you need to look like Olivia or Tracy (or, let’s be honest, Snooki) including Bumpits, hair spray and fake eyelashes. Click here and hit the “Like” button before 5 p.m. EST on Sunday October 24 to be entered to win. Then watch Jerseylicious every Sunday on the Style Network for more costume inspirations.

Post from: Crushable

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 07:23 AM PDT

Join Crushable for ‘Sunday Night Live.’  This Sunday nght at 10p.m. is the season finale of Mad Men. Join us tomorrow for our live chat, where we will surely lament the loss of Don Draper from our lives over the next few  months.

Post from: Crushable

Interview: Jessica Hlavac's I'm So Tiny

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 08:54 AM PDT

Here at Crushable, we are completely unashamed of our fascination with tiny things. Basically, if you miniaturize any object, we will want to buy, hold or hug it. So when we learned that our friend Jessica Hlavac had created a calendar of the tiny things she makes at I’m So Tiny, we were pretty excited. And we decided to track her down to ask all sorts of questions about the creation and presention of her tiny  little objects. Enjoy.

How did you start creating tiny things?
I’m not sure what exactly started it. I remember wanting to make a little cake, and then just doing it. It was pretty good, and I showed it to my husband, who kind of freaked out. I thought “I can do this better,” and then I made a banana, and showed it to my husband, who kind of freaked out.  I thought, “I can do this better,” then so on and so on. I would show an ever larger group of friends what I made, and then eventually strangers started finding my pictures and contacting me to tell me how much they liked them.

Why are small things so appealing?
I don’t know. I think about this a lot. The obvious answer is some kind of control or God complex thing, but that seems too simple. I’ve always liked fake food, and I’ve always liked miniature stuff. I never had a dollhouse, but growing up there was a dollhouse supply store in town, and I remember really liking the little mundane things, like tiny dish washing detergent, or little soda cans. There is something exciting about seeing an everyday object, which is inherently comforting, in a new perspective. It makes them wake up for a second, like a magic trick.

How do you make such tiny things?
I use razor blades, sandpaper, toothbrushes, tinfoil, sewing needles, toaster ovens, cornstarch, window screens, pasta machines, paint brushes, cookie cutters, rocks, wax paper, baby wipes, or whatever I find lying around.

What are your tiny foods made from?
Polymer clay and pastels. I also have a couple of varnishes I uses to create wet or matte effects.
Is your eyesight worse since starting to make itty bitty things?
No, but I am totally paranoid about that! I know I must be straining my eyes. I tried using some magnification while I worked, but I found it distracting and a pain. I feel like next time I have my eyes checked I should probably mention it.

Have you met any tiny fetishists since starting this?
YES! Well, I didn’t meet them exactly, but one day I noticed I was getting a lot of hits from a particular website, which turned out to be a forum for members of the macro/microphilia fetish community. There was this really sweet post that said something like “Look, this girl makes the cutest little food to feed a tiny man pet!” I got hundreds of visits a day for a while from there. It was kind of awesome, but no one ever contacted me directly.

Do people ever try to eat your tiny food items?
Oh no. They’d choke or break their teeth.

Anything else interesting that’s happened since you started I’m So Tiny?
Well I’ve had an art show in a lingerie store, and I just released a wall calendar. I've started making videos, and was recently invited to be a part of the project, which is like an online advent calendar for Halloween. I get featured on a lot of miniature enthusiast websites that are in languages I don’t understand. I find the fact that so many strangers pay any attention to my weird hobby really thrilling and humbling. I’m looking forward to seeing where this all goes.

And for your viewing pleasure, here’s a video of Jessica making a tiny breakfast:

breakfast from i’m so tiny on Vimeo.

Post from: Crushable

Interview: Jessica Hlavac's I'm So Tiny

Jennifer Petkov Arrested For Assault

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 06:52 AM PDT

Jennifer Petkov, the Detroit woman who is now the subject of internet for posting death threats about her 7-year-old dying neighbor on Facebook, was arrested this week. She allegedly attempted to hit a neighbor with her car. The woman pressing charges wasn’t related to Kathleen Edward , the little girl Jennifer was tauniting, but she was on her way to visit the family.

Meanwhile, Petkov’s husband Scott has been suspended from his job as a forklift driver, and is likely to be fired, due to frequent letters sent to his employer by 4Chan members.

Jennifer has since been released on bail. But it’s also come out that Jennifer Petkov was placed on probation for disorderly conduct for six months on July 5, 2010.

As for the Edward family, there has been an outpouring of support, and this week Kathleen went on a $2000 shopping spree at Tree Town Toys in Ann Arbor, thanks to generous donations made by people who have learned of the story.

Post from: Crushable

Jennifer Petkov Arrested For Assault

Celeb TweetUp: Do It For The Children!

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 03:23 PM PDT

Today in the wild and varied world of the celebrity Twittersphere, some of our favorite famous people had babies on the brain. In fact, a few even welcomed new babies into their lives. Like Neil Patrick Harris and Alicia Keys. The rest were just thinking about them.

How I Met Your Mother star Neil Patrick Harris is a daddy (of twins):

Mary J. Blige welcomed Alicia Keys‘ new baby into the world:

Meanwhile, Katy Perry is simply obsessed with children’s food:

John Cusack thinks his Halloween costume might scare the children:

And Paris Hilton is spending her Halloween helping out at a homeless shelter:

Post from: Crushable

Celeb TweetUp: Do It For The Children!

Yale Fraternity Chants About Sex, Apologizes

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 02:48 PM PDT

A Yale fraternity gave everyone on campus a lesson in sexual harassment this week, when they marched around campus chanting obnoxious things like "No means yes, “Yes means anal" and “I f— dead women." And campus women’s groups predictably went into sexual harassment lockdown.

Obviously, the stunt was idiotic, and now the campus is in crisis mode. But the debacle serves as a reminder that college dudes like this are willing to do things they know to be completely wrong if offered enough booze. And the women’s rights groups aren’t around when that happens in private.

On Wednesday, Yale’s Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity members recited such winning lines as this:

“My name is Jack. I’m a necrophiliac. I fuck dead women and fill them with my semen.”
But now they’re sorry and dealing with the feminist retribution. It’s hard for a frat to distance itself completely from a pledge prank, but that’s what DKE President Jordan Forney '11 is trying to do, calling the pledge chants "inappropriate, disrespectful, and very hurtful to others. It was a serious lapse in judgment by the fraternity and in very poor taste."

There was a campus wide "Forum on Yale's Sexual Climate" today, and the frat is undergoing counseling with campus women’s rights group.

Oddly, DKE is the same frat that was represented in an art video in 2007. Some of the brothers then participated in “Fraternity,” which is a recording of frat members competing to see who could scream the longest. It’s actually rather fascinating, and shifts between funny and intimidating pretty quickly:

As IvyGate says:

“The men were happy to participate in the project in exchange for a keg of beer.”

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened at Yale. In 2008, 12 Zeta Psi pledges stood outside the campus Women’s Center holding signs that read "We Love Yale Sluts."

Post from: Crushable

Yale Fraternity Chants About Sex, Apologizes

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 02:05 PM PDT

Lots of love for a little princess boy - This totally made us cry like three times. Five-year-old Dyson is a boy who likes to dress up in sparkly gowns – and his whole family thinks it’s great. His mom even wrote a book called My Princess Boy that’s being used as an anti-bullying tool. Ordered! (The Frisky)

Post from: Crushable

Crush This: Hello CMJ, Goodbye 'Mad Men'

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 02:06 PM PDT

Welcome to Crush This, your weekly guide to what's new in movies, music and TV. This week, we’re getting jazzed for the start of the annual CMJ Festival in New York. For those of you outside the city, we’ll be interviewing bands and highlighting some of our favorite shows throughout the week.  And also, we’re not really prepared for the season finale of Mad Men, but that doesn’t mean it won’t still be happening this Sunday night.

    This week’s crush:
    This week’s crush is Lia Ices! Named by as one of 3o Best Artists from CMJ Festival, she is playing at Pianos this Thursday the 21st at 9:45p.m . Her album, Necima, was released in 2008 and has been steadily gaining recognition since. However, she isn’t just a talented singer-songwriter: she also helped produce several indie bands, such as Animal Collective and Black Dice. With a voice like Regina Spektor and Joanna Newsom’s imaginary baby and an icey (ha!) Kate Moss-esque stare, you don’t want to miss her show.

What we’re excited for on TV:
FX Network
is having an exciting movie marathon from this Friday until the end of next weekend. It will feature some awesome movies ( like V for Vendetta) as well as some awesomely bad stuff ( like The Happening), but check the full schedule to see all they have to offer.

Also, Mad Men is ending its season this Sunday night at 10p.m. (sad face). We’ll be liveblogging, for any of you who are anticipating some separation anxiety and want to commiserate.

What we’re NOT excited for:
Jackass Movie 3D
, in theatres today. They still make these? Well, I can’t handle watching them throw up a zillion times each and I certainly won’t watch it projecting from the screen towards my face.

We aren’t sure how to feel about:
covering The XX’s “Islands” on her new album Sale el Sol, to be releasted on October 19th. Decide for yourselves.

Post from: Crushable

Crush This: Hello CMJ, Goodbye 'Mad Men'

Sex On The Wire: Don't Get Roofied, Please!

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 02:00 PM PDT

• Uh oh, you guys. Apparently roofies are on the rise. Last weekend 50 girls were rushed to the hospital after they were slipped the drug at a college party. Ladies: Never leave your drinks unattended! (gURL)

• What are the ten absolute worst places to meet men? The first one is “funerals” so you can see where this is headed. (The Gloss)

• Open relationship? Secret elopement? Betty Confidential readers share their tales of non-traditional partnerships. (Betty Confidential)

• Home-cooked sex, take-out sex and gourmet sex: According to one expert, these are the three types necessary for ling-term love. We have just one edit: Um, women like quickies too, dude. (YourTango)

• Sometimes simply saying “not interested” isn’t enough. Get rid of those more aggressive men once and for all with some dude-be-gone tips. (College Candy)

• Tony Blair is eligible for a bad sex award! Bad sex writing, that is. The former British Prime Minister’s recently published memoirs are said to contain some pretty horrifying sex scenes. Bloody hell! (Nerve)

Post from: Crushable

Sex On The Wire: Don't Get Roofied, Please!

The Daily WTF: Make Your Ugly Daughter Beautiful!

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 01:30 PM PDT

“I swear to god Tiffany if you don’t smile for the judges this year while doing your routine, I’m going to force one of these little Japanese inserts into your mouth and make you wear it until you’re old enough to learn that boys don’t like little girls who scowl.”

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Make Your Ugly Daughter Beautiful!

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