Monday, October 18, 2010



Fashion Fix: Saran Wrap Your Pedicure

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 10:33 AM PDT

Now that it’s not summer anymore, we often forget to wax, shave, and primp those parts of our body that we flaunt during the warmer months. Certainly treating our toenails to a nice pedicure falls under the category, but we have an excuse! Who has time to let their feet dry after two coats of paint, when there is a good chance it’s just going to smear on your socks and ruin the whole look? Unlike June-August, flip-flops in the colder months are not a viable option, so what’s a girl to do to keep her pedi color on without smearing? Luckily, that’s why god invented a little item called saran wrap.

According to TheGloss‘ editor-in-chief Lilit Marcus, a neat sparlour trick involves your pedicurist putting on the polish, then a top-coat of a spray like RapidDry. Finally, you wrap your toes up in clear saran wrap to decrease the chances of smudging and put your socks and shoes on for your trek home. It’s not foolproof, and your feet may start to sweat while being basted like a chicken, but at least you won’t have to spend an extra 30 minutes awkwardly making small talk with the woman who cleans your feet.

Post from: Crushable

Fashion Fix: Saran Wrap Your Pedicure

Obama On 'Mythbusters'? Now This Is Why We Voted For The Guy

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 10:30 AM PDT

We’re calling an emergency DVR session to announce that President Obama is scheduled to appear on an episode of Mythbusters. Obama will join Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman as they test the myth of the Archimedes heat ray — a tale from ancient times that claims it’s possible to bounce sun rays onto approaching ships and cause them to catch fire. This comes on the heels of the President’s pledge to dedicate more resources to math and science education. And will hopefully lead to a pledge to dedicate more resources to Jamie’s mustache.

The ep will air on December 8th, so don’t forget to press record.

(via The Daily What)

Post from: Crushable

Obama On 'Mythbusters'? Now This Is Why We Voted For The Guy

Celebrity Lookalikes: Halloween Mask Edition

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 10:13 AM PDT

Sure, for Halloween this year you can go out and buy a creepy witch mask and claim you’re Christine O’Donnell, but that’s really only scratching the surface of celebrity-ghoul relationships. Look at the eerie similarities we found between some of our favorite stars and famous monster masks.

  • Angelina from the Jersey Shore is the wicked witch of Staten Island
  • Boardwalk Empire's Michael Shannon's craggily face looks like Frankenstein
  • Robert Pattinson's blank-face bears a resemblance to Michael Meyers
  • Spencer Pratt playing dress-up or Bigfoot? You decide!
  • Kelly Bensimon and the Scream mask, seperated at birth?
  • Lindsay Lohan and this pumpkin have the same here.

Post from: Crushable

Celebrity Lookalikes: Halloween Mask Edition

Love It Or Leave It: Willow Smith's Snail Nails

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 11:06 AM PDT

Today on Access Hollywood, Willow Smith came on to talk about the video for Whip Your Hair Back. While she was there, she debuted a new manicure that co-host Kit Hoover described as “Halloween candy on the nails.” We’re not sure what to make of them, since it looks like her nail attachments would make it hard to actually complete daily tasks, like typing and eating.

They appear to be snap on nail designs, and look like they might cater exclusively to elementary schoolers or the rich and fabulous – namely people who don’t actually need to use their hands for work. The attachments include snails and a cake. Willow isn’t even sure what they are. She started explaining the designs and got stumped, saying:

“I don’t know what this is… But I know that that’s a strawberry.”

Kit decided that Willow’s snail nails make her a “trendsetter!” She thinks we’ll be seeing these on girls everywhere soon thanks to the pint sized pop singer.

All I know is this: That’s what my mom used to say to me in high school whenever I wore an outfit she didn’t like.

Post from: Crushable

Love It Or Leave It: Willow Smith's Snail Nails

Crushable Guide: 5 Tips to How to be a Saner Stalker

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 09:05 AM PDT

As much as I love self-help advice for the love-sick, I’m getting bored of reading all these lists on “how to get over him.” Most of the tips come from a good place, but impossible to carry through. Like “take up a hobby to get your mind off your ex.” That’s basically like saying “Stop thinking about a white polar bear,” except the polar bear in this scenario is that bastard who broke your heart by announcing you guys were through via Facebook.

As someone who has spent their entire life dealing with obsessive crushes — from my camp counselor to my dentist to the guy who broke up with me two weeks into freshman year — I’ve developed my own method for getting over guys, and it’s all about moderation, ladies. You know you’re going to Facebook-stalk him anyway, so here is a guide for doing it without coming off as creepy.

1. Don’t try to avoid him at all costs: You ever heard the phrase “Absence makes the heart grows fonder?” Yeah, that applies even to jerks who you swear you never want to see again. And if you try to quit your crush cold turkey and map a schedule that avoids his at all costs, you’re just spending more time thinking about him. Our advice? Don’t change any of your current habits: If you walk a certain way to class, don’t go out of your way just because you’ll know you’ll bump into him. If he eats lunch at 12:15 and so do you, don’t consider the cafeteria off-limits. It’ll show him that you don’t care enough to even give it a second thought.

2. Do take a look at his interests. You didn’t care about his love of sketch comedy before, but now is a good time to check to check out his “interests” online. We’re not saying you should join every club he’s a part of, but at least the next time he overhears you having a conversation with a cute guy in the hallway, you can loudly proclaim how Chicago’s Second City has produced so many better comedians than any of New York’s clubs. And hey, showing up at a couple of your school’s comedy nights couldn’t hurt…you might even meet a cuter (and more talented) version of the guy you like.

3. Don’t befriend his female friends: This is very tempting, especially because you may already be tight with his inner circle. But those girls, no matter how smiley and sweet to your face, still consider you the weird girl that can’t let go of their best dude friend. Whatever you say to them is guaranteed to get back to him, so if you have to talk to these ladies at all, don’t bother making up some lie about your new romantic beau (it sounds desperate), but do gossip about how cute your mutual history professor is.

4. Do keep in touch: Again, this is something considered a big no-no in most “get over him” guides. Most people will tell you to write him an email explaining all your feelings, and then never send it. Guess what though? Once you write that email, it will be REALLY hard not to send it. Come on, it’s already written! Instead, we go with the moderation approach: send a ‘hey what’s up’ message if you feel like it, but don’t get into anything personal. Just mention this band/movie/book you thought he’d like, keep it under three lines, and don’t leave it with “maybe you want to get together sometime…” He’ll feel less pressured to respond (though don’t be upset if he doesn’t…you are stalking him after all), and a little poke once in awhile never hurt anybody.

5. Don’t think he has all the power: No matter how rejected you feel, you own your feelings. Their yours, and no one can take it away from you, not even the guy who broke your heart. This scene from Adaptation sums it up perfectly for me:

No guy has the right to take your love away from you, even if he doesn’t deserve it in the first place. Keep that in mind, stay sane, and happy hunting!

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Guide: 5 Tips to How to be a Saner Stalker

8 Ways To Avoid The Stress Of Midterms

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 08:58 AM PDT

Ah, fall: The season of apple cider, cashmere scarves, beautiful orange leaves and — oh no, midterms! The most terrifying holiday of all! But this year there’s no need to stress-eat your way through an entire pumpkin pie. We’ve got eight ways to keep you from collapsing under an avalanche of stress during this festive season of exams.

1. Figure out a plan of attack: Don’t make midterms week worse by getting in your own way. Head disorganization off at the pass by creating a detailed schedule of everything you need to get done. And don’t be afraid to cross thing off once you’e completed them — in bright red marker, even.

2. Remember to eat: And no, we don’t mean Red Bull and granola bars. Make yourself go to the dining hall and pile away a good, healthy meal. Bonus points if you do this three times a day.

3. Make a playlist: Are there certain songs that make you feel super relaxed even when you feel like the world’s crashing down, one Sociology text at a time? Put all those songs together on one go-to playlist to break out in times of extreme stress.

4. Do that whole exercise thing: Yes, we know, every time you get stressed out someone’s right there to say “Just exercise more!” But it’s true. Go for a jog before a study session to clear your head and sweat out some of those stressors.

5. Don’t be afraid to take breaks: Breaks are good, breaks help your brain recalibrate. Schedule in a nice walk or a power nap every now and again.

6. Do your laundry beforehand: The last thing you need to worry about during exams is whether or not you have enough socks to make it through the week. So plan ahead and pop in a wash the week before. (This is your mother speaking.)

7. Give yourself a social networking reprieve: Just spent four hours memorizing facts about plate tectonics? Don’t kill your roll by logging into Facebook only to discover that Johnny’s in a relationship with Susie. Cut yourself off from online gossip for a week — your wall will still be there after exams are over.

8. Get some sleep, darnit: You’re no good to anyone if you’re so exhausted you can’t read the exam questions. Make sure you get

Post from: Crushable

8 Ways To Avoid The Stress Of Midterms

Don't Forget To Become Our Facebook Fan And Enter To Win A 'Jerseylicious' Prize

Posted: 12 Oct 2010 09:14 AM PDT

Jerseylicious prize pack

Now’s your chance to “Like” Crushable on Facebook, or you’ll miss out on this opportunity to win a Jerseylicious-themed prize pack work over $100. What’s Jerseylicious you ask? Perhaps this video clip will help us explain.

Jerseylicious is a reality show on the Style Network. Currently in its second season, the show follows the lives of salon owners Gayle and Christy and their staff of hairdressers and make-up artists, including the feuding duo of Olivia and Tracy, the “Glam Fairy” Alexa and sweet, romantic Gigi. This season, Gayle has been struggling with becoming a grandma, and Tracy can be downright evil.

Now, enough about the show, here’s the goodies you can win. Crushable is giving TWO lucky Facebook fans each one of these prize packs, which include Aqua Net Extra Super Hold Hair Spray, E.l.f. Dramatic Lash Kid, Liquid Eyeliner and Duo POWDER Eyeshadow in Black Licorice, Babe Tool Lip Gloss in Fake Bake, Bella il Fiore Mani & More Accessory Set in black with leopard print tools (so Jersey), a 3-pack of Bumpits to help you make your poof, and a Jerseylicious tank top and an animal print tote bag. The entire thing is valued at over $100.

If you're already a fan of Crushable on Facebook you've automatically been entered to win one of these prize packs. If not, you will have until Sunday, October 24 at 5 p.m. EST to click here and hit the "Like" button. You must have a U.S. mailing address (no P.O. boxes) to be eligible to win. No purchase necessary.

Two winners will be chosen randomly and notified via Facebook message on Monday October 25. Becoming a fan of Crushable on Facebook now will automatically enter you to win more giveaways like this in the future. And don't forget to become a fan of Jerseylicious on Facebook, too, and follow the show on Twitter so you'll always get the most up-to-the-minute news about your favorite Jersey hair stylists and make-up artists.

And of course, watch Jerseylicious every Sunday on the Style Network. Like you have to be reminded to do that.

Post from: Crushable

Don't Forget To Become Our Facebook Fan And Enter To Win A 'Jerseylicious' Prize

Ahhh, It's Zombie Jon Hamm!

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 08:59 AM PDT

Did Jon Hamm dress up for Halloween early, or does the poor guy just need to get some sleep? Either way, the actor arrived at the Mad Men season finale party looking less-than-fresh. Wait, we’ve got it! Maybe Jon’s promoting The Walking Dead, AMC’s new zombie apocalypse series (premiering October 30th, of course).

Does that mean a MM/WD crossover is in our future? We could definitely see Betty wandering around with dripping flesh.

Post from: Crushable

Ahhh, It's Zombie Jon Hamm!

Crushable Quotable: Anne Hathaway's Dating Dealbreaker Is...Fraud

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 09:34 AM PDT

With her new movie Love & Other Drugs coming out November 24, Anne Hathaway is kicking off her publicity tour with a beautiful spread shot by Mario Testino in the November issue of Vogue. Our favorite highlight of the piece?

Anne’s response to a question about dating. When asked about her dating dealbreakers, Anne laughed and responded:


It’s nice to see Anne is ready to joke about her relationship with Raffaello Follieri. He pleaded guilty to fraud and was sentenced to 4.5 years in jail in 2008, after swindling investors out of millions by claiming he had Vatican connections that were going to let him buy church property at a discount. Oops. Turns out that wasn’t so much true.

Hathaway says the experience taught her to be “more wary”:

“It takes a minute for me to let my guard down, but once I do and I get to know someone, I’m very open, very trusting. Some might say too trusting.”

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Quotable: Anne Hathaway's Dating Dealbreaker Is...Fraud


Post from: Crushable

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